Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Sowing the seeds of change

Planting the facts in a child’s mind could make a world of difference

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The special ingredient in our recipe for a world free of hunger is each and every one of us, including the youth. ©FAO


The 7.5 billion humans alive on the planet today are, more than ever, putting a strain on the planet as they consume much of the world’s resources in their – our – daily lives. We have become disconnected with the natural resources and processes need to produce the food we eat. Who is sticking up for our world – and the future generations who will inherit it?

In order to impart the knowledge that we have gained on to our children, FAO has produced four new guides that explain the challenges facing us as we strive for a world with zero hunger. They have been developed and written specifically for tomorrow’s adults so that they can not only study the issues but turn their own ideas into actions for a better future.

Feeding the world

Did you know that there are over twice as many overweight individuals in the world as there are people who go to bed hungry each night? Working for Zero Hunger is a children’s activity book that is packed with information about how to improve the lives of the 821 million people who suffer food shortages – and even how to go about tackling the obesity crisis.

As well as discovering many different facts and figures relating to the planet’s food habits, children will learn that every single one of us needs to take action to achieve Zero Hunger, be they government official, farmer, businessman or even a school-ager like them.

Left: Healthy and nutritious food is one of the essential elements of a good quality of life. Photo: ©FAO Right: Migrants enrich cultures and bring new talents to our countries. No matter who or where they are, migrants deserve protection, respect, safety and dignity. Photo: ©FAO

Crossing continents

Just three years ago, one out of every seven people in the world was a migrant. Some were fleeing from war, famine or oppressive regimes, while others were simply looking for a more economically viable future for themselves and their families. Migration is a challenge today partly because people are arriving in countries or towns in large groups, often seeking protection.

Our Change the future of migration activity book explores why people choose to embark on what can be a perilous journey, sometimes alone, sometimes bringing their families along with them. FAO is working to make sure that people have the choice to stay home, when it is safe to do, by lifting them out of hunger and poverty.

Rain or shine

What would happen if we cut down all the forests and if we did nothing to protect our oceans or the people affected by the changing climate? Our everyday actions, decisions and behavior all have an impact on the climate. Just like its inhabitants, our planet needs to breathe as well.

Climate is changing – and so must we. This is the message of the third FAO activity book, which uses well-known fairy-tale characters to try and explain the need to grow our food without harming the planet. This book looks at seven different areas related to food and agriculture where change needs to happen if we want to deal with climate change. This is one of the ways that we can end world hunger.

FAO’s role is to represent countries around the world and unite them in the fight against hunger. ©FAO

This is how we do it

Do you want to know more about the organization behind the website on which this post has been written? Your Guide to FAO will tell you all about the Rome-based agency, founded after the Second World War when there were severe food shortages. Seventy-three years later, FAO is still in existence and working towards its goal of eliminating hunger and malnutrition in poverty-hit rural areas the world over.

The organization counts on people who are at the top of their field in every sector: agronomists, specialists in forestry, fisheries and animal resources, nutritionists, to name just a few, all needed for us to do a good job in the countries that need urgent help. 

From the Lebanon to Mozambique, via Thailand and Colombia, there are 130 countries in the world where FAO has a presence. After all, a world without food is no world at all.

Join us on the #ZeroHunger journey to discover what each of us – including, governments, farmers, businesses - can do to reach this goal. Our actions are our future, and they will determine the future of our food and the planet.

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