Number of records: 27

Agro Eco Louis Bolk Institute

Agro Eco Louis Bolk Institute conducts research on organic agriculture, nutrition and health care and engages in knowledge transfer in Africa.  The Institute, which is based in the Netherlands, has two regional offices in Africa to engage in research and information dissemination around tropical organic agriculture: Eastern Africa (Uganda) and West Africa (Ghana).  Research at the Institute is divided into four thematic areas: Human, Animal, Plant and Soil.  Current studies include organic productivity trials using different pest and disease management strategies; organic cotton staple length trials; studies on organic livestock rearing techniques; research on the nutritional and health attributes of organic food; and work in support of organic social impact research. 

Country: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem - Economics, Markets, Trade - Nutrition, Quality, Health - Post Harvest and Safety - Seeds and Breeds
Resource Concentrations: Consumers - Fruit & Vegetables - Livestock - Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: organic research


Biodynamic Agricultural Association of Southern Africa (BDAASA)

The aim of the Biodynamic Agricultural Association of Southern Africa (BDAASA) association is to strengthen, promote and advance the practice of biodynamic agriculture in southern Africa. In order to do this, the association seeks to establish an effective resource centre that can support the development of biodynamic farmers, farms and farming practice.

Country: South Africa
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Nutrition, Quality, Health - Seeds and Breeds
Resource Concentrations: Compost & Waste
Type of Institution: other organic partners


Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources (CSANR), Washington State University

CSANR is actively supporting the expansion of organic agriculture through teaching, research and outreach.  Current research priorities in organic agriculture include nutrient and soil management, the integration of livestock and cropping systems, pest management, seed production, food quality and economics.  

Country: United States of America
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Economics, Markets, Trade - Nutrition, Quality, Health - Seeds and Breeds
Resource Concentrations: Cropland Yield - Livestock - Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: organic research


Centro de Ciência e Engenharia Agrícola (CECEA) (Agricultural Science and Engineering Centre), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

The Centre focuses its research activity around agri-food quality, sustainable food production and the environment.  One of CECEA’s research themes is dedicated to organic farming and the role of secondary plant metabolites as biocides.  In addition, researchers in CECEA collaborated on the QLIF project to quantify the effect of different production methods on food quality and safety.

Country: Portugal
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Nutrition, Quality, Health
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: organic research


Consorcio Centro de Investigación y Formación de Agricultura Ecológica y Desarrollo Rural de Granada (CIFAED)

El objetivo general del CIFAED es potenciar la Agricultura Ecológica como motor de desarrollo rural sostenible, dado que ésta permite mejorar y mantener el buen estado de los recursos naturales; generar renta para los habitantes de los pueblos; revalorizar los recursos locales; articularse con otras actividades económicas y desarrollar canales cortos de comercialización que permiten a los productores la captación de un mayor valor añadido, y mostrar el importante impacto socio-económico que la Agricultura Ecológica está generando en la Unión Europea, en conjunción con otras estrategias con las que establece sinergias. En el Centro de Investigación y Formación de Agricultura Ecológica y Desarrollo Rural de Granada se llevan a cabo diversas labores de investigación en torno a la agricultura y ganadería ecológicas.

Country: Spain
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Nutrition, Quality, Health - Post Harvest and Safety - Seeds and Breeds
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: organic research


Department of Terrestrial Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Aarhus University

NERI is part of Aarhus University. NERI undertakes scientific consultancy work, monitoring of nature and the environment as well as applied and strategic research. NERI’s task is to establish a scientific foundation for environmental policy decisions. Organic farming and developing methods for environmentally responsible pest control in Africa are major themes in the Department of Terrestrial Ecology.

Country: Denmark
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Nutrition, Quality, Health
Resource Concentrations: Pastures - Underutilized Varieties
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Aarhus

The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences has seven academic departments, covering a breadth of agricultural issues.  The University is a collaborating centre with ICROFS and researchers in the Faculty have partnered with ICROFS to study various organic issues.  Recent organic research undertaken by the Faculty has included comparison studies of dairy products produced under organic and non-organic systems, selective livestock breeding, methods of plant pest protection and levels of greenhouse gas emissions from organic soils under different agricultural management schemes. 

Country: Denmark
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Climate Change - Nutrition, Quality, Health - Seeds and Breeds
Resource Concentrations: Comparative Studies - Livestock - Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences

The Division of Organic Foodstuffs is a teaching and research division interested in the quality of organically produced foods and their impact on health.  Researchers in this division are interested in the quality of organically produced foods and their impact on health.  Recent research includes comparative studies on the nutritional quality of organic versus conventional plant products.


Country: Poland
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Nutrition, Quality, Health
Resource Concentrations: Comparative Studies - Consumers
Type of Institution: organic research


Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel

The aim of the Faculty is to impart knowledge of sustainable agriculture with regard to different agro-ecological and economical conditions.  The Faculty’s main focal areas are in crop sciences, animal sciences, socio-economic and food sciences.  Within each focal area, there are multiple departments that focus on areas such as, but not limited to, agricultural engineering, crop production, animal nutrition, ecological plant protection, farm management, grassland science and renewable plant resources, marketing, and food quality and culture.   

Country: Germany
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Climate Change - Economics, Markets, Trade - Nutrition, Quality, Health - Temperate and Irrigated Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Agro-energy - Consumers - Cropland Yield - Fruit & Vegetables - Livestock - Pastures - Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: organic research


Foods for Health Institute and the Mitchell Lab, University of California-Davis

Researchers at the Foods for Health Institute have conducted research on the antioxidant, mineral and nitrate composition of organic fruit.  The Mitchell Lab focuses its research on phytochemicals and conducts comparative research on the nutrient and phytochemical content of organic and conventional fruits and vegetables.

Country: United States of America
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Nutrition, Quality, Health
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: organic research

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