- Is site-specific and its performance is due to not the techniques per se, but rather the ecological processes that underlie sustainability. It avoids dependence on external inputs, emphasizing use of agro-diversity and beneficial synergies;
- Is a culturally acceptable approach, as it builds upon traditional and indigenous knowledge in improving agro-biodiversity and local natural resources while increasing food availability and improving nutrition;
- Is socially beneficial, as its diffusion requires constant farmers participation and community building;
- Is a promoter of processes of governance as it is built on higher and better participation and decision-making mechanism, social empowerment, inclusiveness and locally adequate measures and approaches;
- Is ecologically sound, as it does not attempt to modify the flows of energy and nutrients of existing systems, but rather tries to optimize their performance through adaptation;
- Is economically beneficial, as it increases the real value of capital input, while constituting a big source of income and jobs for farmers and families, thus reducing poverty.