
01 Jul 2016
Evidence is growing that farm and forest producer organizations are at the heart of sustainable rural development, because it is only through organized groups that locally-controlled forestry can be scaled up to meet growing global demand for forest products, including environmental services and non-timber items. Forest and farm producer organizations can have a unique role in delivering the SDGs worldwide: although they are ‘merely’ local organizations they are capable of contributing to universal goals. Many SDG targets have direct or indirect links to forests and landscapes (particularly under...
Civil Society
21 Jun 2016
A network of Civil Society Organizations around the world, with the technical support of FAO, issued this The People’s Manual on the Guidelines on Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forests in an effort to further the implementation at grassroot levels of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests  (VGGT). This manual is a pedagogical and didactic guide to ease people’s understanding of the Guidelines and to provide a practical approach on how to use them. The People’s Manual is based on the precepts of popular education and was elaborated through a collective and participatory...
Private Sector
27 May 2016
This publication examines 70 PPP cases from 15 developing countries to better understand the approach various countries have used in developing PPPs for agri-food systems around the world.   It includes a summary of the main lessons learned and recommendations on how to enable more effective partnerships with the private sector through improved public skills and more effective institutions.
South-south Cooperation
08 Mar 2016
South-South Cooperation (SSC) is a cost-effective mechanism for sharing knowledge, resources and developing capacities among countries of the global South. Global demand for successful SSC and Triangular Cooperation is at an all-time high and FAO’s Corporate SSC Strategy aims to facilitate SSC development solutions to achieve food security, poverty reduction and sustainable agriculture.
Private Sector
01 Jan 2016
وضعت منظمة الأغذية والزراعة بالتعاون مع منظمة التنمية والتعاون في الميدان الاقتصادي هذا الدليل العملي لمساعدة المشاريع على تطبيق مقاييس سلوكيات العمل المسؤول على امتداد سلاسل الإمداد الزراعي. والدليل المذكور عبارة عن موجز حول المقاييس والمبادئ الطوعية الموضوعة، والتي تشمل مبادئ الاستثمارات المسؤولة في الزراعة ونظم الأغذية التي صادقت عليها لجنة الأمن الغذائي العالمي عام 2014. ولا يقصد من هذا الدليل وضع مقاييس جديدة، أو الاستعاضة عن الموجودة منها. بل يكمن الهدف منه في مساعدة الشركات على تطبيق المقاييس الموجودة من خلال تقديم توصيات تتعلق بالخطوات التي يتعين على تلك الشركات اتباعها لتحديد الاخطار الناجمة عن التأثيرات المناوئة التي تتمخض...