Success stories
Cette page contient des éléments qui vont au-delà des nouvelles pour présenter des histoires de belles réussites; entretiens, notes d'amplification, fiches de données...

South-south Cooperation
02 Mar 2020
SSTC represents an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, generating innovation in terms of technology and management of the cotton sector in the countries involved in the +Cotton Project.
Through the +Cotton Project, a regional network of more than 70 public and private sector actors have been mobilized in the partner countries, uniting efforts to make the cotton value chain competitive, and supporting family farmers’ access to markets, resulting in an increase in their quality of life and their livelihoods.
Private Sector
11 Oct 2019
Improving the efficiency and sustainability of supply chains
Global food systems produce enough food to feed everyone, but nearly one third of food produced in the world for human consumption is lost or wasted every year. The cost of this food loss and waste amounts to roughly USD 310 billion in developing countries (FAO, 2011).
In collaboration with: The Rockefeller Foundation, a science-driven philanthropic organization based in the United States of America with a mission to promote the well-being of...
Private Sector
11 Oct 2019
Educating audiences around the world on FAO's mandate
The media plays a vital role in creating awareness of the challenges we face. As partners, they can take the lead in communicating to their audiences issues that are central to FAO's work, such as food security and nutrition, agricultural productivity and livelihood resilience.
In collaboration with: News and media outlets worldwide
Private Sector
11 Oct 2019
Supporting family farmers' cooperatives
Of the approximately 600 million farms in the world, more than 90 percent are run by an individual or a family and 70 percent are less than 1 hectare in size (FAO, 2019). With limited or no access to market information, many smallholders continue to sell their products at the farm gate or village markets, where profitability and growth potential are limited.
In collaboration with: Fertitecnica Colfiorito...
Private Sector
11 Oct 2019
Ensuring access to safe and clean water for communities in the Lake Chad basin
Over the last 60 years, the surface area of Lake Chad in the North East region of Nigeria has decreased by 90 percent, a result of overuse of water, extended drought and the impacts of climate change. The shrinking lake has threatened the resources and livelihoods of people who depend on fishing and irrigation-based agricultural activities. Beginning in 2009, the Boko Haram insurgency further exacerbated the destructive impact of this ecological catastrophe.