South-South and Triangular Cooperation


02 Jul 2021
Cooperation between national NGOs in West and Central Africa has advanced transparency and legality objectives in the forest sector across the region. The FAO-EUForest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme has partnered with local NGOs to expand Independent Forest Monitoring activities by promoting regional cooperation. Independent forest observers are now better equipped to monitor the use of forest resources and participate in related decision-making processes.
09 Jun 2021
This document was based on the “Sustainable Schools” model implemented in four pilot schools of the Toledo District in Belize. Both the model implementation and the development of this document were carried out within the framework of “Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCIDFAO” programme (MHF), an initiative jointly led by the Government of Mexico, through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
09 Jun 2021
This document was based on the “Sustainable Schools” model implemented in four pilot schools of the Toledo District in Belize. Both the model implementation and the development of this document were carried out within the framework of “Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO” programme (MHF), an initiative jointly led by the Government of Mexico, through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 
19 Mar 2021
La publicación reúne una serie de experiencias y buenas prácticas exitosas visitadas en el noviembre de 2019 por un grupo internacional, conformado por representantes de países del Corredor Seco Centroamericano (Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala), Argentina y Colombia, en la ciudad de Petrolina, Nordeste de Brasil, para el acceso, gestión y uso del agua en la agricultura familiar tales como: captación, aprovechamiento, almacenamiento, usos, gestión y experiencia en cisternas. La misión fue parte de las actividades desarrolladas por el proyecto de cooperación sur-sur trilateral Iniciativa América Latina y Caribe sin Hambre 2025.  El manual es parte de un esfuerzo conjunto y...
23 Oct 2020
This volume was prepared by the UN Office of South-South Cooperation and features 195 good practices, obtained by 77 partners including Member States, intergovernmental organizations, United Nations entities, and other development partners.  This collection of good practices demonstrates the spirit of solidarity, peer-to-peer learning and collective efforts among countries and partners, in order to jointly address development challenges and highlight concrete solutions, which can be replicated and adapted in other countries. Great emphasis is given to innovative activities and the importance of cross-country transfer of knowledge and experience between countries of the South.  
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