Webinar: Vector-borne blood parasites & AMR
Virtual Event, 05/12/2024

5 December 2024 | 16:00 - 17:00 (CET) | Online
Vector-borne blood parasites are infectious agents which are transmitted by vectors and whose life cycle in the animal takes place mainly in the blood stream. These agents, especially protozoans, cause diseases in animals and humans, causing huge impacts across the One Health spectrum.
Prevention and control of these parasitic diseases are mainly achieved by synthetic medicinal products composed of a wide range of drug classes and molecules targeting parasites and their vectors.
What we call antimicrobials include drugs used to treat these protozoan diseases whose intensive use and misuse can generate resistance. Alongside this, the direct indication of antibiotic use as antiparasitic treatment is often underrecognized. The growing spread of drug-resistant vector strains is further contributing to the problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
The webinar is an opportunity for the Community of Practice on tick control and acaricide resistance management in livestock members to learn more about the drivers and impact of vector-borne protozoan parasites on the use and resistance to antimicrobials in livestock.