
Private Sector
01 Mar 2017
El 25 de septiembre de 2015, 193 Estados Miembros de las Naciones Unidas adoptaron la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible (con 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y 169 metas), comprometiendo a la comunidad internacional a erradicar la pobreza y el hambre y alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible entre 2016 y 2030. Seis meses más tarde, se estableció un marco global de 230 indicadores para medir el avance de las 169 metas y construir una base de rendición de cuentas de los ODS. El número de indicadores, cuatro veces mayor que el de los ODM, representa un desafío inmenso para...
Parliamentary alliances
01 Jan 2017
Esta publicación presenta la experiencia de los Frentes Parlamentarios contra el Hambre de América Latina y el Caribe en la promoción de legislación que protege el derecho a una alimentación adecuada. En ella se exponen algunas lecciones aprendidas sobre el funcionamiento de los Frentes Parlamentarios y los mecanismos que les han resultado...
Resource Partners
06 Dec 2016
Britain’s support to multilateral development agencies will build on work which in 2014 immunised 56 million children in some of the world’s poorest countries, helped 10.4 million young people living through humanitarian emergencies to access education and provided access to clean water for 27.8 million people.
Parliamentary alliances
01 Dec 2016
Achieving the food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture goals by 2030 requires a coordinated set of actions on a number of fronts: coherent policies and programmes, an increase of investments in line with national priorities and greater collaboration across different sectors and stakeholders. This series of Policy Guidance Notes ensures that policy makers have the support they need to understand how sectoral issues affect food security and nutrition and to recognise how to incorporate these considerations into their policies.
Resource Partners
11 Nov 2016
Since 2002, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL) supports projects of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to erradicate hunger and malnutrition through a Bilateral Trust Fund (BTF). The projects aim at supporting the subject of "food security" at strategic level both in the FAO and in the partner countries. They are planned together with the FAO and structured in accordance with Germany’s government development policy guidelines, based on its support framework.