

Title: Capacity building in organic farming and processing of organically certified and Fair Trade labelled agricultural produce for local and export niche markets (TCP/SAM/3203 (D))

Objectives: The project aimed at building the capacity of farmers’ organizations to better support the development of the growing organic industry in Samoa, and to further facilitate the training and nurturing of organic farmers and processors in Samoa, to gain organic and fair trade certification to international standards, while enabling an environment where these farmers can export their products to the available niche markets.

The project offered to build the capacity of a key NGO promoting organic agriculture in Samoa as well as of farmer and processor groups. Under the processing and value adding component, a targeted solar drying training was provided to selected processors. A technical manual was also prepared. Other trainings and manuals were provided for fruit drying, coffee processing and post-harvest management techniques.

The Phase II of the project (TCP/SAM/3303) started in May 2012 to further contribute to sustainable market access and increased market supplies by Samoan farmers. Under the second phase of the project, farmer and manufacturer organizations, associations and businesses were gathered to discuss a coordination mechanism for organic governance and a related organic action plan. This aimed to provide a collective vision for organic agriculture in Samoa. A value chain workshop for members of farmers organizations and processors and a training in food packaging and food safety were organized.