AQUASTAT - FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture

    UN-Water Country Briefs

    The UN-Water Country Briefs (WCB), implemented by AQUASTAT on behalf of UN-Water with financial support from the United States Department of State, aim to better visualize the critical importance of "investments in water" for human and economic development. The intention is to foster increased political momentum for stronger interventions on water-related issues by policy makers, dealing with peace and security, infrastructure investments, agricultural, health, education and environmental issues, as well as macro- and micro-economic perspectives. The ultimate goals are to mobilize increased financial and institutional investments directed to water-related interventions, to serve as a tool for advocacy on water issues in more general terms and as decision support tools in policy processes. The primary target group is national governments, but major civil society organizations, private sector actors, and the media are also key stakeholders. During the pilot phase briefs have been prepared for thirteen countries, which are: The Gambia, Ghana, United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia in Africa; Chile, Guyana and Mexico in the Americas; Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Oman, Philippines and Viet Nam in Asia.
