Podcast: Target Zero Hunger

就相关问题发表的博客,全球粮食安全根本问题的事件和政策。伴随着好奇之心,在最新的研究成果和来自全世界的农民,发展问题专家和决策者的帮助下,每一集都在我们的粮食系统中都洒下了一片光亮,并探索着这样的问题:日益增长的大城市将如何获得他们的食物? 保护森林如何帮助我们消除饥饿?以及改变饮食习惯可以怎样影响我们这个星球上的生物多样性?

Across the globe, people are transforming agrifood systems to become more nutritious, equitable and sustainable. Listen to how one town in northern Italy sparked a global movement to bring about [...]
In April 2021, four astronauts travelled to space for six months where they conducted a series of scientific experiments. From inside the International Space Station, astronaut and FAO Goodwill Ambassador [...]
Who says children shouldn’t play in the kitchen? Cooking healthy food starts young in this Touch Smell Taste cooking class in Rome. The hands-on cooking lab led by Naheda Slayih [...]
The Greater Karamoja Cluster lies at the crossroads of Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda. In this vast desert region nearly the size of the United Kingdom, crossing borders is [...]
Tonle Sap Lake in northeast Cambodia is one of the most productive inland fishing waters in the world, due to flooding and monsoon. Fisheries are the backbone of country’s economy, [...]
