Alianzas parlamentarias


02 Jun 2017
To achieve sustainable development we must transform current agriculture and food systems, including by supporting smallholders and family farmers, reducing pesticide and chemical use, and improving land conservation practices, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today addressing European lawmakers. "Massive agriculture intensification is contributing to increased deforestation, water scarcity, soil depletion and the level of greenhouse gas emission," Graziano da Silva said. He stressed that while high-input and resource intensive farming systems have substantially increased food production, this has come at a high cost to the environment.
10 May 2017
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva, on the occasion of his visit to Japan, attended the launch of the Parliamentarian Friendship League. The League is chaired by Yoshimizu Hayashi, former Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries from 2012 to 2015; he gathered together with over 40 parliamentarians to exchange views with the FAO Director-General. “FAO looks forward to working with the League to promote nutritious food including in neighbouring countries and regions" FAO Director General said, remarking the role of parliamentarians in the fight against malnutrition. Indeed, given their representative, legislative, budgetary and oversight responsibilities, FAO recognizes that Parliamentarians are best placed...
28 Feb 2017
Antananarivo/Accra/Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) applauds the Senate of Madagascar on the establishment of the Malagasy Parliamentary Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security (APMSAN), one of the first national Parliamentary Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition of its kind in Africa. “The objective of APMSAN is to create the enabling legislative and policy environment for advancing food security and optimal nutrition outcomes for the Malagasy population through concrete strategies on sustainable nutrition-sensitive production, marketing and consumption. It aims to achieve this through local production of sufficient, diversified and quality food, giving priority to the country’s...
12 Dec 2016
Los miembros del Parlamento Latinoamericano y Caribeño (Parlatino) aprobaron de forma unánime una Ley modelo de agricultura familiar, la cual incluye recomendaciones y directrices para que los países fortalezcan este sector clave para la seguridad alimentaria, señaló hoy la FAO. La ley fue votada el 3 de diciembre durante la XXXII Asamblea General del PARLATINO realizada en la Ciudad de Panamá. Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, FAO, la nueva ley modelo establece principios rectores, definiciones y obligaciones...
09 Nov 2016
Más de cien legisladores de América Latina y el Caribe, África y España señalaron hoy que es imperativo actuar contra los efectos del cambio climático mediante leyes, en la inauguración del VII Foro del Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre. Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, FAO, los Frentes Parlamentarios contra el Hambre son clave para hacer cumplir los compromisos del Acuerdos de París y la Conferencia...