Coopération Sud-Sud et coopération triangulaire


FAO and Uruguay join forces to boost South-South and Triangular cooperation


Remarks by Uruguay's Ambassador to Italy, Gastón Lasarte, on the occasion of the agreement signature.

Remarks by Purev Sergelen, Mongolia's agriculture minister


The new agreement signed by FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva and Mongolia's agriculture minister Purev Sergelen aims to strengthen the South-South and Triangular Cooperation

Brazil recognizes South-South Cooperation as a key means to share its successful school feeding model with other countries


Karine Santos is Coordinator for Brazil’s National School Feeding Programme (FNDE/MEC): “Brazil’s National School Feeding Programme marked last year its 60th anniversary. In the context of this programme, we have long time ago established a partnership with FAO. Dr. Graziano [FAO Director-General] represents this partnership. We have two specific [...]

FAO and China launch new South-South Cooperation Program in Democratic Republic of Congo


FAO, China and the Democratic Republic of Congo have signed a two year agreement worth almost $1.5 million aimed at increasing food and nutrition security in the conflict-ravaged African nation.

Liu Zhongwei, Coordinator of the FAO-China SSC programme, illustrates priority interventions and implementation strategy.

Introducing South-South and Triangular Cooperation


South-South Cooperation (SSC) at FAO is a powerful tool to facilitate partnerships, foster innovations, and promote the scaling-up of development solutions. SSC Officers explain the strategy and goals in this short film.

South-South Cooperation in nutrition among Chile, Guyana, and Jamaica


FAO, through the national offices of countries like Chile, Guyana, and Jamaica, has enabled the decision makers –in the ministries of health of the three countries− to talk through one conducting thread which is nutrition focused in the first 1.000 days.

Summary of FAO – China South-South Cooperation Programme


Summary of FAO – China’s role in facilitating South-South Cooperation Programme.

FAO – China South-South Cooperation Programme


An overview of FAO – China’s role in facilitating South-South Cooperation Programme.

South-South and Triangular Cooperation


The basic goals of South-South Cooperation (SSC) are those of building partnerships, sharing resources and meeting development targets. There is mounting consensus around the world that this model provides an effective way of boosting development in agriculture. Watch this video for an insight into 

South-South Cooperation between China, Nigeria and FAO


This video gives an overview of the impact of the China-Nigeria programme and the lessons learned from it.

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