
Title: Cultivation of Organic Potato and Vegetables

Objectives: To assist the initiative group of Young Organic Growers to establish organic production of potato and vegetables on 4 ha of land which will become a sustainable income generation source for the initiative group as well as a source for healthy food not only for the community members but also for the market.


Title: Organic Vegetable Production for Income Generation

Objectives: Develop a culture of organic production among potential beneficiaries of this technology. Establish production technologies for selected commodities. Expand membership and strengthen BOPA to become the catalyst for promoting niche marketing of organic products as a viable alternative for small producers. Develop and cement market linkages between organic small farmers and the local tourism industry. Develop sustainable income generating organic production systems for the beneficiaries.


Title: Establishment of Vegetable Garden for HIV/AIDS Infected & Affected Women in Arada Sub-city, Addis Ababa


  • To introduce vegetable garden for 160 HIV/AIDS infected and women affected.
  • To improve the nutritional status of the 160 women and their children.
  • To strengthen economic self reliance and reduce their dependency syndrome.
  • To reduce the vulnerability to other diseases through production and consumption of vegetables.
  • To introduce the method of producing organic fertilizer (compost).
  • To serve as a sample site to other members of the community living in and around the project area.

Kyrgyz Republic

Title: Beekeeping in Bash Kaindy


  • Provision of farm employees and population with healing organic products of beekeeping.
  • Concomitant crop increase of exiting garden because of bee pollination.
  • Additional work places creation.

Title: Development of Beekeeping in Naryn Oblast - At-Bashi Rayon


  • Provision of farm employees and population with healing organic products of beekeeping.
  • Concomitant crop increase of exiting garden because of bee pollination.
  • Additional work places creation.

Title: Production Increase of Livestock in Small Farms


  • Increase of population of fat-tailed sheep and improvement of their breed and productive features.
  • Growth of sheep breeding production - organic sheep meat, wool and skins.
  • Creation of new additional working places.
  • Effective usage of vacant natural pastures.
  • Supplying markets with organic high-calorie meat of mountain sheep.


Title: Producción de Hortalizas bajo Sistema Orgánico

Objectives: Proveer al proyecto Producción de hortalizas bajo sistema orgánico de los insumos necesarios para la realización del mismo con el objeto de proporcionar a las comunidades de hortalizas sanas a un precio accesible y proteger el medio ambiente mediante una agricultura amigable con la naturaleza.


Title: Community Organic Vegetable Farm, Afiamalu

Objectives: Employment of project participants; Business opportunities for the local community to act as distributors; A cheap source of vegetables on a year round basis for the wider community, therefore improving access to good nutrition.

South Africa

Title: Ekujabuleni Ekhaya Labantwana (Children’s Home) vegetable garden

Objectives: Owing to the lack of resources, finding training and career opportunities for boys and girls about to leave the home is very difficult. It is intended that this project will provide learning opportunities for those children and help them into useful and productive careers. This benefit alone would justify the project. However, the home currently spends some R5000 (US $ 700) per month on food. The vegetables produced, together with the cash proceeds from the local sale of any surpluses, will go a long way to meeting that cost. To take advantage of the long fallow period enjoyed by the land, low input costs and relatively high labour (employment) needs, it is intended that the produce will be grown organically. This will contribute to the health and wellbeing of the children and those who purchase the surplus produce. This will also be in keeping with traditional farming practice.


Title: Agriculture for School Luncheon Programme

Objectives: To provide nutritious luncheon to all students of Ban Nong Bua school. To provide basic agricultural knowledge to students on cultivation of organic vegetables, cash crops and fruits, raising fish and wild pigs on a sustainable way, without causing damage to environment. (e.g. pig manure shall be used as fish feed, bio-fertilizer for crops and fruit trees; wasted vegetables and by-products from crop and fruit orchard shall be used to feed pigs, etc. ). To train the students on the basic knowledge on how to manage and marketing their agricultural resources and the importance of self-sufficiency concepts in the present competitive economic situation. To be a good and real agricultural pattern for the villagers in doing integrated farming.


Title: Producción Hortícola - Escuela Rural Nº 35

Objectives: Desarrollar una experiencia de huerta orgánica en la escuela que permita desarrollar las capacidades de los escolares y liceales ya que los alumnos cuentan con una asignatura específica en el tema de agropecuario en forma práctica la producción hortícola a través del trabajo formal e informal. Es a la vez una experiencia de interacción entre los actores locales ( alumnos, docentes, padres, huertistas, organizaciones vecinales, etc.).