13 Oct 2016
13 October 2016, Rome. FAO launched the idea of a City to City Cooperation Mechanism which aims to support cities in the South, particularly in Africa, to share and promote best practices to strengthen urban food systems and help speed up the implementation of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP). The launch took place during the first day of the Mayor’s Meeting of the Milan Pact held at FAO Headquarters in Rome.
City to City cooperation, especially through south-south and triangular cooperation, is an important way to share good practices, where one city context can readily relate to another....
12 Sep 2016
12 September 2016, Rome – Today marks the UN’s South-South Cooperation (SSC) day. Here we seize the opportunity to review some key issues which help understand why South-South Cooperation is an effective and efficient mean to achieving a world without hunger. So, did you really know…
1.Why 12 September is the South-South Cooperation Day?
The General Assembly of the United Nations decided back in 2003 to observe this day every year to highlight the importance of South-South Cooperation “as an important element of international cooperation for development, which offers viable opportunities for developing countries and countries with economies in transition in their...
07 Jun 2016
7 June 2016, Beijing - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of the People's Republic of China have announced plans to intensify their partnership in south-south cooperation activities, FAO announced today.
After decades of successful collaboration, China and FAO have agreed to broaden the scope of their cooperation, building on their achievements to further promote rural development worldwide. A new Memorandum of Understanding on the Strategic Cooperation on Agriculture and Food Security, agreed Saturday, will pave the way for this. The MoU will facilitate Chinese assistance to other countries through China's Belt and...
16 May 2016
May 2016, New York - “Global demand for South-South and Triangular Cooperation is at an all-time high,” said Carla Mucavi, Director of the FAO Liaison Office to the United Nations in New York during a High Level Committee on South-South Cooperation held at the UN Headquarters on May 16.
“Countries in the South have much to share given their recent experiences in overcoming development challenges where one country context can readily relate to another,” she added.
South-South Cooperation (SSC) is the mutual sharing and exchange of development solutions - knowledge, experiences and good practices, policies, technology and resources - between and among countries...
04 Apr 2016
April 2016, Rome - FAO, China and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have signed a two‑year agreement worth almost USD 1.5 million aimed at increasing food and nutrition security in the conflict-ravaged African nation. The deal establishes a new South-South Cooperation (SSC) partnership which will make Chinese technical advice and expertise available to the country's agriculture sector. It was developed via the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme, which was created in 2009 and an additional funding boost from China last year. SSC projects help developing countries share and transfer knowledge and expertise among themselves, so that innovations...