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Fruit and Vegetables

In 2007, 178,000 ha of vegetables were grown organically around the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, organic vegetables are grown in Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, Malawi, South Africa, and Zambia, although this production is almost entirely for export. While much research on organic production of fruit and vegetables is taking place, it encompasses only a handful of crops and is mostly being undertaken in developed countries in temperate and subtropical climates.

Organic farmers are seeking information on how to organically manage pests and pathogens. They are asking for expanded information on the potential of botanical pesticides for crop protection, production techniques for low soil fertility conditions, and identification of indigenous varieties that perform well under organic management. There is also a need to understand how to reduce the risks of fruit and vegetable postharvest losses (which can be as high as 40-60 percent of yields) due to pest damage and spoilage.

Research on organic vegetable production is conducted at numerous universities and research institutions around the world, but this information has yet to be collated. The World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC) has undertaken organic vegetable research as well as civil society organisations such as Garden Organics.

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