Title: Organic Production of Underutilized Medicinal, Aromatic and Natural Dye Plants Programme for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in South Asia
Objective: The overall objective of the Programme is to sustainably improve the livelihoods of the rural poor in South Asia through the development of diversified production chains for organically produced Medicinal, Aromatic and Natural Dye Plants (MADPs) and certified collected MADPs. This will contribute to improved rural food security through higher capacities and income and an improved natural resource base and biodiversity, particularly in marginal and uncultivated areas.
The specific purposes of the Programme are to: - empower the rural poor and rural communities through participatory involvement, training and equitable benefit distribution, including fair trade principles, in all MADP and related organic production processes and outputs;
- develop, strengthen and test the full production chain for organic MADP products from production, collection and value-adding to certification, market research and marketing through appropriate small and medium enterprises (SMEs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and information and communication networks; and
- develop, implement and test/verify a fully transparent and traceable quality management programme with certification for organic production, responsible collection and other highquality international trade parameters to enable long-term marketing advantages, including export and local health care.