Bags developed from
Type of practice Recycle
Name of practice Bags developed from
Name of main actor University Sains Malaysia
Type of actor(s) Research institution
Location Malaysia
Stage of implementation End-of-life
Year of implementation 2010
What was/is being done? Researchers at University Sains Malaysia
(USM) convert tropical fruit waste into
flour, which they fabricate into biodegradable
plastic film, FruitPlast .
Outcomes and impacts FruitPlast
stands up in both tensile strength and
“elongation at break” level, compared
with normal plastic wraps. Bags made
from the film naturally degrade in three
to six months when exposed to elements,
but will last one to two years on the shelf.
They cost 10 percent less than the current
commercially used non-biodegradable
plastic bags. This technique has the double
environmental advantage of making
functional use of waste and reducing the
production of packaging.