30 Oct 2019
As of 2019, FAO has approximately 40 South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) projects in more than 90 host countries. Moreover, different Trust Funds (TFs) have been established, partnering with countries such as Brazil, the People’s Democratic Republic of China, Japan, Mexico, Morocco and the Republic of Korea.
FAO’s SSTC Gateway is a platform designed to facilitate knowledge and partnership brokering for SSTC in the agriculture and rural development sector. The platform comprises good practices, technical guidance documents, videos from the agriculture and agri-food sector, a SSTC expertise database and allows users to submit SSTC-related inquiries.
This scale-up note is part of a...11 Sep 2019
This brochure has been jointly developed to showcase concrete examples of how the RBAs promote South-South initiatives at the country level. Focusing on the theme of the joint celebration of the 2019 UN Day for South-South Cooperation, leaving no one behind in achieving SDG 2, the cases highlight opportunities to enhance collaboration in the fight against hunger and malnutrition to realize Zero Hunger by 2030. 26 Jul 2019
Ce rapport présente les travaux d’un atelier intitulé «Plateforme d’échange de connaissances: renforcer la cohérence entre l’agriculture et la protection sociale pour promouvoir la résilience en Afrique francophone», tenu du 27 au 19 novembre 2018 à Dakar (Sénégal) et organisé par la Délégation générale à la protection sociale et à la solidarité nationale (DGPSN). L’atelier a encouragé une coordination intersectorielle et une meilleure cohérence afin de renforcer de manière plus efficace la résilience et soutenir des moyens d’existence durables afin de réduire la pauvreté rurale. L’atelier a été conjointement organisé par les Divisions de la Coopération Sud-Sud (SSC)...26 Apr 2019
Sustainable Development calls for strengthened partnerships in the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including North–South, South–South, and triangular partnerships. The report South–South and Triangular Cooperation in FAO: Strengthening Partnerships to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals illustrates how South–South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) can be leveraged to enhance agricultural productivity and improve food security and nutrition in the developing world. It aims to deepen the understanding of the role and contribution of SSTC to agricultural development, food security, and nutrition. The report also offers practical lessons on how SSTC could be...14 Sep 2018
The Regional Knowledge Exchange on the promotion of efficient rice farming practices and value chains in sub-Saharan Africa took place from 7 to 11 August 2017 in Elmina, Ghana. The workshop brought together over 40 participants from ten countries and technical partner institutions involved in the implementation of the regional project “Partnership for Sustainable Rice Systems Development in Sub-Saharan Africa’’ (GCP/RAF/489/VEN). The key objectives of the workshop were primarily (1) to discuss priorities and plans for continued project implementation at country and at regional...