Success stories
Cette page contient des éléments qui vont au-delà des nouvelles pour présenter des histoires de belles réussites; entretiens, notes d'amplification, fiches de données...

Private Sector
11 Oct 2019
Reducing food losses and waste through better logistics models
In complex supply chains, logistics is key to ensuring a proper flow of goods and services. Applying effective logistics models can help multiple actors across food supply chains improve mechanisms which ensure delivery of high-quality, safe food. In the long run, this can also help to reduce food losses and lessen the impacts of humanitarian crises by improving disaster mitigation, preparedness, and recovery.

Private Sector
08 Oct 2019
Making geospatial mapping tools more available
The pressures on global land and water resources are greater than at any other time in human history. Rapidly increasing populations and rising levels of consumption are placing ever-larger demands on our natural capital. Current land use patterns are leading to degradation, desertification, deforestation, flooding, silting up of reservoirs and waterways, and falling levels of agricultural production, while biodiversity loss and climate change further jeopardize the health and productivity of land.

Private Sector
07 Oct 2019
Improving small-scale producers' incomes and ability to invest
Smallholder agriculture remains the main economic activity in sub-Saharan Africa and employs the majority of the people. It accounts for approximately 80 percent of all farms and directly employs about 175 million people (OECD/FAO, 2016). Smallholder farmers also play a key role in increasing food supplies.
In collaboration with: Rabobank Foundation, a corporate foundation that supports cooperatives and member-based organizations through microfinance mechanisms. The foundation assists smallholder farmers and their cooperatives in rural areas.
Timeframe: 2013–2019
Benefitting: Smallscale producers and producers’ associations
Geographic coverage: Ethiopia and 
Private Sector
07 Oct 2019
Empowering farmers to sustainably manage natural resources
Soil is a vital and finite resource that is integral to our ecosystems and human well-being and critical for guaranteeing food security and nutrition. Soil is the basis for plant growth and contributes to the maintenance of natural and planted vegetation, and helps to produce 95 percent of our food (FAO, 2015). Through plant growth, soil also plays an important role in supporting animal biodiversity above ground, including wildlife and livestock. Finally, soils improve resilience to floods, droughts and impacts of climate change.
In collaboration with: 
Private Sector
07 Oct 2019
Promoting sustainable agricultural practices through digitization and innovative technologies
Smallholder farming is the predominant sector in the rural economy of Latin America, producing more than 60 percent of the basic food supply in many countries (CEPAL, FAO and IICA, 2014). Besides playing a central role in national food security and nutrition, smallholder farming also represents an important source of rural employment.
In collaboration with: Telefónica, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world by market capitalization and number...