
Private Sector
12 May 2012
01 Jan 2012
These good practices show how group collaboration within organizations and with economic actors and policy-makers, enable small producers to fully participate in the economic, social, and political life of the society they live in. Rural institutions are a tool for social change and economic progress. In order to design efficient policies, decision-makers and development practitioners need to improve their understanding of the factors that can facilitate or inhibit small producers’ collective performance. While highlighting the success factors for small producer organizations to thrive, these good practices can allow development practitioners and other stakeholders to learn from successful initiatives in various...
01 Jan 2012
These good practices show how group collaboration within organizations and with economic actors and policy-makers, enable small producers to fully participate in the economic, social, and political life of the society they live in. Rural institutions are a tool for social change and economic progress. In order to design efficient policies, decision-makers and development practitioners need to improve their understanding of the factors that can facilitate or inhibit small producers’ collective performance. While highlighting the success factors for small producer organizations to thrive, these good practices can allow development practitioners and other stakeholders to learn from successful initiatives in various...
Private Sector
30 Nov 2004
自愿准则》是各国政府解释经济、社会和文化权利并建议为落实这些权利而采取行动的首次尝试。《自愿准则》的目的是为各国在国家粮食 安全范围内逐步落实充足食物权提供实际指导,以便实现《世界粮食首脑 会议行动计划》的目标。相关的利益相关方也可以从这些指导中受益。《自愿准则》包含各国政府在国家一级需要考虑的各种行动,以便为人民有尊严地养活自己营造一种有利的环境以及为那些无力这样做的人民建立适当的安全网。《自愿准则》可用于加强和改进现有发展框架,尤其是有关社会和人文因素方面,更坚定地将人民的权益作为发展的核心。正如联合国秘书长在联合国改革中所呼吁的那样,《自愿准则》是在将人权纳入粮农组织等处理粮食和农业的机构的工作方面迈出的一步。这些准则为战胜饥饿和贫困以及加速实现《千年发展目标》提供了一个额外的手段。粮农组织决心在成员国的帮助下加强其能力,协助有意愿的国家政府实施《自愿准则》。本组织期待与希望对减贫采取以权利为基础的方针及有兴趣通过实施《自愿准则》在国家粮食安全范围内逐步落实充足食物