
Title: Producción Orgánica de Oleaginosas en San Javier - Misiones

Objectives: Garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de las familias mediante una alternativa de producción orgánica que agrega valor al producto de la chacra.


Title: An Integration Farming System Approach to Maximize Return for the Rural Community of Treang District, Takeo Province

Objectives: This project is aimed to maximize the use of each farm enterprise by integrating them into a farming system in return will increase the farm productivity. In addition, this project is aimed to stimulate the practice of the organic/ecological farm to produce healthy vegetables and protein from fish and pigs and therefore will reduce the dependence of external inputs.


Title: Desarrollo de la Producción Agrícola de  Hortalizas y Vegetales


  • Incrementar de forma sostenida y orgánica los niveles de producción de hortalizas y vegetales, tanto en cantidad como en surtidos;
  • desarrollar una cultura alimentaría que satisfaga las necesidades de una correcta alimentación, balanceando de una forma más efectiva la dieta alimentaría de la población beneficiada;
  • incrementar las fuentes de empleo con condiciones laborales más idóneas, con una respuesta productiva superior al sistema productivo actual, donde se pueda potencial el empleo de fuerza femenina;
  • incremento de los ingresos económicos de la CPA Camilo Cienfuegos, con una mayor eficiencia, que permitan garantizar una reproducción permanente del proyecto inicial;
  • y desarrollar una adecuada cultura alimentaria en niños y jóvenes de la comunidad.


Title: Developing an Organic Vegetable Garden at Schools in Buxa, North Bengal, India


  • To sensitise and educate children on organic vegetable cultivation.
  • To improve the nutrition bank of the community.
  • To demonstrate a viable organic vegetable cultivation model for the community to follow.

Kyrgyz Republic

Title: Beekeeping Development as Household Plot


  • Provision of farm employees and population with healing organic products of beekeeping.
  • Concomitant crop increase of existing garden because of bee pollination.

Title: Production Increase of Livestock in Mountain Farms


  • Increase of fat-tailed sheep number and improvement of its breed and productive features.
  • Growth of sheep breeding production - organic sheep meat, wool and skins.
  • Creation of new additional work places for poorness reduction in rural location.
  • Effective usage of empty natural mountain pasture lands.
  • Supplying oblast and republic markets with organic high calorie meat of mountain sheep.


Title: Income Generation and Diversification: Community Agroforestry and Vanilla Marketing


  • Providing basic processing materials to help ensure consistent product quality.
  • Providing basic materials and support to enable post-production vanilla storage that conforms to international export standards.
  • Forging new, more lucrative market linkages by connecting farmers with international niche buyers and Malagasy exporters.
  • Encouraging cultivation, processing, and storage techniques that comply with international organic certification regulations.