Plates, pyramids, planet. Developments in national healthy and sustainable dietary guidelines: a state of play assessment FAO and The Food Climate Research Network at The University of Oxford, 2016
This report considers the role of national level dietary guidelines in providing a steer on what dietary patterns that are both healthy and sustainable look like.

Influencing food environments for healthy diets Rome, 2016
This publication focuses on Influencing food environments for healthy diets and offers suggestions on suitable interventions to address that environment. Countries will find the information useful as they develop policies and programmes to make healthy diets an easier choice for their citizens.

The State of Food-based Dietary Guidelines in Latin America and the Caribbean 21 years after the International Conference on Nutrition, 2014 (in Spanish)

Regional Consultation on Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for countries in the Asia Region-A report India, 2010
Summary report of a Regional Consultation held on 6-9 December 2010 in New Delhi, India. Organized by the the Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi; the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for South-East Asia and the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

Developing Food-Based Dietary Guidelines Rome, 2007
A manual from the English-speaking Caribbean

FAO/WHO Technical Consultation on National FBDGs Egypt, 2004
Summary report of a Technical Consultation held on 6-9 December 2004, in Cairo, Egypt. Organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) Regional Office for the Near East in conjunction with the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean.

Preparation and use of food-based dietary guidelines Report of a joint FAO/WHO consultation. Nicosia, Cyprus, 1996