South-south Cooperation
18 Sep 2014
South-South Cooperation (SSC) is an effective and efficient means to achieving a world without hunger. Countries of the global south exchanging development solutions will strongly contribute to the accomplishment of food security, poverty reduction and the sustainable management of natural resources.
Private Sector
08 Aug 2014
وتهدف هذه الوثيقة إلى تشجيع الاستثمارات المسؤولة في النظم الزراعية والغذائية التي تساهم في تحقيق الأمن الغذائي والتغذية ودعم الإعمال المطرد للحق في غذاء كاف.

Resource Partners
15 Jul 2014
FAO’s Strategic Framework focuses on five Strategic Objectives, streamlining its priorities, results and resource allocation to accelerate the eradication of hunger, malnutrition, poverty, and the sustainable use of natural resources. Success relies on strong partnership and the mobilization of voluntary contributions in addition to FAO’s own resources. FAO now presents 11 Corporate Areas for Resource Mobilization where there is high potential to boost the delivery of concrete results at global, regional, and country level. Each area represents a call for further investment and a commitment to value for money. FAO and its partners are already achieving results in these areas...
01 Jan 2014
This module concerns the organizational dimension of capacity development, and hence how to strengthen the capacities of organizations. Topics include assessment of organizational capacity, change management and tracking organizational change. Tools are provided.dfdf
Civil Society
10 Dec 2013
This note is meant to serve as a guide on how to ensure balance representation of Civil Society organizations in FAO activities or processes.
Balanced representativeness of Civil society has four main components that need to be ensured and look at, these are: constituencies, geography, gender andgroups. By ensuring that these four components are taking into account during relevant discussions, FAO will ensure that whether from meetings or processes,...