Food-based dietary guidelines - Honduras
Official name
Dietary guidelines for Honduras. Tips for healthy eating (Spanish: Guías alimentarias de Honduras. Consejos para una alimentación sana).
Publication year
The first set of food-based dietary guidelines for Honduras was published in 2011. A revised version was published in 2013.
Process and stakeholders
The National Dietary Guidelines Committee, coordinated by the National Food Security Programme of the Ministry of Health, led the revision process of the dietary guidelines. The Committee received support from the FAO, the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama and the Pan American Health Organization.
The guidelines are endorsed by the Ministry of Health.
Intended audience
The guidelines are aimed at the healthy population aged 2 years and older.
Food guide
The food guide is a pot that represents the major food groups and the proportion of these that must be eaten regularly to be healthy. A serving spoon containing oils, fats and sugars indicates that these should be consumed in moderation. Images of a glass of water and people doing physical activity are placed on the background.
- Eat foods from all food groups to enjoy good health.
- Eat fruits and vegetables every day because they have vitamins that prevent disease.
- Eat meat, fish or offal at least twice a week to promote growth and strengthen your body.
- Reduce consumption of fried foods and cold meats to keep your heart healthy.
- Reduce salt intake and avoid using bouillon, stock cubes and instant soups to prevent high blood pressure.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to ensure the proper functioning of your body.
- Walk for at least half an hour a day to stay healthy and stress free.