
Title: Organic Agriculture as Tool to Strive Against Lack of Food Security among Women Headed Households

Objectives: To improve safety and security of food production methods with a particular focus on women.


Title: Organic Production of Vegetables and Food Crops

Objectives: Improve and strengthen the skills and knowledge base of students through the teaching of practical and theorical principles of agricultural production and marketing.


Title: Organic Vegetable Production Project - A Sustainable Solution that Provides Income, Employment and Healthy Food

Objectives: The principal objective of the Project will be the development of a harmonious and sustainable relationship between the youth of the cities included in the project, and the environment. It will contribute to the construction of a process of appreciation, recuperation, enrichment, improvement and maintenance of the local natural resources. Additionally, it will stimulate the consumption of vegetables, which will qualitatively improve the diet of the participants and will also serve as a source of jobs and income.


Title: Improved Agricultural Output of the Poorest of the Poor Communities in Ten Selected Villages of Katkamsandi Block of Hazaribag District, Jharkhand, India


  • To improve poor families' means of production, enabling them to produce more food and to generate cash income, thereby allowing them better access to food.
  • To provide inputs for the use of the quality seeds, fertilizers (organic manure, bio-fertilizers), suitable plants for agro forestry.
  • To improve the agricultural productivity through the proper waste management techniques.
  • To assist the group members to increase the production of vegetables, fruits, etc.


Title: Sheep Breeding and Products Processing


  • To create necessary infrastructure and breeding a sheep livestock of 200 Karakul raced sheep homologated and placed in the north of Moldova with the production direction: hide, milk, wool.
  • To organize of fodder crop rotation on the farms' own agricultural lands using the irrigation system and the organic fertilizers obtained from sheep.
  • To create and equip sections for processing hide, milk, wool thereby providing 8-10 job places for local women.


Title: Atur Organic-Bee Keeping Project

Objectives: To improve on apiculture practices among peasant farmers of Atur to increase their income


Title: Huertas Orgánicas Familiares en Pueblo Saucedo

Objectives: La línea central del proyecto pretende mediante un manejo agroecológico de pequeños espacios, obtener seguridad alimentaria mediante una canasta diaria de verduras, legumbres, etc., que cubra los requerimientos básicos diarios para un núcleo familiar de 5 personas en promedio.

Title: Producción Hortícola - Escuela Rural nº 19

Objectives: Desarrollar una experiencia de huerta orgánica en la escuela que permita desarrollar las capacidades de los escolares a través del trabajo formal e informal siendo a la vez una experiencia de interacción entre los actores locales (alumnos, docentes, padres, huertistas, organizaciones vecinales, etc.).