
South-south Cooperation
08 Mar 2016
La Cooperación Sur-Sur (CSS) es un mecanismo eficaz para compartir conocimientos, recursos y desarrollar capacidades entre los países del Sur global. La demanda mundial de Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular exitosa ha alcanzado un máximo histórico y la Estrategia institucional de CSS de la FAO tiene por objetivo facilitar una amplia gama de soluciones de desarrollo de CSS para lograr la seguridad alimentaria, la reducción de la pobreza y la agricultura sostenible.
Private Sector
01 Jan 2016
FAO and the OECD have jointly developed this practical guidance to help enterprises observe existing standards of responsible business conduct along agricultural supply chains. The guidance is a summary of existing voluntary standards and principles, including the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS RAI) endorsed by the CFS in 2014. It does not aim to create any new standards, nor does it seek to substitute existing ones. Rather, the guidance aims to help c ompanies implement existing standards by providing recommendations on the steps that they should undertake to identify and address risks of adverse impacts...
Private Sector
01 Jan 2016
Corporate sustainability starts with a company’s value system and a principles-based approach to doing business. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into strategies, policies and procedures, and establishing a culture of integrity, companies are not only upholding their basic responsibilities to people and planet, but also setting the stage for long-term success.
South-south Cooperation
17 Sep 2015
Hay un consenso cada vez mayor en todo el mundo que afianza la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular como un instrumento eficaz para catalizar el desarrollo agrícola. La Cooperación Sur-Sur (CSS) está ampliamente aceptada como un modelo de cooperación para el desarrollo complementario al modelo tradicional Norte-Sur, orientado a superar desafíos comunes y lograr la seguridad alimentaria, la reducción de la pobreza y la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales.
Resource Partners
13 Jul 2015
For several decades, Japan has been among the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) foremost partners in feeding the hungry and caring for the earth. The country ranks second in assessed contributions to FAO’s regular budget, and fourth in terms of voluntary contributions in 2012-2013. It is also among the top contributors to the 2 500 ongoing field programmes, with a total value of nearly USD 800 million.  It also provides expertise in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and forestry, contributing valuable human resources to various FAO projects.