2009 |
Collection of Entomological Baseline Data for Tsetse Area-wide Integrated Pest Management Programmes [EN] |
1998 |
A field guide for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of African Animal Trypanosomosis [EN] |
1992 |
Training manual for Tsetse control personnel Volume 5: Insecticides for tsetse and Trypanosomosis control using attractive bait techniques [EN] [FR] Volume 4: Use of attractive devices for tsetse survey and control [EN] [FR] |
1986 |
Training manual for Tsetse control personnel Volume 3: Control methods and side effects. Revised edition [EN] |
1982 |
Training manual for Tsetse control personnel Volume 3: Control methods and side effects [EN] [FR] [PT] Volume 2: Ecology and behaviour of tsetse [EN] [FR] [PT] Volume 1: Tsetse biology, systematics and distribution; techniques [EN] [FR] [PT] |