تحتوي هذه الصفحة على مزايا تتخطى الأخبار لعرض قصص النجاح بطرق مختلفة: المقابلات، وتوسيع نطاق الملاحظات، وصحائف الحقائق ...
Resource Partners
08 Nov 2018
Technical support to Pakistan's national disaster risk reduction policy
"Aid efforts remain inadequate without proactive risk management, early action and investment to enhance resilience." Minà Dowlatchahi, FAO Representative in Pakistan.
Technical support offered to 300 villages
Pakistan is vulnerable to severe and frequent floods and droughts, hitting resource-poor smallholder farmers, pastoralists and fishing communities the hardest. With more than 190 million people, Pakistan is the sixth most populous country and most of its population is rural.
In the past decade, over 80 percent of the country was hit by natural disasters, impacting 33 million people. Flooding causes an estimated annual economic impact of between...Resource Partners
07 Nov 2018
Communications for regional risk management
"The FAO project for AMR allows countries to develop appropriate National Action Plans on AMR. We acquire technical skills, and in turn, share with other countries and institutions in the face of this common issue." Stephany Beltrán, Certification Analyst, Ministry of Agriculture, Ecuador.
In 2017, Latin America and the Caribbean’s 8 main aquaculture producers met at a regional meeting of experts on the use of antimicrobials in aquaculture.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)–when microorganisms evolve resistance to substances like antibiotics–is a major global threat of increasing concern to human and animal health. It also has implications for both...Resource Partners
02 Nov 2018
A socially and environmentally sustainable new Colombian countryside
Agriculture has been one of the most affected sectors during the 50 years of internal armed conflict in Colombia, which saw over 8 million people officially registered as victims and some 7 million people internally displaced. With the end of the conflict in 2016, agriculture has become one of the most strategic sectors for maintaining and recovering the social fabric throughout the country, achieving equity, and constructing peace.
Climatic variability has also severely impacted national agricultural production in Colombia. With remarkable frequency and intensity, events related to the El Niño and La Niña phenomena — landslides, floods,...Resource Partners
30 Oct 2018
Strengthening the enabling environment for eradicating food insecurity and malnutrition
‘Nutrition-sensitive agriculture provides a new mechanism for us to develop food-based interventions that are beneficial to the people of Bangladesh. We already have some evidence on integrated homestead gardening, nutrition education and cooking demonstrations, integrated rice and fish cultivation, and nutrition-sensitive fish culture.’ Minister for Agriculture of Bangladesh
In 2017, FAO celebrated the 40th anniversary of its work in Bangladesh. As one of the first international agencies to extend assistance to Bangladesh after its independence, FAO’s commitment to the country continues undiminished.
‘Meeting the Undernutrition Challenge’ (MUCH) is an ongoing FAO policy advisory project that...Resource Partners
29 Oct 2018
Aquaculture systems and cassava value chains in West Africa
In Guinea-Bissau 80 percent of the population relies on agriculture for its livelihood and most producers, whether they are farmers, livestock owners or fishers, struggle to produce enough food to feed their families. Irregular rainfalls and volatile food prices contribute to food insecurity.
In this context, migrating to larger towns, to neighboring countries or to Europe is an attractive option for young people. And while migrating might appear to be an attractive alternative to rural poverty for youth, opportunities also exist locally. Pitche village is located in the northeast of Guinea-Bissau, only a few kilometers from the...