Kenya Learns Indonesia’s Food Security and Nutrition System
A High-level delegation from Kenya visits Indonesia to learn about its decentralized governance structure in implementing food security and nutrition system facilitated by FAO South-South Cooperation.
Mehaou – A Nigerien Grandmother, Farmer and Leader
This video tells the story of Mehaou, an inspiring Nigerien farmer and grandmother who has overcome many challenges to provide for her family - including rearing, breeding and selling goats.
FAO and the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF) fund are supporting hundreds of farmers like Mehaou in Niger to diversify and [...]
Intercambio FAO de Cooperación Sur-Sur | Laos y Brasil : mejorando la agricultura por contrato
La Cooperación Sur-Sur es un excelente mecanismo para que los países en desarrollo compartan conocimientos y recursos en solidaridad y adapten experiencias que ya han funcionado bien en beneficio de otros.
Así lo hicieron Brasil y Laos en relación al desarrollo de la agricultura por contrato, que puede ser una opción [...]
Tembani – A Zimbabwean Forestry Officer tackling invasive pests
This video tells the story of Tembani, an inspiring young Zimbabwean forestry officer who is battling against alien invasive pests that are threatening Eucalyptus trees and woodlots around the country. His work is being supported by FAO and the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF) through training in integrated pest management, [...]
Best Practices through South-South Cooperation for Fall Armyworm Management in Africa
Experts say that, in combating Fall Armyworm (FAW) infestations in sub-Saharan Africa, farmers should reduce as much as possible the use of chemical pesticides against which the harmful insects can build resistance, and also because the technique is neither economically nor environmentally sustainable and could present health risks.
Allowing the Fall [...]
Promotion of Efficient Rice Farming Practices and Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa.
A South-South Cooperation video that explains the value chain of rice production in Sub-Saharan Africa. A coverage of a meeting held to share knowledge exchange for the promotion of efficient rice Farming practices and value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Joyce - A Kenyan fishfarming entrepreneur - Africa Solidarity Trust Fund stories
This video tells the story of Joyce, an inspiring and entrepreneurial Kenyan fish farmer who has overcome many challenges to develop a thriving Tilapia and Catfish farming business. FAO and the ASTF fund are supporting aquaculture programs in Kenya with [...]
El capital humano y la experiencia técnica cubana, a disposición de países africanos a través de la cooperación Sur-Sur
Julio Andres García Pérez, Viceministro cubano de Agricultura,
FAO y Costa Rica sellan su compromiso con la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular para el desarrollo agrícola
Ivannia Quesada Villalobos, Viceministra de Agricultura y Ganadería de Costa Rica
China - FAO South-South Cooperation: Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Development
The 40th session of the FAO Conference hosted a side event on “China-FAO South-South Cooperation: promoting inclusive and sustainable development” .
• Marcela Villarreal, OPC Director, chaired this side-event.
• Opening remarks, by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director General
• Opening remarks, by H.E. Niu Dun, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of [...]