Mobilisation des ressources


FAO + USA Enhancing food security. Protecting global stability. Promoting trade.


Together we are… supporting peace and stability, promoting agricultural trade and food safety, …and building a food secure future.

FAO + USA initiatives have worked to…

  1. Strengthen the economic sustainability of the [...]

FAO + Canada. Building resilience and empowering women for food and nutrition security.


Together we are… enhancing gender equality and empowering women and girls, promoting science, fair trade and inclusive value chains, fostering natural resource management, supporting innovative partnerships to build resilience, bridging [...]

FAO + New Zealand: Advancing food security and resilience


Together we are… supporting a more inclusive and resilient Pacific, promoting sustainable resource management and food systems, and fostering food security and trade.

FAO + New Zealand initiatives have worked to…

  1. Increase [...]

Partenariat FAO + France pour la sécurité alimentaire et la prospérité dans le monde


Avec l'adoption du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030, le mandat de la FAO a été considérablement renforcé et élargi et appelle un engagement accru pour atteindre les Objectifs [...]

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