Private Sector
04 Dec 2020
本文件介绍了联合国粮农组织《2022-31年战略框架》和《2022-25年中期计划》(区域和技术优先事项)纲要,这两份文件是依据全球发展形势、全球和区域趋势以及联合国粮农组织职责领域面临的主要挑战和机遇而制定的。South-south Cooperation
23 Oct 2020
This volume was prepared by the UN Office of South-South Cooperation and features 195 good practices, obtained by 77 partners including Member States, intergovernmental organizations, United Nations entities, and other development partners.
This collection of good practices demonstrates the spirit of solidarity, peer-to-peer learning and collective efforts among countries and partners, in order to jointly address development challenges and highlight concrete solutions, which can be replicated and adapted in other countries.
Great emphasis is given to innovative activities and the importance of cross-country transfer of knowledge and experience between countries of the South.
Resource Partners
02 Oct 2020
益相关方共同合作的工作方式。此外,报告着重强调了粮农组织如何适应发展援助格局的变化,特别是通过充分利用各种资金,寻求创新的伙伴关系,从而加快实现SDG的步伐。报告详述了2019年期间粮农组织面临的重重挑战,以及指导本组织在全球和区域范围内开展活动的各项战略方针,同时也展示了使我们在基层取得重要成果的某些干预措施。Resource Partners
28 Sep 2020
The year 2019 marked a time of growth and renewed commitments for FAO’s Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM), the main pooled funding mechanism for resource partners to contribute flexible, voluntary, annual, and multi-year resources to the Organization for the achievement of results under FAO’s Strategic Framework and the realization of catalytic impact. This annual report provides an overview of major improvements and transformational changes to the FMM since 2018, in addition to presenting key achievements, challenges, and lessons learned thus far in the implementation of the Fund in 2019.