محور المعرفة عن الرعاة

التشريعات المتعلقة بالرعي

الوثائق القانونية التالية أخذت من قاعدة البيانات التشريعية والسياسية التابعة لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة، FAOLEX

نص حر
المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية

Instruction nr. 1 dated 10 May 2024 on the procedures for granting temporary use of pasture territories, part of protected areas.

This Instruction here determines the procedure for granting the use of pasture territories as for those land parcels that are located inside protected areas. This text also sets the rules regarding the relations between municipalities and interested entities, as well as the approval of the standard...

Measures for the Management of Central Budgetary Investment for Ecological Protection and Restoration.

These Measures are formulated to strengthen and standardize the special management of investment within the central budget for ecological protection and restoration, ensure the smooth implementation of projects, and improve the efficiency of fund utilization. The Measures make provisions for selecting, funding, implementing, and overseeing projects...

Ministerial Decision no. 21545 οικ. Φ.700.9/2024. Determination of measures and means to prevent and avoid the occurrence of fires in forests, grassland and rural areas, parks and groves of cities and residential areas, areas with special protection status, other areas located near these areas as well as in plots of land.

This Ministerial Decision provides for measures and means for the prevention and avoidance of fires, and applies to: forest areas and forest ecosystems; areas with special protection status, such as: national parks, national forests, wildlife sanctuaries, protected landscapes; parks and groves of cities and residential areas....

L/2024/007/CNT du 07 février 2024 portant orientation agricole en République de Guinée

Le Titre X porte sur les domaines transversaux (l’aménagement et gestion des zones écologiquement sensibles et des aires protégées). Le Titre XI définit les marchés et prix (la stratégie de développement des marchés de produits agricoles). Le Titre XII régit le mécanisme de gestion, de suivi...

Loi ordinaire l/ 2024/008/CNT du 07 février 2024 portant Code pastoral en République de Guinée

Le Titre VIII prévoit la protection de l’environnement (libre accès aux ressources pastorales et feux pastoraux précoces). Le Titre IX fixe la garantie juridique des droits d’usages pastoraux (exercice des droits d'usages pastoraux et leur consistance). Le Titre X régit l’intégration agro-sylvo-pastorale, notamment la prise en...

Décret n° 2024-58 du 11 janvier 2024, modifiant le décret gouvernemental n° 2017 - 1335 du 11 décembre 2017, portant création d'une unité de gestion par objectifs pour la réalisation du projet de gestion intégrée des paysages dans les régions les moins développées et fixant son organisation et les modalités de son fonctionnement.

Avec ce Décret sont abrogées les dispositions de l’article premier, le numéro 5 de l’article 4 et le dernier paragraphe de l’article 7 du décret n° 2017- 1335 du 11 décembre 2017 susvisé, et remplacées par des nouvelles dispositions. ...

Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation No. 1324/2024.

The Federal Government shall prepare a national master land use plan based on the suitability of the land and which ensures sustainable land utilization. Section seven regulates dispute resolution. Part 3 regulates institutions and Part 4 miscellaneous provisions, such as criminal liability. ...

Loi n°2023-20 du 29 décembre 2023 portant Code d'urbanisme du Sénégal.

Le septième livre traite des sanctions administratives, civiles et pénales : le huitième livre traite des dispositions financières, transitoires et finales. La présente loi abroge et remplace la loi n° 2008-43 du 20 août 2008 portant Code de l'Urbamsme. ...

Loi 2023-19 du 27 décembre portant Code pastoral

Le chapitre IX fixe la gestion et le règlement des litiges et des conflits qui peuvent être réglés par voie amiable. Le chapitre X crée un fonds d'appui et d'aménagement pastoral qui vise à : contribuer au financement des aménagements pastoraux nécessaires à l’amélioration de l’élevage...

Décret n° 2023-1007 du 20 décembre 2023 fixant les modalités de règlement amiable des conflits entre agriculteurs et éleveurs

Par ailleurs, sont mises en place des commissions administratives de conciliation : la Commission Sous-préfectorale de Conciliation et la Commission départementale de Conciliation et de Régulation (CDCR). La Commission Sous-préfectorale de Conciliation comprend : le Sous-Préfet ou son représentant, Président; le Maire ou son représentant...
Côte d'Ivoire

Decree No. 11.815 creating the National Programme for the Conversion of Degraded Pastures into Sustainable Agricultural, Livestock and Forestry Production Systems and its Interministerial Steering Committee (PNCPD).

This Decree creates the National Programme for the Conversion of Degraded Pastures into Sustainable Agricultural, Livestock and Forestry Production Systems and its Interministerial Steering Committee (PNCPD). Its objective is focused on promoting and coordinating public policies aimed at converting degraded pastures into sustainable agricultural and forestry...

Acuerdo por el que se dan a conocer las Reglas de Operación del Programa de Fomento a la Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Acuicultura para el ejercicio 2024.

La población objetivo del programa son los productores agrícolas, pecuarios, pesqueros y acuícolas en todo el territorio nacional, que requieran incrementar la producción y productividad de sus unidades de producción para su autoconsumo y venta de excedentes, dando preferencia a aquellos productores de pequeña escala. Las...

Décret n° 2023-155/PM/ du 16 novembre 2023 déterminant les modalités de constitution et de fonctionnement des Organisations Socioprofessionnelles de Gestion des Infrastructures Agropastorales

Les OGIAP ont pour mission de contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs généraux de la politique agropastorale telle que définie par la loi d'orientation dans ce domaine, à travers notamment : la mobilisation et l'organisation des énergies des communautés rurales pour la réalisation, l'entretien et la...

Décret n° 2023-156/PM/ du 16 novembre 2023 définissant les modalités de contractualisation entre l’Etat et les organisations socioprofessionnelles pour la gestion des infrastructures agropastorales

Par ailleurs, les Collectivités territoriales, les établissements publics et les sociétés à capitaux publics peuvent conclure des conventions de délégation de la gestion de leurs infrastructures agropastorales dans les mêmes conditions que l'Etat. Cette contractualisation peut prendre la forme d’une délégation ou d’une convention de gestion...

Accord-cadre institutionnalisant le cadre de concertation et de cooperation transfrontalière sur le pastoralisme et la transhumance.

Le présent Accord-cadre a pour objet de préciser les modalités de collaboration entre parties prenantes pour assurer le portage institutionnel du Cadre de Concertation Transfrontalier par le Réseau des Maires du Bassin du fleuve Sénégal. Il est applicable à la zone d'intervention des Collectivités Territoriales que...

Loi n° 29-2023 du 30 septembre 2023 portant protection et assistance aux personnes déplacées internes en République du Congo.

La loi prévoit également des sanctions sévères pour les infractions liées aux déplacements arbitraires et aux violations des droits des personnes déplacées. Elle établit un cadre institutionnel pour coordonner les efforts de protection et d'assistance, et encourage la coopération avec les organisations humanitaires nationales et internationales....

Loi du 23 août 2023 sur les forêts.

Cette loi modifie les articles 13 et 17 de la loi modifiée du 18 juillet 2018 concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles et abroge une série d'autres textes, listés ci-dessous: a) l’Édit, Ordonnance et Règlement du 14 septembre 1617 des Archiducs Albert...

Regulations of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Promoting the Construction of National Important Agricultural and Livestock Product Production Bases.

To construct national important agricultural and livestock product production bases, efforts should be made to promote the transformation and development of agriculture and animal husbandry, advance the transformation and upgrading of production methods, resource utilization methods, management methods, industrial structures, vigorously develop water-saving agriculture and ecological...
China (Inner Mongolia - Nei Mongol)

Ministerial Decision no. 432/182881 of 2023. Determination of the institutional framework for the implementation of intervention Π1-31.7 "Environmental management of livestock systems", of article 31 "Programmes for the climate, the environment and animal welfare" of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, hereinafter ecological programmes of the Strategic Plan (SS) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of Greece 2023-2027.

This Ministerial Decision defines the necessary institutional framework for the implementation, management and monitoring of the ecological programmes for livestock management, in compliance with the provisions of article 31 of the European Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council. These ecological programmes...

Presidential Decree No. UP-90 “On measures for effective organization of state administration in the field of agriculture within the framework of administrative reforms".

This Presidential Decree sets forth the following priority areas of activity of the Ministry of Agriculture: (a) implementation of a unified state policy in the field of land use, cultivation of agricultural commodities and food products, quarantine and plant protection, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and breeding,...

Arrêté n°2023/151/MARAH/CAB portant adoption d’un code d'éthique et de déontologie des agents du Ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources animales et halieutiques.

Le Code précise les principes et les valeurs de référence du personnel du Ministère de l’ agriculture, des ressources animales et halieutiques désigné par le terme « agent » dans l'accomplissement de sa mission de service public. Il précise également les devoirs et les obligations de...
Burkina Faso

Ley n. 31804 de promoción de la gestión sostenible de los pastos naturales para el desarrollo de la ganadería nacional.

La finalidad de la Ley es promover la recuperación y la gestión sostenible de los pastos naturales en su condición de base alimenticia de la ganadería, y por su vinculación con el medio de vida de los productores de la agricultura familiar,...

Décret n°2023-303 du 07 juin 2023 portant modalités d'exercice de la veille pastorale

Ce texte prévoit également obligations des éleveurs et agriculteurs. L'éleveur-pasteur ou nomade détenant du bétail est tenu de mettre le bétail en batterie dans un enclos de façon permanente en tout lieu où il se trouve, quelle que soit la taille du cheptel et la nature...

Arrêté du 13 mai 2023 relatif aux définitions transversales relatives à l’activité et aux surfaces agricoles, à partir de la campagne 2023, dans le cadre de la politique agricole commune (rectificatif)

Pour l’application de l’article D. 614-4 du code rural et de la pêche maritime, les critères à remplir par les agriculteurs pour respecter l’obligation de maintien d’une surface dans un état qui la rend adaptée au pâturage ou à la culture, sans action préparatoire allant au-delà...

Law No. 25/X/2023 establishing the General Policy Framework for Forestry sector.

The forestry policy, pursues the following objectives: a) Ensure the sustainable development of forest spaces and all activities in the forestry sector, promoting certified products and management methods; b) Make all citizens responsible for the conservation and protection of forest spaces, as a renewable natural resource,...
Cabo Verde

Ordinance establishing the conditions for the implementation of agro-environmental and climate measures.

Additionally, the regulation sets out penalties for non-compliance, including reductions in financial support and potential exclusion from the program. It emphasizes the importance of using certified seeds and adhering to best practices in soil and water management. The overall goal is to align Czech agricultural practices...

Law no. 20/2023 on beekeeping.

This Law is partially aligned with: Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common organization of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No. 922/72, (EEC) No. 234/79, (EC) No. 1037/2001 and (EC) No. 1234/2007; and...

Presidential Decree No. 6963 on tariffs of operation and maintenance fees for irrigation facilities for 2023.

This Decree sets out tariffs of operation and maintenance fees for irrigation facilities and beneficiaries of these facilities for irrigation of fruits, vegetables, cereals, legume, cotton, tobacco, paddy, sugarcane, olives, pistachios, peanut, sunflower, forage crops, forest species, sapling, pastures, and greenhouse. 50% discount shall be applied...

Decision no. 155, dated 13 March 2023 on the declaration of the natural ecosystem of the Vjosa river as “National Park", category II.

This Decision, according to the map and related details that are given in the Annex, here declares the establishment of national park of the Vjosa river area whic is situated on the territory of the Republic of Albania. The Vjosa River National Park is divided into...

Decision No. 115 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the delegation of certain rule-making powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic to state bodies and executive bodies of local self-government.”

tate bodies and executive bodies of local self-government shall approve the standards of state and municipal services provided to natural persons and legal entities by the relevant government body, executive body of local self-government, their structural, territorial divisions and subordinate institutions. The Ministry of Water Resources,...
2023 (2024)

Presidential Decree No. UP-24 “On additional measures to protect pastures and ensure their rational use”.

The President, in order to protect pastures, ensure their rational use, as well as further development of ferula cultivation and the widespread use of resource-saving technologies in pastures appoints Committee for the development of sericulture and wool industry under the Ministry of Agriculture responsible body in...

Resolution No. 63 of 2023 of Georgian Government on Criteria for Control Points

This Resolution approves the criteria for control points, which are locations where animals rest more than 24 hours. It consists of three chapters: Health and hygiene (I); Construction and buildings (II); and Work/Procedures (III). The National Food Agency must issue an authorization for each control point....

Décret n° 2023-59 du 1er février 2023 fixant les modalités de mise en oeuvre des tandems agropastoraux.

Le texte décrit les conditions préalables, relatives aux droits sur la parcelle concernée, pour la conclusion du tandem pastoral et règle son exécution. ...
Côte d'Ivoire

Government Decree No. 461 “On release of commodities and materials from state reserves and compensation”.

The Government approves the schedule for release of hay and fodder that will be provided at a 50 percent discount from state resources to some provinces with severe winters. The Minister of Finance should allow the funding of 3,908,604,835 (three billion nine hundred eight million six...

Acuerdo por el que se dan a conocer las Reglas de Operación del Programa de Fomento a la Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Acuicultura, para el ejercicio fiscal 2023.

La población objetivo del programa son los productores agrícolas, pecuarios, pesqueros y acuícolas en todo el territorio nacional, que requieran incrementar la productividad de sus unidades de producción para su autoconsumo y venta de excedentes, dando preferencia a aquellos productores de pequeña escala. Las Unidades Responsables...

Regulation on mining.

This Regulation lays down procedures and principles regarding the implementation of the Mining Law for granting rights to real and legal persons for a certain period of time for the exploration, operation, development and production of mineral resources under the rule and possession of the State...

Accord bilateral sur l'organisation et la gestion de la transhumance transfrontaliére entre la Région de Dosso (République du Niger) et l'Etat de Kebbi (République féderale du Nigeria).

Cet accord entre la Région de Dosso (République du Niger) et l'Etat de Kebbi (République féderale du Nigeria) a pour objet l'organisation et la gestion de la transhumance transfrontaliére. Les parties s'engagent à soutenir cette activité, notamment à travers la réglementation communautaire et des programmes bilateraux....
Nigeria (Kebbi)

Regional Decree No. 1003-p validating reference indicators necessary for calculating losses caused to small indigenous peoples, associations of small indigenous peoples living on the territory of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as a result of economic and other activities of organizations of all forms of ownership and natural persons in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of small indigenous peoples.

This Regional Decree validates reference indicators necessary for calculating losses caused to small indigenous peoples, associations of small indigenous peoples living on the territory of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as a result of economic and other activities of organizations of all...
Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk)

Décret n° 2022-1817 du 26 septembre 2022 relatif aux attributions du Ministre de l'Elevage et des Productions animales.

Il veille au respect de la législation et de la réglementation dans le domaine de l'élevage, à l'application de la loi d'orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale et à la mise en cohérence des instruments et mécanismes pour assurer un développement intégré, participatif et durable. ...

Regulation No. 1504 on reindeer tags.

The purpose of the present Regulation is to safeguard the traditional marking system, contribute to an orderly reindeer husbandry, and preserve the traditional use and design of reindeer markings. It shall contribute to ensuring proper animal welfare when designing tags and in reindeer marking. The Regulation...

Mémorandum d'entente sur l'organisation et la gestion de la transhumance transfrontalière entre la Région de Zinder (République du Niger) et l'Etat de Jigawa (République Fédérale du Nigeria), 13 août 2022

Enfin, les deux parties s’engagent à s’engagent à prendre toutes les dispositions nécessaires afin d'assurer, de part et d’autre, la recherche, la mise à disposition et la sanction des auteurs de vols ou autres voies de fait commises contre les pasteurs transhumants, à assurer l’identification, le...
Nigeria (Zinder)

Order No. 250 of the Ministry of Agriculture validating the Methodology for land monitoring.

This Methodology establishes that in order to carry out land monitoring, a territorial-zonal network of observation points for land conditions shall be formed. The territorial-zonal monitoring network is formed by regions in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the country and natural zones on the territory...

National Land Commission Act (No. 19 of 2022).

Concerning the District Land Commission, the Act provides for its composition, its functions including: provide technical support to Chiefdom and other land committees in the management and administration of customary land in the respective districts, set up and maintain a comprehensive register of government and public...
Sierra Leone

Decree No. 368 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating some legislative acts in the field of state support of the subjects of stockbreeding.

This Regulation defines the procedure for subsidizing cattle-breeding entities that grow and export cattle and cattle hides. Subsidy shall be intended financial assistance provided from the national budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan to cattle-breeding entities that grow and export exportable cattle and cattle skins. Cattle-breeding...
2022 (2023)

Miscellaneous Provisions (Local Government Reform) Act, 2022 (No. 11 of 2022).

This Act further amends (I) the Recreation Grounds and Pastures Act by replacing the word “County” with the words “Municipal Corporation or the Tobago House of Assembly” wherever it appears; (II) the Property Tax Act by inserting Section 9A on forwarding the tax assessment relative to...
Trinidad and Tobago

Regulation No. 2267 on on subsidies for expenses related to feeding and relocation due to the absence of a convention between Norway and Sweden on reindeer grazing.

Based on the Reindeer Husbandry Agreement (Reindriftsavtalen), the present Regulation lays down rules on a subsidy scheme aimed at compensating for a portion of the expenses incurred by affected districts, siidas (reindeer herding communities), and siida shares due to the absence of a reindeer grazing convention...

Regulation No. 1119 on making available the number of reindeers in reindeer husbandry.

The purpose of this Regulation is to facilitate predictability and secure framework conditions in reindeer husbandry by providing reindeer herders access to information about the number of reindeer at the siida share level in their own grazing district, in the context of Act No. 40 of...

Resolution No. 235 of 2022 of Georgian Government on Rules for Transferring of Real Estate of Protected Areas into Use and Special Purpose Use

This Resolution provides for the rules for transferring of real estate of protected areas into use and special purpose use. It consists of eleven articles: General provisions (1); Rules for determining the fees for transferring property into use (2); Regulation of communication structures (3); Transferring agricultural...

Decision no. 284, dated 29 April 2022 determining the rules, procedures and criteria for expert's certificate in the field of forests and pastures.

This Decision is aimed at determining the rules, procedures and criteria for the certification of experts in the field of forests and pastures, in accordance with the activities that require specific service of professional expertise in forests and pastures. The equipment with the expert's certificate in...
2022 (2024)

Balochistan Forest Act, 2022 (Act No. VI of 2022).

The Act consists of 114 Articles divided into 15 Sections and describes the regulations with regard to reserve forest, protected forest, control over forest and lands not being the property of government, community forest reserves, socio-economic pattern of community and the flora & fauna of the...
Pakistan (Balochistan)

Ordinance on the Summering of Farm Animals in the year 2022.

This Ordinance provides for requirements for animal movement, its control and documentation in relation to summer grazing of farm animals, the health requirements for summer grazing of animals, training of the persons involved, looking after and monitoring of the number of animals on summer farming and...

Décret n°2022-294/PRN/ME/LCD du 07 Avril 2022 fixant les modalités de gestion des terres oasiennes ainsi que les ressources naturelles qui s’y rattachent.

Également, le texte s'occupe d'individuer les institutions chargées de la protection et de la gestion durable des écosystèmes oasiens: un Observatoire National des Oasis (ONO), au sein du Centre National de Surveillance Écologique et Environnementale (CNSEE); les Observatoires des Oasis de l’Aïr et du Kawar dans...

Protocole d'Accord réglementant la transhumance inter-Etats entre le Gouvernement de la République du Mali et le Gouvernement de la République de Guinée, 07 avril 2022.

Le propriétaire du troupeau assure sa garde et est responsable de ses dégâts. En cas de dégâts, si l’éleveur est reconnu coupable, il est tenu de dédommager les victimes et de payer les droits de séquestre. Les conflits entre éleveurs transhumants et agriculteurs sont soumis...

Regional Law No. 90-OZ “On reindeer breeding in the Amur region.”

This Regional Law regulates public relations in the field of reindeer breeding in the Amur region in order to protect the original habitat, preservation of the traditional way of life and economic activities of small indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of...
Russian Federation (Amur)

Resolution No. 254 of 2022 approving the organizational structure of the Natural Pasture Development Authority.

This Resolution consisting of 13 articles aims to approve and organize the organizational structure of the Natural Pasture Development Authority. It comprises the following four Departments (1) Planning and Monitoring, responsible for proposing developmental plans and programs, monitoring their implementation, managing financial authorizations, preparing reports, setting...

Ley 2/2022 - de Juventud.

Por último, la norma establece una serie de disposiciones, entre las que cabe destacar la disposición adicional cuarta, que establece la colaboración del departamento competente en materia de juventud con Lehendakaritza, con el fin de asegurar un cumplimiento coherente y riguroso de los objetivos de la...
Spain (Basque Country)

Presidential Decree No. 5140 on combatting agricultural drought and studies on drought management.

This Decree lays down provisions on the duties, authorities and responsibilities of the relevant ministries, directorates, universities, local government and non-governmental organizations under the coordination of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to carry out studies to take measures and to reduce the effects of possible...

Lignes directrices sur la sécurisation du pastoralisme et la prévention des conflits en Afrique : Un pastoralisme sûr, pacifique et durable, 2022

L’objectif des présentes lignes directrices est de contribuer à un développement sécurisé, apaisé et durable du pastoralisme en Afrique. En particulier elles visent à promouvoir la complémentarité entre l’ensemble des activités rurales, plus particulièrement entre l’agriculture et l’élevage ; maximiser le potentiel du pastoralisme en...

Liberia Land Rights Act Regulations, 2022.

Part III concerns inventory of government lands, identification, survey, investigation, probating, registration and deeding. ...

Regional Law No. 100-RZ “On some issues of grazing and driving of farm animals”.

This Regional Law regulates some issues of grazing and driving of farm animals. Farm animals shall be intended horses, cattle, sheep, goats, poultry and other animals kept in peasant farms, personal smallholdings of citizens and legal entities used livestock breeding and other agricultural products, a necessary...
Russian Federation (Altai)

Governmental Decision No. 2057-L “On classification of land area of the Republic of Armenia”.

This Governmental Decision classifies the national land area, calculated in hectares, and distribution thereof by the following land categories: (a) arable land, including horticultural land and land destined for agro-forestry; (b) public land, including pastures, protected areas, grassland and forest land; (c) tree and shrubbery covered...

Acuerdo por el que se dan a conocer las Reglas de Operación del Programa de Fomento a la Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Acuicultura para el ejercicio 2022.

La población objetivo del programa son los productores agrícolas, pecuarios, pesqueros y acuícolas en todo el territorio nacional, que requieran incrementar la productividad de sus unidades de producción para su autoconsumo y venta de excedentes, dando preferencia a aquellos productores de pequeña escala. Las Unidades Responsables...

Décret N.2021-795 du 8 décembre 2021 fixant les modalités de création, d'aménagement et d'exploitation des aires de pâturage exclusives et des sites de pâturage privés.

Conformément au décret, les aires de pâturage exclusifs doivent être identifiées en concertation avec les autorités coutumières ou personnes concernée. Les aires doivent être géolocalisés et doivent mettre en place d'infrastructures garantissant le bien-être des animaux. Toute personne physique ou morale attestant des droits d'exploitation de...
Côte d'Ivoire

Décret n. 2021-797 du 08 Décembre 2021 portant création, attributions, composition et fonctionnement du Comité National et des Comités Régionaux de transhumance et de déplacement du bétail.

Le Chapitre 4, qui porte sur les mesures financières, établit une subvention annuel à la charge de l'Etat pour le fonctionnement des Comités, national et régionaux. Le Chapitre 5 concerne les dispositions finales. ...
Côte d'Ivoire

Décret n° 2021-796 du 8 décembre 2021 portant règlementation du pâturage et des déplacements du bétail.

Le décret prévoit des dispositions sur le déplacement du bétail sur le territoire national et il fixe les conditions d'exercice de la transhumance par des troupeaux transhumants originaires des pays tiers. Chaque région agropastorale bénéficie d'un calendrier agropastoral établi par le décret. Ces prévisions portent aussi...
Côte d'Ivoire

Regional Law 30 November 2021, n. 54. Rules of discipline, protection and enhancement of pastoralism and transhumance, supporting the Lucanian territory.

The Law identifies the tasks of the Region for the realization of its goals and objectives. Among those there is the dissemination of knowledge and respect and protection of the rural historical heritage, the environment, landscape, pastoralism and transhumance; the adoption of specific programs aimed at...
Italy (Basilicata)

Décret N°2021-563 du 03 Novembre 2021 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du Ministère de I‘Agriculture, de l'Elevage et de la Pêche.

Le présent décret fixe les attributions, l’organisation et le fonctionnement du Ministère de I‘Agriculture, de l'Élevage et de la Pêche et a pour mission la conception, la coordination et le suivi-évaluation de la politique de I‘État en matière d'amélioration de la production, des revenus des producteurs...

Governmental Decree No. 444 appointing authorized state institutions in the field of management and protection of pastures.

This Governmental Decree appoints the authorized state body for pasture management the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic Tajikistan, and the authorized state body for the protection of pastures the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic Tajikistan. ...

Resolution No. 96/2021 approving the Programme for mitigating the results of the 2021/2022 agricultural year, its budget, as well as the schedule for its implementation.

The general objective of the Programme is to contribute to increasing resilience and adaptation to climate change, by strengthening the capacity to prevent and manage crisis situations arising from droughts and other extreme natural events, consolidating the country's sustainable development efforts in socio-economic, and environmental spheres....
Cabo Verde

Resolution No. 497 of 2021 of Georgian Government on State Program for Making State-Owned Pastures More Accessible

This Resolution approves the State Program for Making State-Owned Pastures More Accessible. It consists of eleven articles: General provisions (1); Program implementation (2); Definitions (3); Selection of pastures to be leased out (4); Terms to the participation in the Program (5); Submitting an application to participate...

Décret n. 2021-457 du 15 septembre 2021 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de la Direction générale des Eaux, Forêts et Chasse.

L'organisation et le fonctionnement de la Direction, qui font l'objet du Titre 2, sont décrits en détail. La Direction comprend: - les structures rattachées au Directeur général; - les directions techniques; - des unités techniques spécialisées; - des lnspections forestières ou unités départementales. Parmi les Directions...

Rules for the transition from traditional agricultural production to organic farming.

These Rules of transition from traditional agricultural production to organic farming are developed in accordance with Part 1 of Article 5 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic Law No. 65 “On organic agricultural production” and determine the transition from traditional agricultural production to organic farming....

Regulation No. 2268 on subsidies for replacement during pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, and death.

Based on the Reindeer Husbandry Agreement (Reindriftsavtalen), the present Regulation lays down rules on a scheme aimed at contributing to financing the hiring of substitutes in reindeer husbandry during pregnancy, childbirth, adoption of children under 15 years of age, and in the event of the death...
2021 (2023)

Décret n° 086-2021 du 09 juin 2021 fixant les attributions du Ministre de l'Élevage et l’organisation de l’administration centrale de son département.

Ce décret a pour objet de définir les attributions du Ministre de l’Élevage dans l'accomplissement de sa mission générale de concevoir, exécuter, suivre et évaluer les politiques du Gouvernement en matière de développement et d'élevage. Le décret fixe aussi l'organisation de l'administration centrale du département du...

Décret n° 2021-114/PRE fixant les attributions des Ministères.

Parmi les Ministères qui sont pris en considération il y a: 1. le Ministère de la Femme et de la Famille, qui est chargé de la conception et de la mise en œuvre de la politique, des plans et des stratégies du Gouvernement en matière de...

Décret n°2021-0327/PT-RM portant création, composition et fonctionnement du Comité national de la Transhumance.

Le présent décret porte sur la création d’un comité national de la Transhumance (CONAT). Cette structure est un cadre de concertation et d’orientation en matière de Transhumance et a pour mission d’appuyer le ministre chargé de l’Élevage sur les questions liées à la transhumance. Ce document...

Statute Law Amendment (Territory Economic Reconstruction) Act 2021 (Act. No. 19 of 2021).

The Act continues amending the Environment Protection (Beverage Containers and Plastic Bags) Act 2011 and providing a different definition for the following: accepted container, affected person, permitted container, CDS approval, supplier, supplier barcode document, supplier sales document and supply approval. It also amends requirements for Container...
Australia (Northern Territory)

Governmental Decision No. 725-L validating the Regulation on land degradation neutrality.

This Governmental Decision regulates land degradation neutrality aimed at improvement of the state of land resources with a view of increasing economic, social and environmental benefits based on the balanced application of the country’s development priorities. In order to achieve the elimination of land degradation in...

Reglamento Interior de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural

En el presente Reglamento se establece la organización de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. Es una Dependencia del Poder Ejecutivo Federal, que tiene a su cargo el ejercicio de las atribuciones que le confieren la Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública Federal y demás...

Décret n° 2021-050 du 28 avril 2021 portant création d’un compte d’affectation spéciale dénommé Fonds pour la Promotion du Développement de l’Elevage (FPDE).

Le texte énumères les ressources sur lesquelles le compte peut faire confiance et les dépenses éligibles à ce compte. Il porte également dispositions sur son fonctionnement. ...

Décret n° 2021-050 du 28 avril 2021 portant création d’un compte d’affectation spéciale dénommé Fonds pour la Promotion du Développement de l’Elevage (FPDE).

Le Décret réglemente les ressources qui alimentent le compte, ses dépenses et son fonctionnement. ...

Presidential Decree No. 1323 on issues related to the management of agricultural lands in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan.

The President decrees that the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be temporarily responsible for: (I) leasing agricultural lands for the production and processing of agricultural products; (II) control over the use of leased land for its intended purpose, as well as the...
2021 (2024)

Décret n° 061-2021 du 21 Avril 2021/P.M/ portant réaménagement du cadre national de concertation sur la sécurité alimentaire et instituant un Dispositif National de Prévention et de Réponse aux Crises Alimentaires et Nutritionnelles (DCAN).

L'objet de ce décret, organisé en cinq Titres, est identifié par le premier Titre: le réaménagement du cadre national de concertation sur la sécurité alimentaire et l'institution d'un Dispositif National de Prévention et de Réponse aux Crises Alimentaires et Nutritionnelles (DCAN) comprenant des instances de concertation...

Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism enacting the Cattle Identification Ordinance 2021 and amending the Direct Payments Ordinance 2015 and the Horizontal Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Ordinance 2015.

Matters covered by this Ordinance concern: means for identifying kept cattle, including: marking, conventional and electronic ear tags, procedure in case of imported cattle, procedure for bovine animals whose ear characteristics do not allow ear tags; keeping of records by cattle farmers and information included therein;...

Regulation on the implementation of a public tender for the lease of common pastures owned by the Republic of Croatia.

The Annex is part of this publication (list of necessary documentation proving the fulfillment of the tender conditions; list of provisions that are part of agreement on the use of common pasture). ...

Décret n°2021-0308/PRES/PM/MINEFID/MFPTPS portant statut particulier du métier santé humaine et animale

Le présent décret porte le statut particulier du métier santé humaine et animale. Le métier « santé humaine et animale » regroupe les familles d'emplois intervenant dans la prévention des maladies, l'amélioration de l'état de santé humaine et animale et de la qualité de la production...
Burkina Faso

Governmental Decree No. 36 validating the Regulation on the procedure for determining the norms of livestock pressure on grazing land of the Kyrgyz Republic.

This Regulation establishes the procedure for determining the norms of livestock pressure on grazing land of the Kyrgyz Republic with a view of preventing degradation and desertification of agricultural land. It shall be applicable to grazing grounds, including forest pastures. The scope of determining the norms...

Government Regulation no. 26 of 2021 about Organisation of Agriculture.

Matters covered by the Regulation concern: 1) plantation sub-sector, including: plantation business, seed and conservation of plants genetic resources; 2) plant variety protection rights; 3) food crop sub-sector, including: agricultural cultivation, land conversion plan; 4) horticultural sub-sector, including: horticultural facilities, horticultural business quality and food safety...

National Standard No. 1361 (2021) “Organic production. Requirements for production, storage, processing and transportation.”

This National Standard regulates the stages of collection, harvesting, preparation, production, storage, transportation, packaging, labelling, import and sale of organic products, and also indicates the acceptable permitted input for fertilization and soil conditioning, pest and plant disease control, as well as food additives and processing aids....

Acuerdo por el que se dan a conocer las Reglas de Operación del Programa de Fomento a la Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Acuicultura para el ejercicio 2021.

La Población objetivo del Programa son los Productores Agrícolas, Ganaderos, Pesqueros y Acuícolas en todo el territorio nacional, que requieran incrementar la productividad de sus unidades de producción para su autoconsumo y venta de excedentes: 1) Productores agrícolas que posean hasta cinco hectáreas para incentivos individuales...

Décret n.2020-602/PRN/ME/SU/DD du 30 juillet 2020 réglementant la pratique de la Régénération Naturelle Assistée au Niger.

Le décret illustre ensuite les mesures de soutien et d'encouragement des producteurs pour la promotion de la régénération naturelle assistée. ...

Document d'orientation de la politique environnementale, agricole et d'élevage.

Cet objectif est conforme au Programme National d’Investissement Agricole qui s’est inspiré des projets prioritaires du Programme National de Développement (PND 2017-2027). Les objectifs spécifiques sont déclinés en : 1. Accroissement durable de la production agricole, animale et halieutique ; 1. Extension des terres agricoles par...

Regulation No. 1298 on quality standard for wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus).

The objective of the present Regulation is to contribute to the management of wild reindeer and the various wild reindeer areas in a way that complies with international obligations and achieves national objectives concerning safeguarding of viable populations within their natural distribution areas. The quality...

Decreto Nº 551/2020 - Autoridad de Aplicación de la Ley N° 27.066, Régimen de Promoción de la Ganadería Bovina en Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas.

El presente Decreto designa al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca como autoridad de aplicación de la Ley Nº 27.066, cuya finalidad es incrementar en las zonas áridas y semiáridas de todo el territorio nacional la oferta de productos y subproductos de la ganadería bovina de...

Forest Code of Georgia (No. 5949-SS of 2020)

Finally, the Code provides that the purposes of special forest use for particular purposes shall be, among others, to examine and/or extract subsoil (including minerals). Studying and/or extracting subsoil shall not be permitted in a protected forest. All types of special forest use shall be permitted...

Arrêté n° 00318 du 11 mai 2020 portant organisation et fonctionnement de la Commission de Coordination et du Suivi du Programme Pastoral Spécial (PPS 2020).

Cet arrêté fixe l'organisation et le fonctionnement de la commission de Coordination et du Suivi du Programme Pastoral Spécial (CCS) créé par l'arrêté n°000303 du 06 mai 2020 avec l'objectif de assister le Comité Interministériel chargé du Programme Pastoral Spécial dans l'exercice de sa mission. L'arrêté...

Arrêté n° 0303 du 06 mai 2020 portant institution d’un Comité Interministériel chargé du Programme Pastoral Spécial.

Avec cet arrêté il est institué, auprès du Premier Ministre qui le préside, un Comité Interministériel Chargé du Programme Pastoral Spécial (PPS 2020). L'arrêté établit les membres du Comité ainsi que son fonctionnement. ...

Order No. 145 of the Minister of Agriculture validating Model Rules for grazing of farm animals.

This Order validates Model Rules for grazing of farm animals that shall be used by local government as guidelines for the development of regulations for grazing of livestock. Farm animals owned by natural and legal persons, irrespective of the form of ownership, are subject to accounting...

Law No.11 of 2020 regulating grazing in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

This Law consisting of 12 articles regulates grazing in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and establishes that (i) Grazing is allowed after obtaining the license, assigned after obtaining the approval of the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi. The Agency determines (i) grazing seasons based on evaluation...
United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi)

IGAD Protocol on Transhumance.

Section I contains General Provisions, Section II Guiding Provisions for Transhumance, these include transhumance corridors, border crossing, itinerary, identification and traceability of animals, early warning mechanism, herder's rights, sale of transhumant livestock, etc. Section III is dedicated to the IGAD Transhumance Certificate (ITC) and its components....

Arrêté n° 0051 du 28 janvier 2020 portant création d’un Comité chargé de préparer la phase II du Projet d’Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel (PRAPS II).

Cet arrêté à pour objet la création d'un Comité chargé de préparer la phase II du Projet Régional d’Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel (PRAPS II). L'arrêté définit les taches du Comité à ce sujet. La composition du Comité fait aussi l'objet de cet arrêté, ainsi que...

Arrêté conjoint du ministre de l’agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts, du ministre de l’intérieur et du ministre de l’économie, des finances et de la réforme de l’administration n° 3098-18 du 3 joumada I 1441 (30 décembre 2019) fixant le contenu et les modalités de mise en œuvre du plan d’urgence relatif aux zones pastorales déclarées sinistrées.

Le présent arrêté détermine le contenu, les actions ainsi que les mesures à suivre dans le cadre de la mise en place d’un plan d’urgence relatif aux zones pastorales déclarées sinistrées. Ces dispositions sont prises par les institutions concernées en la matière pour une prise en...

Resolución Núm. 9.125 exenta – Regula uso pecuario en campos de pastoreo cordillerano y establece normas de prevención y detección precoz de enfermedades exóticas y control de enfermedades endémicas.

La presente Resolución prevé el control oficial de los Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano (CPC), para el uso pecuario, que se ubican en la Cordillera de Los Andes, desde las regiones de Coquimbo a la Araucanía (ambas inclusive). Los CPC que, según el análisis del Servicio, presenten...

Government Resolution No. 605 validating the Program for the Development of a "Green" Economy for 2019-2023.

Target 4 “Green” industry: promoting resource efficiency and cleaner production processes in industrial production. Tasks: (a) implementation of measures for the efficient use of resources in energy- and water-intensive industrial sectors; (b) creation of the National Cleaner Production Center; and (c) improving environmental regulation for industry....
2019 (2022)

Regulation on afforestation.

This Regulation lays down rules for the afforestation, forest rehabilitation, erosion and flood control, prevention of avalanches and landslides, pasture improvement, tree breeding, production of seeds and seedlings of trees and shrubs of genuine flora, and tree nursery. To this end, this Regulation sets forth provisions...

Regulation No. 52 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on list of data to be entered in the field book and procedure for keeping the field book

The Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraph 155 (5) of the Water Act, establishes the list of data to be entered in the farm register and the procedure for maintaining the farm register. It consists of four sections: Scope of application (1); Maintenance of field...

Regulation No. 47 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on Data Composition and Procedure for Submission of Notification for Construction of Deep Manure and Notification for Grazing in a Water Protection Zone.

The Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraphs 165 (6) and 166 (8) of the Water Act, establishes the data composition and notification procedure for the notification of the construction and location of a pile for the storage or composting of deep manure and the notification...
2019 (2022)

Law of Georgia on Determination of the Designated Purpose of Land and on Sustainable Management of Agricultural Land (No. 4849-IIS of 2019)

This Law regulates issues related to the designated purpose of land, determines the categories of agricultural land and the procedure for changing such categories, as well as the principles of sustainable management of agricultural land, and the status and the legal grounds for the activities of...

Law No. 1618 “On pastoralism”.

This Law regulates public relations related to the management, use and protection of pastures. Boundaries of pastures between pasture users of settlements and villages of the district (city), cities and districts on the territory of one province, districts (cities) and provinces are established with the consideration...

Regulation No. 864 on the Reindeer Development Fund.

The present Regulation concerns the promotion and the development of reindeer husbandry. The Reindeer Development Fund shall, through the use of financial instruments, contribute to the development of reindeer husbandry in accordance to national targets in the sector. The Fund is steered by a Board of...
2019 (2021)

Law No. ZRU-538 “On pastures”.

This Law consists of 5 Chapters divided into 31 Articles: Chapter I lays down general provisions; Chapter II regards regulation of management and protection of pastures; Chapter III regards use of pastures; Chapter IV regards protection, reproduction and restoration of pastures; and Chapter V lays down...

Regulation on the Agriculture Council.

This Regulation lays down rules for the establishment, structure, functioning and duties of the Agricultural Council. The Agricultural Council shall be the leading consulting institution for the development of strategies and studies in the fields of plant production; animal production; development of aquaculture; food production, safety...

Loi n° 025/PR/2019 Determinant les Principes Fondamentaux et les Orientations de l'Amenagement du Territoire en Republique du Tchad.

Dans le Titre 3 par ailleurs, cette loi mentionne une source d'informations importante pour l’accomplissement de la stratégie qui est l’élaboration des différents outils, à savoir : I'Atlas national, le schéma national d'Aménagement du Territoire (SNAT), les schémas provinciaux d'Aménagement du Territoire (SPAT), les schémas d’Aménagement...

Décret exécutif n° 19-144 du 23 Chaabane 1440 correspondant au 29 avril 2019 portant création du centre de recherche en agropastoralisme.

Le présent décret détermine les conditions de création un centre de recherche dénommé « centre de recherche en agropastoralisme » et cela en application des dispositions de l'article 2 du décret exécutif n° 11-396 du 24 novembre 2011. C’est un établissement public à caractère scientifique et...

Loi n° 2018-20 du 23 avril 2019 portant code pastoral en République du Benin.

Cette loi abroge toutes dispositions antérieures contraires, notamment celles de la loi n° 87-013 du 21 septembre 1987 portant réglementation de la vaine pâture, de la garde des animaux domestiques et de la transhumance. ...

Décret n° 2019-797 du 17 avril 2019, relatif aux attributions du Ministre de l'Elevage et des Productions animales.

Il veille au développement des productions animales. Il assure, à cet effet, la promotion des partenariats avec les organisations de producteurs et les organismes de financement afin de favoriser l'accroissement de l’investissement dans le secteur et la responsabilisation des organisations d'éleveurs. Il veille au respect de...

Order No. 52/2019 approving the Regional Forestry Planning Programme of Lisbon and Tagus Valley (PROF LVT).

This Order approves the Regional Forestry Planning Programme of Lisbon and Tagus Valley ("Vale do Tejo") (PROF LVT). This Programme, consisting of 52 articles divided into five Chapters and four Annexes including five Geographical maps, establishes the Regional Forestry Planning Programmes (PROF) as sectoral policy instruments...

Order No. 53/2019 approving the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Algarve (PROF ALG).

This Order approves the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Algarve (PROF ALG). This Programme, consisting of 35 articles divided into five Chapters and four Annexes including seven Geographical maps, establishes the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning (PROF) as sectoral policy instruments at the national level,...

Order No. 54/2019 approving the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Alentejo (PROF ALT).

This Order approves the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Alentejo (PROF ALT). This Programme, consisting of 48 articles divided into five Chapters and four Annexes including seven Geographical maps, establishes the Regional Forestry Planning Programmes (PROF) as sectoral policy instruments at the national level, under...

Order No. 55/2019 approving the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Central Inland ("Centro Interior") (PROF CI).

This Order approves the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Central Inland ("Centro Interior") (PROF CI). This Programme, consisting of 40 articles divided into five Chapters and four Annexes including ten Geographical maps, establishes the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning (PROF) as sectoral policy instruments at...

Order No. 56/2019 approving the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Coastal Centre ("Centro Litoral) (PROF CL).

This Order approves the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Coastal Centre ("Centro Litoral) (PROF CL). This Programme, consisting of 48 articles divided into five Chapters and four Annexes including ten Geographical maps, establishes the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning (PROF) as sectoral policy instruments at...

Order No. 57/2019 approving the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (PROF TMAD).

This Order approves the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (PROF TMAD). This Programme, consisting of 47 articles divided into five Chapters and four Annexes including 25 Geographical maps, establishes the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning (PROF) as sectoral policy instruments at...

Order No. 58/2019 approving the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Entre Douro e Minho (PROF EDM).

This Order approves the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning in Entre Douro e Minho (PROF EDM). This Programme, consisting of 55 articles divided into five Chapters and four Annexes including 19 Geographical maps, establishes the Regional Programme for Forestry Planning (PROF) as sectoral policy instruments at...

Décret n° 2019-110 du 16 janvier 2019 portant application de la loi n° 2018-25 du 12 novembre 2018 portant Code forestier.

Le décret n° 98-164 du 20 février 1998 portant application de la loi n°98-03 du 8 janvier 1998 portant Code forestier est abrogé. ...

Binga Rural District Council (Communal and Resettlement Land) (Land Use and Conservation) By-laws 2019.

The Binga Rural District Council (Communal and Resettlement Land) (Land Use and Conservation) By-laws, made under the terms of Section 90 (4) of the Rural District Councils Act, shall apply to communal and resettlement land within the Binga Rural District Council area. The Council shall prepare...

Arrêté n° 0898 du 20 Décembre 2018 portant organisation des délégations régionales du Ministère du Développement Rural.

Avec cet arrêté il est institué au niveau de chaque Wilaya une Délégation Régionale du Développement Rural qui constitue une représentation régionale du Ministère. L'arrêté définit la mission de la Délégation, la suivie de l'exécution de ses programmes ainsi que ses responsabilités. Il établit aussi les...

Decree of 12-12-2018 amending the Decree approved on 27 June 2018 establishing measures for the prevention, control and fight against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis.

The Decree further sets up the conditions upon which a cattle herd is considered free from IBR and establishes measures to fight against the disease. ...

Law on domestic animal breeding.

The list of European Union documents that are observed and respected is under the article 2 of this text. Pastoral rules are also applied, see article 24. Article 38 offers the list of all related repealed national legislation. The topics covered by this Law are...

Field Manual for the Georgian National Forest Inventory

This Field Manual for the Georgian National Forest Inventory provides for field work and measurements; assessment of variables; assessment of down dead wood; assessment of regeneration; assessment of single forest tree species; measuring of age, height, and increment; and stump assessment variables. ...

Decree No. 6/2018 approving the General Regulation of the Land Law.

This Decree approves the General Regulation of the Land Law, approved by Law No. 5/98 of 28 April. The Regulation, consisting of 105 articles divided into eleven Chapters and two Annexes, establishes the measures for the application of Law No. 5/98, in particular with regard to...

Loi n° 2018-25 du 12 novembre 2018 portant code forestier.

Le titre V a trait aux dispositions finales (Titre V). Le présent Code abroge la loi n°98-03 du 08 janvier 1998 portant Code forestier. ...

Regulation No. 592 date 9.10.2018 amending Regulation No. 1374 date 10.10.2008 on the rules and procedures for the removal, addition, and destination changes in the pastures fund.

Regulation 592 of 2018 repeals sections 6a, 6b, 16c, and 17 of Regulation 1374 of 2008 regarding the rules of procedure and documentation that needs to be submitted with the application for changes of the pasture fund. Specifically, the application should no longer include additional...

Ministerial Decree No. 3 of 4 January 2019 “On the approval of some Veterinary and Sanitary rules”.

This Ministerial Decree validates Veterinary and Sanitary Regulation on captive breeding of fur-bearing animals and Veterinary and Sanitary Regulation on breeding of horses. Veterinary and Sanitary Regulation on captive breeding of fur-bearing animals establishes mandatory requirements for compliance by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs related...

Ordonnance n° 043/PR/2018 Portant Orientation Agro-Sylvo-Pastorale et Halieutique.

Le texte est clôturé par le Titre 8, traitant du cadre organisationnel et du mécanisme d'actualisation. ...

Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Republic of Türkiye and the Government of Republic of Zambia on cooperation in the fields of fisheries and livestock.

The Contracting Parties agreed on developing bilateral cooperation in the fieIds of fisheries and livestock and their trade in accordance with each of the Parties' applicable legal framework. The fields of cooperation are: (I) sharing information on sustainable fisheries and livestock practices, (II) cooperation in milk...

Arrêté conjoint n ° 0499 du 22 Juin 2018 portant institution d’un Comité National de coordination du programme d’intervention d’Urgence

Cet arrêté porte institution d'un Comité national de Coordination du Programme d’Intervention d’Urgence du Projet d’Appui au Pastoralisme au sahel chargé de proposer les mesures à prendre en vue de contribuer au Programme d’Assistance au cheptel 2018. La mission du Comité comprende la planification et coordination...

Resolution No. 60/2018 approving the Strategy for Agro-silvopastoral and Environmental Development in the Maio Island.

The specific analyses of local development, with social, environmental and economic impacts, allowed to define eight strategic axes for the agro-silvopastoral and environmental development of the island of Maio: i) Silvopastoralism; ii) Livestock; iii) Agriculture; iv) Water resources; v) Environment and Tourism; vi) Food and Nutrition...
Cabo Verde

Loi n°2018‐005 du 14 juin 2018 portant Code foncier et domanial.

L’utilisation des eaux domaniales telle que définie dans le présent Code ainsi que l’accès à celles‐ci sont soumis au régime de la domanialité publique. ...

Resolution No. 49/2018 approving the Strategic Plan of the National Agricultural Research System (PE-SNIA) - 2017-2024.

Its mission is to achieve sustainable improvements in productivity, competitiveness and agricultural markets, meeting the fundamental requirements in technology, knowledge and technological innovations of the SNIA. Overall objective is to sustainably raise the incomes and well-being of the population by transforming and modernizing various sub-sectors of...
Cabo Verde

Government Ordinance No. 915/69142 on grazing land lease procedure, set-up and operation of spatial control committees for the allocation of land use rights, during the transitional period until the approval of the management plans for grazing.

This Government Ordinance, consisting of 9 articles and one Annex, establishes grazing land lease procedure, set-up and operation of spatial control committees for the allocation of land use rights, during the transitional period until the approval of the management plans for grazing. Article 3 specifies grazing...

Arrêté du ministre de l’agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts n° 680-18 du 24 chaabane 1439 (11 mai 2018) fixant le règlement intérieur de la Commission nationale des parcours.

Le présent arrêté fixe le règlement intérieur de la Commission nationale des parcours conformément à l’article 5 Décret n° 2-18-131 du 24 chaabane 1439 (11 mai 2018) fixant la composition et les modalités de fonctionnement de la Commission nationale des parcours et des comités régionaux des...

Arrêté du ministre de l’agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts n° 681-18 du 24 chaabane 1439 (11 mai 2018) fixant le règlement intérieur type des comités régionaux des parcours.

Le présent arrêté fixe le règlement intérieur type des comités régionaux des parcours, conformément à l’article 7 du décret n° 2-18-131 du 24 chaabane 1439 (11 mai 2018) fixant la composition et les modalités de fonctionnement de la Commission nationale des parcours et des comités régionaux...

Décret n° 2-18-131 du 24 chaabane 1439 (11 mai 2018) fixant la composition et les modalités de fonctionnement de la Commission nationale des parcours et des comités régionaux des parcours.

Le présent décret fixe la composition et les modalités de fonctionnement de la Commission nationale des parcours et des comités régionaux des parcours, en application de la loi n° 113-13 relative à la transhumance pastorale, à l'aménagement et à la gestion des espaces pastoraux et sylvopastoraux,...

Loi n° 2018-20 du 27 avril 2018 portant régime des Organisations Interprofessionnelles Agricoles au Niger.

Parmi les dispositions transitoires et finales, contenues dans le Chapitre 5, on prévoit que L’Etat, les collectivités territoriales et les établissements publics et privés puissent accorder des subventions aux organisations interprofessionnelles reconnues en vue d'accompagner le processus de leur développement. ...

Arrêté du ministre de l’agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts n° 871-18 du 19 rejeb 1439 (6 avril 2018) fixant le modèle de la demande d’autorisation de transhumance pastorale ainsi que les délais et les modalités d’instruction de ladite demande.

Le présent arrêté fixe le modèle de la demande d’autorisation de transhumance pastorale ainsi que les délais et les modalités d’instruction de ladite demande, conformément à l’article 2 du décret n° 2-18-78 du 19 rejeb 1439 (6 avril 2018) relatif aux conditions, formes et modalités de...

Décret n° 2-18-78 du 19 rejeb 1439 (6 avril 2018) relatif aux conditions, formes et modalités de délivrance de l’autorisation de transhumance pastorale.

Le présent décret fixe les conditions, formes et modalités de délivrance de l’autorisation de transhumance pastorale auprès du service compétent du département de l'agriculture dans le ressort duquel se trouve le troupeau concerné par la Transhumance pastorale. ...

Legislative Decree 3 April 2018, n. 34-Consolidated text on forests and forestry supply chains.

The provisions here stipulated are aimed at ensuring the protection of forests and their ecological diversity and bio-cultural wealth; at promoting the active and rational management of national forestry assets in order to guarantee all sorts of environmental functions, economic and socio-cultural development; at promoting and...
2018 (2019)

Arrêté du ministre de l’agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts n° 708-18 du 8 rejeb 1439 (26 mars 2018) fixant le modèle du registre des contrevenants et les conditions et modalités de sa tenue.

Le présent arrêté fixe le modèle du registre des contrevenants et les conditions et modalités de sa tenue. En effet, le registre des contrevenants est établi selon le modèle fixé à l’annexe au présent arrêté conformément à l’article 6 du décret n° 2-18-79 du 8 rejeb...

Décret n° 2-18-79 du 8 rejeb 1439 (26 mars 2018) pris pour l’application de certaines dispositions du chapitre VI de la loi n° 113-13 relative à la transhumance pastorale, à l’aménagement et à la gestion des espaces pastoraux et sylvo pastoraux.

Ce texte fixe également le modèle du procès-verbal de constatation des infractions dressé par ces agents. La requête prévue à l'article 36 de la loi n° 113-13 précitée est déposée contre récépissé par le contrevenant auprès, selon le cas, de la direction régionale de l'agriculture ou...

Presidential Resolution No. PP-3603 “On measures for accelerated development of karakul sheep breeding”.

The President, in order to ensure further promotion of reform of the karakul sheep breeding sector, organization of scientifically based breeding work, procurement of high quality karakul sheep meeting the requirements of the world market, restoring the prestige of Bukhara karakul sheep breed and increasing the...

Decree No. 17 of the Ministry of Agriculture validating Veterinary and Sanitary Regulation on sheep breeding.

This Veterinary and Sanitary Regulation establishes mandatory requirements for legal and natural persons, including individual entrepreneurs, related to safety of works and services concerning keeping, breeding, reproduction, movement, trade, slaughtering of livestock, disposal, burial and destruction of carcasses of animals. Before the transfer of sheep to...

Law on agricultural land.

One of the other main aims of this Law is to enable the sustainable and controlled production of food and to protect human health, animal and plant life, to implement the undisturbed use and necessary protection of nature and environment, and to protect agricultural land from...


This Regulation establishes a production insurance program, as contemplated by the Act, for the purposes of providing insurance for the kinds of loss or damage described in subsection (2). The program is also known and sometimes referred to as "AgriInsurance" or the "AgriInsurance Program". Subject to...
Canada (Manitoba)

Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018

The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 provides for the reform and continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture through fiscal year 2023, and for other purposes. Among others, it provides for agriculture risk coverage ; marketing loans; loan rates for nonrecourse marketing...
United States of America

Regional Law No. 116 “On some issues of regulation of land relations.”

This Regional Law defines the particulars of legal regulation of land relations on the regional territory for the purpose of implementation of the powers of the Republic of Dagestan as a subject of the Russian Federation in the field of land relations established by the Constitution...
Russian Federation (Daghestan)
2017 (2019)

Décret n°2017-0971/P-RM du 18 décembre 2017 fixant le cadre organique du Projet régional d'appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel au Mali.

Le présent décret fixe le cadre organique du Projet régional d’appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel au Mali, en application de l’Ordonnance n°2017-009/P-RM portant création du Projet régional d’Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel au Mali. ...

Agricultural Crown Lands Leases and Permits Regulation 152/2017.

No person shall cultivate Crown lands, or graze livestock or cut hay on Crown lands, except under the authority of an agricultural lease or permit. An individual is eligible to participate in an auction or submit an application for an agricultural lease or permit if the...
Canada (Manitoba)
2017 (2019)

Arrêté du ministre de l'agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts n° 2986-17 du 18 safar 1439 (7 novembre 2017) portant homologation et publication du cahier des charges type relatif à la production biologique des animaux d’élevage et des produits apicoles.

Ce cahier des charges type contient huit (8) annexes, qui en font partie intégrante, relatives: aux matières premières entrant dans la composition des aliments pour animaux; aux additifs alimentaires, auxiliaires technologiques et autres substances destines à la production d'ensilage ; au nombre maximum d'animaux par hectare;...

Resolution No. 110/2017 approving the Emergency Programme for Mitigation of Drought and the Bad Agricultural Year 2017/2018 and creating the Technical Steering Team responsible for coordinating all emergency operations.

The general objectives of the Programme are: Ensuring the islands' resilience to the drought and bad agricultural years, ensuring the livelihoods of affected families and the sustainable management of natural resources in rural areas. The Specific objectives are: 1. Minimize the problem of lack of water,...
Cabo Verde

Décret n°2017-1580 du 13 septembre 2017 relatif aux attributions du ministre de l’élevage et des productions animales.

Le présent décret fixe les attributions du ministre de l’élevage et des productions animales. Sous l’autorité du Premier Ministre, le Ministre de l’Elevage et des productions animales prépare et met en œuvre la politique définie par le Chef de l’Etat dans le domaine de l’Elevage...

Regulation implementing the regional Law 12 January 1994, n. 3 (transposition of the Law of 11 February 1992, No 157 "Norms for the protection of homeostatic wild fauna and for hunting venues") and of the Regional Law of 9 February 2016, no. 10 (Objective Law for the management of ungulates in Tuscany, amendments to Law 3/1994).

This Regulation further defines various provisions aimed to determine the rules governing over the hunting permits, registration and data delivery, issues covering the protection zones along the avian migration routes, management of restocking and capture areas, public breeding centers of wildlife in the natural state, and...
Italy (Toscana)

Law to Support Development and Sustainable Employment in Rural and Nomadic Areas

In order to achieve the national fundamental economic goals, the Law to Support Development and Sustainable Employment in Rural and Nomadic Areas Using the Resources of the National Development Fund has been enacted in 7 articles. The Law requires the allocation of 1.5 billion dollars from...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Décret n°2017-0698-P-RM du 14 août 2017 fixant l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement du Projet Régional d’Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel au Mali (PRAPSMALI).

Les organes d’administration et de gestion du Projet Régional d’Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel Mali (PRAPS-MALI) sont: le Comité d’Orientation et de Pilotage du Projet (COP); l’Unité de Coordination du Projet (UCP); le Comité régional de coordination de Zone du Projet; l’Unité de Coordination régionale de...

Ministerial Decision no. 1058/71977 of 2017. Definition of the Specifications and Content of Grazing Management Plans, in the context of implementing the provisions of Law 4351/2015.

This Ministerial Decision provides for defining the specifications and content of the grazing management Plan, drafted pursuant to article 11, paragraph 2 of Law 4351/2015, through the management studies of grazing lands, and their sustainable utilisation, in order to improve the sustainable development of animal husbandry...

Tana River County Livestock Grazing Control Act, 2017 (No. 10 of 2017).

Private land may not be used for grazing unless the owner of the parcel of land consents to such use. Certain (protected) areas shall not be converted to grazing areas. ...
Kenya (Tana River)

Loi n° 2017-22 du 22 mai 2017 modifiant la loi n° 65-60 du 21 juillet 1965 portant Code pénal.

La presente loi modifie la loi n° 65-60 du 21 juillet 1965 portant Code pénal. Concrètement, elle modifie l'article 368, à fin de apporter une réponse à la mesure du problème du vol de bétail. Par conséquent, le paragraphe 3 est introduit pour inclure le vol...

Government Decree on structural support for reindeer husbandry and natural industries (No. 986 of 2011).

The Government Decree contains 58 Articles organized in the following chapters: 1. General provisions; 2. General conditions for supported measures; 3. Conditions applicable to entrepreneurs and industries; 4. Investment support for entrepreneurs; 5. Start-up support for young entrepreneurs; 6. Support for housing construction for entrepreneurs; 7....

Arrêté du 3 mai 2017 relatif aux actions des programmes régionaux « Valorisation du bois et territoire » des services communs « Valorisation du bois et territoire » des chambres régionales d'agriculture.

Le programme régional pluriannuel « Valorisation du bois et territoire » mentionné à l'article D. 512-2-3 du code rural et de la pêche maritime décline une ou plusieurs des actions suivantes: l'accompagnement de la structuration du foncier agricole et forestier public ou privé et la lutte...

Loi n°2017- 001 du 11 avril 2017 portant sur le foncier agricole.

Le chapitre VI prévoit un contentieux du foncier agricole qui inclut la prévention des conflits et de la conciliation préalable et la répartition des compétences entre juridictions judiciaires et administratives. ...

Ley Nº 2/2017 - Modifica la Ley Nº 3/2004, Ley de montes y ordenación forestal.

La presente Ley, considerando injustificado continuar imponiendo en el Principado de Asturias el acotamiento al pastoreo en los terrenos forestales incendiados, modifica la Ley de montes y ordenación forestal que regula los montes situados en el territorio del Principado de Asturias, disponiendo que la Consejería competente...
Spain (Asturias)

Ordonnance n°2017-009/P-RM du 23 février 2017 portant création du Projet régional d’Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel au Mali.

Un décret pris en Conseil des Ministres fixe l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement du Projet régional d’appui au pastoralisme au Sahel au Mali (PRAPS-Mali). ...

Ordonnance n°2017-010/P-RM du 23 février 2017 portant création du Projet 1 du Programme de Renforcement de la Résilience à l’Insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Sahel.

Un décret pris en Conseil des Ministres fixe l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement du Projet 1 du Programme de Renforcement de la Résilience à l’Insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Sahel. ...

Law No. 47-VI “On pastoralism”.

This Law regulates social relations related to rational management of pastures and is aimed at improvement the state and infrastructure thereof with a view of prevention of degradation of pastures. Pastures shall be classified as arid pastures, rotation (high-productive) pastures and seasonal pastures destined for seasonal...

Law No. 48-VI amending Forest Code (No.477-II of 2003).

Article 99 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Preferential right of use of public forest plots available for haymaking and pastoralism shall be granted to natural and legal persons in accordance with the national legislation on pastures”. ...

Ministerial Decree № 10 on land categorization and change in category of land.

This Decree sets forth provisions on land classification, cadastral information system, change in the category of agricultural land and pastures, change in the category of lands affected by radioactive and chemical contamination and degraded by natural hazards, expansion of lands in forests and protected areas, and...
2017 (2024)

Regulation on forest services on afforestation and erosion control.

This Regulation aims at expanding forest cover, increasing biodiversity and restoration of degraded forest ecosystems. This Regulation sets forth provisions on financing of forestry activities such as afforestation, forest rehabilitation, erosion and flood control, prevention of avalanches and landslides, pasture rehabilitation, tree rehabilitation, seed and seedling...

Nordic Saami Convention.

The Convention contains 51 Articles organized in the following Chapters: I. The general rights of the Saami people; II. Saami governance; III. Saami language and culture; IV. Saami right to land and water; V. Saami livelihoods; VI. Implementation and development of the Convention; VII. Final provisions....

Plant Breeder's Right Proclamation No. 1068/2017.

Administration of the plant breeder's right falls on the Minister, Part 3 regulates application procedure. determination, granting. Part 4 Transfer of Right, surrender, revocation, etc. Part 5 contains infringement of right, claims, judicial remedies. Part 6 establishes that any person who infringes a plant breeders' right...

Assessorial Decree no. 85/GAB/2016 concerning Guidelines for the preparation of the Forest Management Plan.

The Decree describes the elements necessary to the drafting of the Plan: description of forest status, conditions and species; geographical, administrative and cadastral framework; climate and bio-climatic framework; conditions of trees and vegetation; housing and rural infrastructure; cadastral plan and land use map. The Decree concerns...
Italy (Sicilia)

Decree No. 2016/9620 on declaration of protected areas for specific meadows.

Upon the request of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, the Council of Ministers decrees to determine some meadows as protected areas which are specified in the Annex. This Decree aims at soil conservation against erosion, pollution, degradation and fertility soil loss. ...

Regional Law No. 275-OZ “On reindeer breeding”.

This Regional Law is aimed at creating conditions for the implementation of effective economic activities in the field of reindeer breeding, the preservation of the traditional way of life and the protection of the original habitat of the indigenous peoples of the North and representatives of...
Russian Federation (Nenets)
2016 (2019)

Regional Act No. 21 laying down provisions to promote agricultural land associations and to improve agricultural and forest lands.

This Regional Act aims at the development of agro-forestry and pastoralism in Piemonte through the rational use of agricultural land. It lays down rules and measures applicable to abandoned and non-cultivated lands. ...
Italy (Piemonte)

Ley Nº 3016 – Ley de trashumancia.

El objeto de la presente Ley es garantizar el derecho de las familias trashumantes de la Provincia del Neuquén a transitar con su ganado por las huellas de arreo, para trasladarse de las zonas de invernada a las de veranada y viceversa, en trashumancia, conservando el...
Argentina (Neuquén)

Community Land Act, 2016 (No. 27 of 2016).

A community claiming an interest in or right over community land shall be registered by the community land registrar. A community land management committee (elected for each registered community), shall come up with a comprehensive register of communal interest holders. For each registration unit, there shall...

Order INEMA No. 12.215 establishing procedures, documents and studies necessary for the environmental regularization of agro-silvo-pastoral activities classified as Agriculture (Rainfed and Irrigated Agriculture) or Extensive Livestock.

This Order INEMA establishes procedures, documents and studies necessary for the environmental regularization of agro-silvo-pastoral activities classified as Agriculture (Rainfed and Irrigated Agriculture) or Extensive Livestock to be carried within the State of Bahia. These activities will be subject to the special environmental licensing procedures, and...
Brazil (Bahia)

Guideline No.2 of 20 July 2016 on the technical criteria of pasture and meadow classification and the procedures of leasing them for livestock feeding.

This Guideline lays down the technical criteria used for the classification of pasture and meadows as well as the procedures to be followed for leasing pasture and meadow areas to individuals or private entities. The classification is used for the preparation of management plans, the update...

Resolución Nº 377/2016 - Se aprueban las Guías de Sanidad Animal para la Agricultura Familiar.

Por la presente Resolución se aprueban las Guías de Sanidad Animal para la Agricultura Familiar, que están dirigidas a productores agropecuarios familiares que posean animales en su establecimiento para la cría, reproducción, engorde, producción de carnes, leche, huevos u otros alimentos para el autoconsumo, venta directa...

Ley de fomento y sanidad pecuaria para el estado de Chiapas.

Finalmente, el Título 19 trata el procedimiento administrativo y incluye también las infracciones y las sanciones. ...
Mexico (Chiapas)
2016 (2023)

Regional Decree No. 435-pa validating the Regulation on nature monument of regional significance “Beketov hills”.

Nature monument of regional significance “Beketov hills” is constituted with a view of protection of the unique complex Cretaceous and petrophytic-steppe vegetation, which is the place of habitats of rare wild flora species of the Kursk region, including those listed in Red Book of the Russian...
Russian Federation (Kursk)

Arrêté n°2016-2223/MEASS-SG du 20 juin 2016 portant création attribution, composition et modalités de fonctionnement du Comité de Pilotage du Projet « Intensifier la résilience aux Changements Climatiques à travers une gestion agricole et pastorale intégrée dans la zone sahélienne dans le cadre de l’approche Gestion Durable des Terres»

Le présent arrêté crée, auprès du ministre chargé de l’Environnement, un Comité de Pilotage du Projet « Intensifier la Résilience aux Changements Climatiques à travers une gestion agricole et pastorale intégrée dans la zone sahélienne dans le cadre de l’approche Gestion Durable des Terres ». Ce...

Loi n° 2016-413 du 15 juin 2016 relative à la transhumance et aux déplacements du bétail.

Par ailleurs, ce texte régit les déplacements du bétail, le calendrier agropastoral, la prévention, la gestion des conflits, et l’indemnisation des victimes. Enfin, elle prévoit des mesures administratives, des infractions et sanctions pénales. ...
Côte d'Ivoire

Regional Law No. 1660-Z N 963-V “On nomadic family”.

This Law establishes the legal basis for the preservation and support of a peculiar social institution of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), a nomadic family living in extreme natural and climatic conditions, which is the basis for the...
Russian Federation (Sakha (Yakutia))
2016 (2017)

Guideline No. 1 dated 9 June 2016 on the rules and procedures for examining and approving lease requests for the use of public pasture and forestry funds.

The Guideline provides for areas of the public forestry and pasture fund that may be leased according to the public competition/bidding procedures. The forestry authorities assess the forestry and pasture areas at the beginning of the year and submit the proposed list of leases to the...

Regulation No. 435 date 8.6.2016 amending and supplementing Regulation No. 1374 date 10.10.2008 on rules and rules of procedure for removal, addition, and change in the destination of the pasture fund.

Regulation 435 of 2016 amends and supplements certain definitions laid down in Regulation 1347 of 2008 as well as its sections 7, 12, and 17. According to the amendment, the line Ministry has to request a technical report from the municipality within one week of an...

Décret n° 2016-386/PRES/PM/MAECBE/MATDSI du 20 mai 2016 portant ratification de la Convention sur la coopération transfrontalière adoptée à Malabo le 27 juin 2014.

Les objectifs de la présente Convention sont: promouvoir la coopération transfrontalière aux niveaux local, sous régional et régional; saisir les opportunités qui naissent du partage de frontières communes et relever les défis y afférents; faciliter la délimitation, la démarcation et la réaffirmation des frontières inter-Etats, conformément...
Burkina Faso

Law No. 49/2016 amending and supplementing Law No. 9693 dated 19.3.2007 on the pasture fund.

The line ministry is the responsible authority for the protection and administration of the pasture fund in the protected areas. The amendment sets forth the duties and responsibilities of the line ministry and the municipalities regarding the pasture fund management. The municipalities are responsible for pasture...

Regulation No. 340 date 4.5.2016 removing from the forestry fund and decreasing in volume the forestry economies of “Gjadër-Mnelë”, “Gomsiqe”, “Karmë”, “Sllak 2”, “Qelëz”, “Krrab-Bushat”, “Koman-Karmë”, “Dedaj-Buhot”, “Bregu i Drinit”, “Mërtur Guridhe”, “Lumi i Berishës” in the district of Shkoder and the forestry and pasture economies of ‘Lugina e Tropojes”, “Lugina e T’Planit” in the district of Kukes for the construction of the 400 kv interconnection line ‘Shqiperi- Kosove’ (Vau i Dejes- Morine)”.

This Regulation removes a total of 2.4964 ha from the forestry economies of “Gjadër-Mnelë”, “Gomsiqe”, “Karmë”, “Shllak 2”, “Qelëz”, “Krrab-Bushat”, “Koman-Karmë”, “Dedaj- Buhot”, “Bregu i Drinit”, “Mërtur Guridhe” dhe “Lumi i Berishës” in the Shkodra district and the forestry and pasture economies of “Lugina e Tropojës”...

Loi n° 113-13 du 27 avril 2016 relative à la transhumance pastorale, à l'aménagement et à la gestion des espaces pastoraux et sylvopastoraux.

Elle confère également aux autorités compétentes les pouvoirs et les missions d'organisation, de régulation, de veille et de suivi des activités de la transhumance pastorale, de l’ouverture des espaces pastoraux et sylvopastoraux, de la fixation des périodes de transhumance pastorale, de la mobilité des troupeaux et...

Regional Law No. 55-ZSO “On regulation of grazing and passage of cattle on the regional territory”.

The scope of this Regional Law shall be to ensure conservation and rational tenancy of agricultural land and urban land and it establishes requirements for grazing and passage of cattle on the regional territory. Owners of cattle must form their livestock in herds and appoint a...
Russian Federation (Saratov)

Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Senegal in the field of forestry.

By the Decree No. 2016/9293 of the Council of Ministers of 26 September 2016, the Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Senegal in the field of forestry has been approved. The Parties agree upon cooperation on (i) planning and sustainable management...

Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in the field of forestry.

By the Decree No. 2016/9316 of the Council of Ministers of 3 October 2016, the Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in the field of forestry has been approved. The Parties agree upon cooperation on (i) planning and sustainable...

European Union Habitats (Danes Hole, Poulnalecka Special Area of Conservation 000030) Regulations 2016 (S.I. No. 88 of 2016).

Activities requiring consent of Minister include, among other things: cutting, uprooting or otherwise removing plants (consent is not required for harvesting of cultivated crops, or for grazing or mowing; introduction, or re-introduction, of plants or animals not found in the area (consent is not required for...

Law on Crop Farming.

The scope of this Law shall be to regulate relations regarding farming, establishment of agricultural regions, rational use of agricultural land, soil protection and improvement of plant cultivation, combined agricultural development and intensive livestock production. Cultivation shall be carried out on state owned destined for agricultural...
2016 (2022)

Arrêté n° 010 /MEL/SG/DL du 28 janvier 2016 portant adoption du Guide National d'inventaire des Espaces Pastoraux et des Ressources Pastorales.

Il se déroulera sur quatre (4) phases: 1) déterminer les niveaux de responsabilité; 2) fixer les prérequis; 3) organiser les étapes de la démarche d'inventaire; et 4) définir les mesures visant la sécurisation et la mise en valeur des espaces-ressources inventoriés. ...

Great Bear Rainforest Order.

The present Ministerial Order by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations provides for the implementation of Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) on forested lands in the Great Bear Rainforest (GBR). It establishes legal objectives pursuant to section 93.4 of the Land Act, for...
Canada (British Columbia)

Districts (Animal Enclosure) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.

These Regulations amend the Districts (Animal Enclosure) Regulations 2009 in the Schedule. The principal Regulations shall apply to all residents of the Districts listed in the Schedule. ...

Decree No. 54/2015 approving the Regulation on the Process for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

The environmental licensing process consists of three stages: 1. Issuance of the Provisional Environmental License (issued after approval of the EPDA to EIA); 2. Issuance of the Environmental Installation License (issued after approval of the Environmental Impact Study and presentation of the approved Resettlement Plan); 3....

Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan on administrative violations.

This Code establishes the administrative responsibility and provides for imposition of penalties for the persons committing administrative violations. The purposes of this Code are: the protection of rights and freedom of people and citizens, protection of public health, sanitary-epidemiological welfare of population, public moral, protection of...
2015 (2021)

Décret n°2015-1470/ PRES-TRANS/PM/MEF/MARHASA du 07 Décembre 2015 portant détermination des taux et des modalités de recouvrement de la taxe de prélèvement de l’eau brute.

Le présent décret détermine les taux et les modalités de recouvrement de la taxe de prélèvement de l’eau brute en application des articles 8 et 11 de la loi n°058-2009/AN du 15 décembre 2009 portant institution d’une taxe parafiscale au profit des agences de l’eau dénommée...
Burkina Faso

Law No. 4351 on Grazing Land in Greece and other provisions.

This Law establishes rights to graze land in Greece, including public forests, forestry lands and grasslands referred to in article 3 of Law No. 998/1979 (A'289). It establishes that grazing rights on authorized grazing lands according to approved grazing management plans shall be allocated by the...

Arrêté n° 0133 MEL/SG/DEP/DL du 30 novembre 2015 portant création et organisation du Comité National de Pilotage (CNP) du Projet Régional d'Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel (PRAPS.

Le présent arrêté crée le Comité National de Pilotage (CNP) du Projet Régional d'Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel (PRAPS et fixe son organisation. Le Comité National de Pilotage a pour objectif d'assurer la mise en œuvre coordonnée du PRPAS dans ses zones d'intervention. A ce titre,...

Governmental Decree No. 724 validating Programs of the development of the pasture of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2016 – 2020.

This Governmental Decree states that national pastures are the main source of feed for cattle, livestock and horses, and provide more than 60-70 percent of their annual needs. Improving the condition of pastures has special importance in ensuring the country's food security and reducing the poverty...

Regional Law No. 1529-V amending Regional Law No. 2455-III “On modalities and rates of timber extraction by citizens for individual personal needs”.

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Citizens shall have the right to procure timber for heating and cooking in places of transhumance stay of stockbreeders intended as removal of dead fallen wood, dry stand, wood broken by wind and snag”. ...
Russian Federation (Buryatia)

Resolución Nº 8.438 – Regula uso pecuario en campos de pastoreo cordillerano y establece normas de prevención y detección precoz de enfermedades exóticas endémicas.

La presente Resolución tiene por objeto los requisitos para el uso pecuario de los Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano (CPC) bajo control oficial del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, ubicados en la Cordillera de Los Andes dentro de las coordenadas que se detallan. Todo campo de pastoreo cordillerano...

Ley de ganadería del Estado de Chihuahua.

Las restantes disposiciones se refieren al abasto público, y a la protección, conservación, mejoramiento y aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales relacionados con las actividades pecuarias, de la flora y fauna silvestre nativa y de interés cinegético. También se introducen normas para el asegurar el cumplimiento...
Mexico (Chihuahua)
2015 (2024)

Pasture Days Insurance Pilot Program Regulation, 2015 (Man. Reg. 180/2015).

The present Regulation is enacted under the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation Act. In particular, the Pasture Days Insurance Pilot Program provides financial assistance to livestock producers for losses due to weather-related grazing shortfalls during the summer pasture period. For the purpose of the present Regulation "livestock"...
Canada (Manitoba)

Regional Law No. 107-Z amending Regional Law No. 40-Z “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Article 7.1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Lease contract for agricultural land, destined for haymaking and grazing, pertaining to public or municipal property shall be concluded for the maximum period of three years”. ...
Russian Federation (Bryansk)

Law amending the Law on pastures.

Changes are regarding the offences and penalties. ...
North Macedonia

Loi n° 070-2015/CNT portant loi d’orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale, halieutique et faunique au Burkina Faso

La présente loi s’applique à l’ensemble des activités de production agrosylvo- pastorales, halieutiques et fauniques, ainsi qu’aux activités connexes se situant dans le prolongement de la production, notamment la commercialisation, le transport, la conservation, le conditionnement, le stockage et la transformation des produits agro-sylvo-pastoraux, halieutiques et...
Burkina Faso

Ley Nº 741 – Ley de autorización de desmonte hasta 20 hectáreas para pequeñas propiedades y propiedades comunitarias o colectivas para actividades agrícolas y pecuarias.

Mediante la presente se autoriza el desmonte de hasta veinte hectáreas en pequeñas propiedades, propiedades comunitarias o colectivas en proceso de saneamiento o tituladas, y asentamientos humanos legalmente establecidos con Resolución de Autorización, para el desarrollo de actividades agrícolas y pecuarias con sistemas productivos integrales y...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Regional Decree No. 476 validating the Regulation on keeping, grazing and transhumance of livestock, except for cases regulated by the federal legislation.

This Regional Decree establishes the modalities of keeping, grazing and transhumance of livestock, except for cases regulated by the federal legislation. Places of keeping cattle must comply with zoological hygiene, veterinary and sanitary requirements ensuring animal welfare. Vagabondage, stray livestock and uncared for grazing and transhumance...
Russian Federation (Trans-Baikal)

Law No. 3.607 amending Law No. 3.306 on the Sheet on Sanitary Control of the Agency for Agricultural and Agro-forestry Health Protection of the State of Rondônia (IDARON).

This Law amends Law No. 3.306 on the Sheet on Sanitary Control of the Agency for Agricultural and Agro-forestry Health Protection of the State of Rondônia (IDARON). Amendments deal with administrative and legal proceedings in particular about the title holder of the sheet. ...
Brazil (Rondônia)

Governor’s Decree No. 81 validating Forest plan.

The Governor decrees that Regional Forest plan shall be mandatory guiding document for state forest management bodies at all levels. Forest plan contains characteristics of the state of forests, classification of forests by categories and forest species. It also contains information on the amount of timber...
Russian Federation (Astrakhan)

Mines and Minerals Development Act, 2015 (No. 11 of 2015).

The conditions subject to which the mining right is granted or renewed shall include such conditions as may be prescribed by the Minister, by statutory instrument, or as the Minister may, in a particular case, otherwise determine, in relation to— (a) the conservation and protection of—(i)...

Forest Regulations (GN 170 of 2015).

A person with access to state forest reserves may not - (a) cultivate in the state forest; and (b) introduce alien plant species or any invasive plant into a state forest. Local communities must obtain authorisation to carry out activities in the state forest such as...

Loi n° 2015-537 du 20 juillet 2015 d'orientation agricole de Côte d'Ivoire.

Dans le cadre des Productions, marchés et prix (Titre VII), la Loi d'orientation agricole de Côte d'Ivoire vise les Productions végétales ; l’élevage et les ressources halieutiques ; les Ressources forestières et fauniques; la Transformation, la conservation, la Qualité, la normalisation et la labellisation des produits...
Côte d'Ivoire

Loi n° 042-2015/CNT du 02 juillet 2015 portant constitution du parc national d’Arly.

Les conditions et les modalités de gestion administrative du Parc national d’Arly ainsi que la participation des populations et des collectivités territoriales riveraines à cette gestion sont déterminées par décret pris en Conseil des ministres. ...
Burkina Faso

National Standard GOST R 56508-2015 Organic production (Processing, handling, storage and transportation”.

This National Standard shall be applicable to organic production of vegetable, plant, animal, microbe origin, and also to aquaculture products, either processed or not processed, used as foodstuffs destined for human consumption, and also as animal feedstuffs, seeds and planting materials. It establishes requirements for processing,...
Russian Federation

Regional Law No. 1177-ZZK amending Regional Law No. 292-ZZK “On veterinary practice”.

Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government shall have competence in establishment and validation of rules for keeping, grazing and transhumance of agricultural animals on the regional territory except for issues regulated by the federal legislation”. ...
Russian Federation (Trans-Baikal)

Regulation on additional measures for the movement of animals in order to prevent the spread of blue tongue disease.

This Regulation sets the additional measures (also inspection, health check) aimed to offer certain specific (also pastoral/pastoralism related issues) provisions regarding the animal health-sanitary requirements for the Blue tongue animal disease prevention on the territory of the Republic of Montenegro (provisions to be observed by farmers,...

Decision No. 614/52350 fixing detailed rules for the granting of aids in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector in accordance with Article 52 of Council Regulation (EC) 1307/2013 and Chapter 5 of Commission Regulation (EU) 639/2014.

This Decision, consisting of 13 articles, establishes detailed rules for granting financial aids in the sheep-meat and goat-meat sector in accordance with Article 52 of Council Regulation (EC) 1307/2013 and Chapter 5 of Commission Regulation (EU) 639/2014. These detailed rules aim at establishing the requirements for...

Decision No. 615/52353 fixing detailed rules for the granting of aids in the beef and veal breeding sector in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 521/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council and Chapter 5 of Regulation (EU) No. 639/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council Commission.

This Decision, consisting of 11 articles, establishes detailed rules for the granting of aids in the beef and veal breeding sector in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 521/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council and Chapter 5 of Regulation (EU) No. 639/2014 of the European...

Order No. 519 on subsidy for grazing projects on farms with buffer zones.

The Order consists of 12 Chapters: Purpose and application (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Conditions for the award of grants (4); Eligible costs (5); Calculation of grants (6); Changing the project and the transfer of undertakings (7); Grants (8); Duty to notify (9) Cessation of commitment...

Order No. 520 on subsidies for Natura2000 projects of clearing overgrown areas for the preparation of pasture.

The Order consists of 12 Chapters: Objectives and content (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Criteria for subsidy requirement (4); Eligible projects (5); Calculation of subsidy (6); Amendment of project and assignment thereof (7); Payment of subsidies (8); Notification duty (9); Repealing of agreements and repayment or...

Decreto Nº 87/15 - Declara de alto interés nacional la preservación de la Cuenca Alta del Rio Ozama e instruye al Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, dar fiel cumplimiento a lo establecido en el Art. 122 de la Ley No. 64-00.

Además, se instruye al Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, al Ministerio de Agricultura, al Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo y a la Dirección General de Programas Especiales de la Presidencia (DIGEPEP), para que junto a la Comisión Presidencial designada mediante el Decreto No.260-14,...
Dominican Republic

Law No. 7.454 establishing procedures, prohibitions, rules and precautions for the use of fires in farming, silvo-pastoralism and forestry practices.

This Law, consisting of five Chapters, establishes procedures, prohibitions, rules and precautions for the use of fires in farming, silvo-pastoralism and forestry practices. It specifies that from 1 July 2014 it is prohibited the use of fires even in the form of controlled fires for the...
Brazil (Alagoas)

Decree No. 10 of 2015 (III. 13.) FM of the Ministry of Agriculture laying down rules of subsidization of good practices with respect to climate and environment and providing rules on maintenance of arable land, permanent grassland and fields covered by permanent crops in suitable conditions for plant production and grazing.

This Decree in divided into five chapters. It provides rules regarding the subsidization of certain farming activities which contribute to the maintenance in good conditions of arable land, permanent grassland and land covered with permanent crops. It aims also to promote crop diversification. Chapter IV...
2015 (2015)

Rangelands and Forages Resources Development (Rationalization) Act of 2015.

The VI Chapters of this Law are entitled as follows Preliminary Provisions, name of the Law and its commencement (I); Pasture lands and their management (II); Protection of rangeland, and paths' determination (III); Pasture lands and prohibited activities within the pastures (IV); Planting materials, grazing farms...

Ordonnance sur les conditions d’estivage.

La présente ordonnance met, entre autres, en exécution a loi fédérale du 16 décembre 2005 sur la protection des animaux (LPA) et son ordonnance du 23 avril 2008 (OPAn). Notamment, l’ordonnance est relative aux conditions d’estivage. L’article 1er établit que tous les animaux estivés sur des...
Switzerland (Fribourg)

Order No. 50/2015 establishing the implementation system of Support Measures 7.4, «Soil conservation», 7.5 «Efficient use of water», 7.6, «Traditional permanent crops», 7.7 «Extensive grazing», 7.9 «Agroforestry mosaic», and 7.12 «Agri-environment support for beekeeping», of measure No 7 «Agriculture and natural resources» of the Mainland's Rural Development Programme.

This Order, consisting of 80 articles divided into ten Chapters and 14 Annexes, establishes the implementation system of Support Measures 7.4, «Soil conservation», 7.5 «Efficient use of water», 7.6, «Traditional permanent crops», 7.7 «Extensive grazing», 7.9 «Agroforestry mosaic», and 7.12 «Agri-environment support for beekeeping», of measure...

Ley Nº 27.066 - Régimen de Promoción de la Ganadería Bovina en Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas.

La presente Ley establece el Régimen de Promoción de la Ganadería Bovina en Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas en el marco del Plan Federal del Bicentenario de Ganados y Carnes del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación; asimismo crea el el Fondo para Promoción...

Executive Decree No. 398/14 approving the Regulation of the Cabinet for the Management of Agricultural Lands within the Ministry of Agriculture (GGTA).

This Executive Decree approves the Regulation of the Cabinet for the Management of Agricultural Lands within the Ministry of Agriculture (GGTA). This Regulation, consisting of two Chapters and two Annexes, establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned National Direction, entitled to: promote research aiming...

Agreement between Norway and Finland on the follow-up and maintenance of reindeer fences and other measures to prevent reindeer from entering the territory of the other state.

The Agreement contains 28 Articles organized in the following chapters: 1. Guarding obligation; 2. Fences; 3. When reindeer cross the border; 4. Miscellaneous provisions. ...

Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2014 S.I. No. 3038 of 2014).

These Regulations make provision for the registration of common land and town or village greens under Part 1 of the Commons Act 2006. They apply to the registration areas (as defined in these Regulations) of the commons registration authorities in England specified in Schedule 1. Registers...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (England)

Loi n° 2014-27 du 3 novembre 2014 modifiant la loi n° 65-60 du 21 juillet 1965 portant Code pénal.

La presente loi modifie la loi n° 65-60 du 21 juillet 1965 portant Code pénal. Concrètement, elle modifie l'article 368, en ajoutant l'article 368 bis à fin de apporter une réponse à la mesure du problème du vol de bétail. Le nouveau article puni le vol...

Regulation on conditions for feeding domestic animals with pasture from land on which organic fertilizers and soil improvers are applied.

This Regulation, based on the provisions of the Law on animal by-products (Republika Srpska), prescribes the conditions for feeding domestic animals by grazing and silage from the land (pastures) on which organic fertilizers and soil improvers are applied. This text further defines the terms such as...
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska)

Décret n° 2014-926/PRES/PM/MATD/MEDD/MEAHA/MEF/MRAH/MFPTSS du 10 octobre 2014 portant modalités de transfert des compétences et des ressources de l’Etat aux régions dans le domaine de l’environnement et de la gestion des ressources naturelles.

Toutefois, l’Etat définit les politiques et stratégies nationales en matière d’environnement et de gestion des ressources naturelles, fixe les normes et standards en matière d’infrastructures, de procédures de classement et de déclassement des zones de conservation, établit les outils de suivi et d’évaluation, assure la supervision...
Burkina Faso

Décret n° 2014-552 du 1er octobre 2014 Portant organisation du Ministère des Ressources Animales et Halieutiques.

Termine le texte le Chapitre V, portant des dispositions finales. ...
Côte d'Ivoire

Fences Regulations 2014.

These Regulations, made under section 38 of the Fences Act 1968 and consisting of 10 sections completed by one Schedule, prescribe forms for the purposes of the said Act. The Schedule specifies the following Forms: Fencing notice; Notice from notifying owner to long-term tenant; Notice from...
Australia (Victoria)

Government Decree on the Natural Resources Institute (No. 561 of 2014).

The present Decree complements the Act on the Natural Resources Institute (No. 561 of 2014). The Institute shall be responsible for conducting scientific research and development, transferring knowledge and technology, and producing statistics related to: 1) Agriculture and food economics; 2) Rural development; 3) Forestry; 4)...

Resolution CONAM No. 4 amending Resolution CONAM No. 1 on the Declaration of Compliance for Agricultural and Livestock Activity (DCAA) and listing exempted agro-silvopastoralism activities.

This Resolution amends Resolution CONAM No. 1 on the Declaration of Compliance for Agricultural and Livestock Activity (DCAA) and listing exempted agro-silvopastoralism activities. Amendments deal with legal and administrative procedures to obtain the above mentioned Declaration of Compliance in particular for animal breeding purposes. ...
Brazil (Distrito Federal)

Ley Nº 3/2014 - Ley de Vías Pecuarias de la Comunitat Valenciana.

La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular las vías pecuarias de la Comunitat Valenciana, con la finalidad de conservar y consolidar, proteger y recuperar el patrimonio pecuario para disponer de una red de caminos para el uso pecuario y medioambiental de las generaciones presentes y futuras,...
Spain (Valencia)

Norm CPRH No. 8 regulating CPRH procedures to issue authorization for controlled fires in rural lands through establishing precautionary rules in agro-pastoral and forestry practices within the State of Pernambuco.

This Decree, consisting of 17 articles, regulates CPRH procedures to issue authorization for controlled fires in rural lands through establishing precautionary rules in agro-pastoral and forestry practices within the State of Pernambuco. It regulates the above mentioned procedures as a production and management factor in areas...
Brazil (Pernambuco)

Convention de l'Union Africaine sur la Coopération Transfrontalière (Convention de Niamey), 27/06/2014

Pour atteindre ces objectifs, les Etats Parties s'engagent à promouvoir la coopération transfrontalière dans les domaines suivants : la cartographie et l'information géographique, y compris la topographie ; le développement socio-économique, y compris en ce qui concerne le transport, les communications, le commerce, les activités agropastorales,...

Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods.

Section VI lays down the Commitment to Enhancing Resilience of Livelihoods and Production Systems to Climate Variability and other related risks; to reduce vulnerabilities of the livelihoods of the population through building resilience of systems, resolving: a) to ensure that, by the year 2025, at least...

Act on fields and road peace (No. 728 of 2014).

The purpose of this Act is to partly amend Act No. 61, in particular the legitimation right for removal of domestic livestock (fur animals, rabbits, birds) from sites where they have caused damages to vegetation, soil, etc. Animal killing methods may be applied after a year...

Measures for the Administration of Central Finance Subsidy Funds for the Protection of Agricultural Resources and Ecology.

Agricultural resource and ecological protection grant funds are mainly used for farmland quality improvement, grassland grazing restriction subsidies and grass-livestock balance rewards, grassland ecological restoration and fishery resources protection. ...
2014 (2017)

Décret N° 2014-481/PRES/PM/MATD/MEF/MHU déterminant les conditions et les modalités d’application de la loi n° 0342012/AN du 02 juillet 2012 portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso.

Le présent décret détermine les conditions et les modalités d'application de la loi n° 034-2012/AN du 02 juillet 2012 portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso. ...
Burkina Faso

Land Register Rules etc. (Scotland) Regulations 2014 (S.S.I. No. 150 of 2014).

These Regulations, made under sections 43(7), 56(4), 62(2), 115(1) and 116(1) of the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012 , provide for the keeping the Land Register of Scotland (“the register”), the procedure for applications for registration, forms to be used, etc. They, among other things,...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Scotland)

Décret n°2-13-325 du 20 rejeb 1435 (20 mai 2014) réglementant les encouragements de l’Etat en vue de l’intensification de la production animale.

Le présent décret énonce que l'Etat prévoit une aide sous forme technique et financière qui peut être accordée en vue de l’intensification de la production animale aux éleveurs et aux groupements d’éleveurs dotés de la personnalité morale et légalement constitués et cela en application de l’article...

Loi n° 012-2014/AN du 22 avril 2014 portant loi d’orientation relative à la prévention et à la gestion des risques, des crises humanitaires et des catastrophes.

Cette loi vise la prévention et la gestion des risques, des crises humanitaires et des catastrophes au Burkina Faso, quelle qu’en soit la nature, l’origine et l’ampleur. Toutefois, la gestion des risques biotechnologiques et de sûreté nucléaire s’opère conformément à la législation nationale et aux conventions...
Burkina Faso

Withdrawal from Disposal, Setting Apart and Appropriation of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Reindeer Grazing Reserve) Order (S.I./2014-38).

The present Order is made under the Territorial Lands Act. The purpose of the Order is to withdraw from disposal certain tracts of territorial lands for reindeer grazing purposes and to set apart and appropriate those tracts for use as a reindeer grazing reserve in the...

Summer Grazing Ordinance.

The present Ordinance implements, inter alia, the Animal Protection Act of 23 September 2010 and the Agriculture Act of 11 December 2008. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the summer grazing of farm animals. The text consists of 32 articles divided into 8...

Décret 2014-078/PRES/PM/MEF/MASA/MEAHA/MEDD/MICA/MRAH/MATS/MATD du 14 février 2014 portant modification de la délimitation de la zone d’utilité publique de Bagré et création d’une zone de concentration.

La société de développement intégré du pôle de Bagré (BAGREPOLE) est chargée de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour une gestion efficace du fonds de terres de la zone d’utilité publique de Bagré dans le cadre de la mise en valeur des aménagements à but agricole,...
Burkina Faso

Presidential Decree No. 31/14 approving the Statute of the Institution for Agronomic Investigation (IIA).

This Decree approves the Statute of the Public Institution for Agronomic Investigation (IIA). The Statute, consisting of 6 Chapters and 3 Annexes, establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned institution, entitled to guarantee the coordination and implementation of investigation, experimentation and technological development in...

Presidential Decree No. 28/14 approving the National Strategy for Rural Trade and Entrepreneurship (ENACRE).

This Decree approves the National Strategy for Rural Trade and Entrepreneurship (ENACRE) from 2013 to 2017. This Strategy aims at implementing the Agriculture and Livestock Trading Programme for 2013-2017 and at taking actions, based on the economic and rural development policies of the country. It aims...

Regional Act No. 3 on the protection and promotion of forests in Abruzzo.

This Regional Act recognizes the importance of forests for the preservation of natural resources and particularly for preventing climate change (as defined under the Kyoto Protocol). It lays down provisions for the protection and preservation of forests in Abruzzo, with a view to (i) preserving and...
Italy (Abruzzo)

Regional Law 4 January 2014 No. 3 on the protection and enhancement of forests, pastures and the arboreal heritage of the Abruzzo region.

Title V regulates public forests and their management. Title VI contains public initiatives to achieve objectives above, these include: reforestation; care and maintenance of the woods and pastures; planting and improvement of riparian formations, peri-urban woods and other particular for< protection of monumental and ancient...
Italy (Abruzzo)

Guidelines for Sustainable Management and Utilization of Rangelands in Tanzania.

The principles and values guiding the development of these guidelines and recommended actions for rangeland management are as follows (i) ecological sustainability of natural resources, serving as the benchmark for the sustainable use of rangeland resources; (ii) compliance with national Policies; (iii) stakeholder and local communities...
United Republic of Tanzania

Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Regional Animal Health Certification Guidelines.

The Document firstly provides an outline of the current Animal Health Certification Practice by Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) Member States and then outlines OIE Principles and Standards for Animal Health Certification. The Guidelines per se are divided into few sections: Guidelines for GHoA Animal Health...

Reindeer Act (S.N.W.T. 2014, c. 16).

The present Act makes provisions for the management and protection of reindeers in the Northwest Territories and provides the Government of the Northwest Territories with the authority to make Regulations. It also provides the Government with the authority to enter into agreements for herding of reindeer....
Canada (Northwest Territories)

Reindeer Regulations (N.W.T. Reg. 011-2014).

The present Regulations are made under the Reindeer Act. For the purpose of the Regulations "grazing allotment" means an area described in a grazing licence. The Superintendent may divide a reserve into grazing allotments and may change or modify the boundaries of the allotments or reduce...
Canada (Northwest Territories)

METHODOLOGICAL RULES for the application of the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2013 on the organization, administration and operation of permanent meadows and for amending and supplementing the Land Fund Law no. 18/1991.

These METHODOLOGICAL RULES establish that grassland the public and / or private domain of communes, cities, municipalities and the municipality of Bucharest administered by their local councils, those in the public and (or) private domain of the state administered by the State Domains Agency, those in...

Resolución Nº 25/2013 - Prohíbe el empleo de caballos para el arreo de ganado menor.

Con el objeto de asegurar el respeto de las normas de bienestar animal, la presente Resolución prohíbe el empleo de caballos para el arreo del ganado menor, como así también el arreo a pie del ganado bovino. Se prohíbe el empleo del lazo, arreadores y perros....

Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

This Regulation amends Article 7 concerning the rental of pasture lands and Article 8 concerning changes in the purpose of the allocation of pasture lands, of the Regulation on pastures dated 1998. The Regulation adds a new paragraph to the Article 8 regarding environmental impact assessment....

Law amending the Law on pastures.

Changes are related to the administrative obligations (concessions, mutual rights and obligations) for legal and natural persons; and offences and penalties. ...
North Macedonia

Décret 2013-613/PRES/PM/MRAH du 23 juillet 2013 portant organisation du Ministère des Ressources Animales et Halieutiques.

Le présent décret fixe les règles d’organisation, d’attributions et de fonctionnement du Ministère des Ressources Animales et Halieutiques. L’organisation de ce Ministère s’article autour de deux structures notamment le Cabinet du Ministre; et le Secrétariat général. ...
Burkina Faso

Order No. 1237 on CHR registration of herds.

This Order addresses the requirements for registration in CHR - Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Central Livestock Register - for livestock such as herds of cattle (Genus Bos, Bison and Bubalus), swine, sheep, goats, poultry, deer, fox, polecat, finn-racoon, chinchilla or mink, and aquatic species....

Ministerial Decree No. 515 regarding allocation of pastures for purposes not related to grazing.

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of the use of pastures and grazing resources for the purposes not related to grazing of cattle. It specifies that local authorities shall be granted the right to allocate pastures and grazing resources for payment in accordance with contracts for...

Regulation No. 992 on regional environmental subsidies for agriculture in Oppland municipality.

The purpose of the Regultation is to grant regional environmental subsidies to preserve and develop environmental, agricultural and farming methods as a resource for the public and local business development. Agriculture shall operate by ensuring environmental production with minimal harmful emissions to water and air. Subsidy...

Loi d'Orientation Agropastorale N° 2013-024.

La présente loi, composée par quatre-vingt articles divisés en seize chapitres, a pour objet de déterminer les orientations politiques constituant le cadre de référence en matière de développement de l'agriculture et de l'élevage. Les objectifs de la politique agropastorale sont énumérés dans le premier chapitre alors...

Arrêté du ministre de l’agriculture du 9 juillet 2013, relatif à la fixation des périmètres pastoraux de sauvegarde du cheptel et à leur ouverture au pacage.

La liste des bénéficiaires d'autorisation de pacage exceptionnel ainsi que le nombre d'animaux autorisé au pacage par espèce dans chacun des périmètres indiqués sont fixés par la commission créée par le décret n° 89-1060 du 27 juillet 1989. ...

Décret n°2013-110/PR/MAECI portant création du Mécanisme Nationale d’Alerte Précoce et de Réactions aux Conflits pastoraux et urbains ou CEWERU.

Le Comité Directeur est chargé de contrôler et valider avec le responsable du CEWERU les rapports périodiques. Les Comités Locaux de Paix sont sous la responsabilité du responsable du CEWERU et doivent lui rendre compte de leurs activités. Ils sont chargés de récolter sur le terrain...

Regulations of Qinghai Province on Wetland Protection.

The purpose of these Regulations is to strengthen wetland protection, maintain ecological functions and biological diversity of wetlands, promote sustainable utilization of wetland resources, and promote ecological civilization construction. The Text is divided into 6 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Wetland Planning and Wetland Directory (II); Protection...
China (Qinghai)

Regulation amending the Regulation on the principles of organic farming and their implementation.

This Regulation makes minor changes in several different articles of the Regulation on the principles of organic farming and their implementation, such as in Article 5 about database of organic agriculture, in Article 6/1(b) about application requirements for entrepreneurs, in Article 9/1(f) about organic fertilizers and...

Law No. 12.805 creating the National Policy for Livestock, Agro-forestry and Sylvo-pastoralism (ILPF).

This Law creates the National Policy for Livestock, Agro-forestry and Sylvo-pastoralism (ILPF). This Programme aims at: improving in a sustainable way productivity, quality products and agro-forestry income generating activities, through the application of exploitation integrated systems, livestock and forestry activities in deforested areas, as alternative to...

EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 34 of April 23, 2013 on the organization, administration and operation of permanent grassland and for amending and supplementing the Land Fund Law no. 18/1991.

The purpose of this Emergency Ordinance is to regulate the organization, administration and operation of permanent grassland outside inhabited areas. Permanent grassland outside inhabited areas shall be considered land allocated to the production of grass and other cultivated or spontaneous herbaceous forage plants, which have not...
2013 (2014)

Ordonnance sur les conditions d’estivage

La présente ordonnance met en exécution la loi fédérale du 1er juillet 1966 sur les épizooties du 27 juin 1995 et l’ordonnance sur les épizooties du 27 juin 1995. Notamment, l’article 1er établit que tous les animaux estivés sur des pâturages ou sur des alpages du...
Switzerland (Fribourg)

Law No. 6443 amending the Law on pastures No. 4342.

This Law No. 6443 makes minor changes in several different articles of the Law on pastures No. 4342. ...

Law No. 38/2013 amending Law No. 9693 on the Pasture Fund.

This Law amends articles 30-35 of law 9693 of 2007. The amendments deal with penalties issued for law infringements and their appeal process. The inspection is carried out by the Forestry Police and its regional and local units. ...

Presidential Decree No. 2713 on additional measures for the development of animal husbandry.

This Decree states that, the government shall provide financial support to agricultural producers in livestock sector and animal importers in 2013. This Decree aims at meeting the need of the population to dairy products and developing livestock production and breeding. ...

Animals (Trespass and Pound) Regulations 2013 (S.R.O. 13 of 2013).

These Regulations amend the Schedule to the Animals (Trespass and Pound) Act which provides for fees to be paid by or on behalf of the owner of an animal to a pound keeper for the release of specified animals from a pound and fees be...

Regulation No. 206 on subsidy for pasture projects.

The purpose of this Regulation is to facilitate the best possible utilization of grazing in wild areas, reducing the loss of animals on pastures and promoting joint initiatives in pastures. Subsidy shall be granted for a minimum of 50% of costs, however shall not be granted...

Decreto Supremo Nº 001-2013-AG ─ Alcance de la rectoría de la Política Nacional Agraria en materia de saneamiento físico legal y formalización de la propiedad agraria.

El presente Decreto Supremo establece el alcance de la rectoría normativa en Política Nacional Agraria en materia de saneamiento físico legal y formalización de la propiedad agraria, que comprende las tierras de uso agrícola, de pastoreo, las tierras forestales, las eriazas con aptitud agraria, los recursos...

Décret N°013-028/PRN/MEL du 23 janvier 2013 déterminant les modalités pratiques de l’inventaire national des espaces pastoraux et des ressources pastorales.

L’identification est faite par les Commissions foncières en collaboration avec les populations locales et les organisations des producteurs. Après l’identification, les espaces pastoraux et les ressources pastorales feront l’objet d’un géo-référencement et d’une large information au niveau de l’ensemble des entités concernées par les communes du...

Loi n° 2013-001 du 14 janvier 2013 portant code foncier et domanial en République du Bénin.

Cette abroge la loi n°60-20 du 13 juillet 1960 fixant le régime des permis d’habiter au Dahomey, la loi n°65-25 du 14 août 1965 portant organisation du régime de la propriété foncière au Dahomey, la loi n°2007-03 du 16 octobre 2007 portant régime foncier rural en...

Regulation No. 3 on subsidies for preventive measures against predatory wildlife damage and conflict mitigation.

The scope of the Regulation is to ensure the implementation of effective preventive measures to limit the damages to agricultural production by wildlife predators.Agriculture, animal welfare and environmental measures will collectively contribute to the achievement of these objectives. Subsidies may be granted to commercial farmers dealing...

Directive of the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock concerning the duties of central units.

The Directive further covers provisions on the duties and responsibilities of some other central departments of the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock such as the General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations, Board of Guidance and Inspection, Department of Strategy Development, Legal Consultancy Office,...

Guide méthodologique l’aménagement, la sécurisation et la valorisation des espaces pastoraux et des pistes à bétail, 2013

Par ailleurs, la stratégie de mise en œuvre du guide traite successivement des principes de la mise en œuvre, de la diffusion du guide et de la formation des utilisateurs, du financement, du suivi-évaluation et formule des recommandations. ...
Burkina Faso

Law No. 62/2012 creating the National Granting System and Fund of lands for agricultural, forestry or pastoral use, called «Bolsa de terras».

This Law, consisting of 21 articles, creates the National Granting System and Fund of lands for agricultural, forestry or pastoral purpose, called «Bolsa de terras». This Law applies to rural lands according to their registration and subject to the legislation regulating the ownership transfer of goods....

Law No. 63/2012 approving fiscal benefits to the use of agricultural, forestry and silvopastoril lands and to the promotion of the «Bolsa de terras».

This Law approves fiscal benefits to the use of agricultural, forestry and silvopastoril lands and to the promotion of the «Bolsa de terras». In particular, this Law establishes tax reductions aimed at stimulating the National Granting System of lands, amending the Fee Regulation for Land Registration,...

Permanent Grassland Conservation Law (DGErhG M-V).

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the conservation of permanent grassland. The text consists of 6 articles as follows: Assessment of permanent grassland (1); Ban on change of permanent grassland (2); Exceptions (3); Tasks and competences (4); Penalties (5); Entry into force, expiry (6)....
Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
2012 (2019)

Pasturage and Enclosure (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (No. 9 of 2012).

These Regulations amend the Pasturage and Enclosure Regulations in subregulation 3(1) by: in subparagraph (a) substituting for the words “4 fee units in respect of each horse” the words “5 fee units in respect of each horse and each head of cattle”; and repealing subparagraph (b)....
Norfolk Island

Bonnes pratiques agro-sylvo-pastorales d’amélioration durable de la fertilité des sols au Burkina Faso

Le présent document approuve les bonnes pratiques agro-sylvo-pastorales d’amélioration durable de la fertilité des sols au Burkina Faso. Le document prévoit que les bonnes pratiques d’amélioration durable de la fertilité des sols sont multiples. En effet par exemple, l’agronomie porte sur les domaines de gestion des...
Burkina Faso

Regulations of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on poverty alleviation and development in rural and pastoral areas.

People's Governments at or above county level shall integrate the rural and pastoral area poverty alleviation and development into the local plan for national economic and social development, and the special planning shall be developed for rural and pastoral areas poverty alleviation and development. Special...
China (Inner Mongolia - Nei Mongol)

Crofting Register (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2012 (S.S.I. No. 327 of 2012).

These Rules amend the Crofting Register (Scotland) Rules 2012 to clarify the forms for the registration of common grazings prescribed in the Crofting Register (Scotland) Rules 2012. ...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Forestry Law No.10 of 2012 of Iraqi Kurdistan region.

Rules are provided for: people living inside the forests; grazing; exploitation of private forests; the allocation of land without forests. Licenses are required to: cut, transport or carbonize fruit trees; prune forest trees; make charcoal in the forests. It is prohibited: let out plant and animal...
Iraq (Kurdistan Region)

Resolución Nº 6.852 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de pastoreo cordillerano y establece normas de prevención y detección precoz de enfermedades exóticas y control de enfermedades endémicas.

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso pecuario de ciertos Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano (CPC) bajo control oficial del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, ubicados en la Cordillera de los Andes. Asimismo, indica los medios de identificación que deben utilizarse para los bovinos, ovinos y...

Regulation on the conditions for pasture, performance of timber and collection of fallen leafs.

The scope of these rules is to offer procedures and rules aimed to protect (and manage) the forest land from grazing harmful effects; to offer correct conditions for some forest functions (artificial or natural rejuvenation, afforestation and breeding of live animals and/or forest species); and other...

Décret n°2012-1156 du 9 novembre 2012 relatif aux attribution du ministre de l'agriculture et de l'élevage.

Le présent décret fixe les attributions du ministre de l'agriculture et de l'élevage chargé d’exécuter la politique de la nationale dans les domaines de l’agriculture et de l'élevage. A ce titre, il est chargé, notamment, de: initier les textes législatifs et règlementaires favorables au développement de...

Crofting Register (Scotland) Rules 2012 (S.S.I. No. 294 of 2012).

These Rules, made in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 19(1) and 53(2)(a) of the Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, provide for the compilation, keeping and protection of the Crofting Register and rule 4 provides for public access to it. It also prescribes...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Loi N° 050-2012/AN portant réglementation des organisations interprofessionnelles des filières agricoles, sylvicoles, pastorales, halieutiques et fauniques au Burkina Faso.

Les organisations interprofessionnelles ont pour missions principales de développer la concertation entre les différents acteurs des maillons d’une filière afin de faciliter l’harmonisation de leurs positions et d’améliorer, entre eux, la communication et les échanges; promouvoir et gérer les accords interprofessionnels entre les différents acteurs ...
Burkina Faso

Regulation No. 820 on the protection of Høgfjellslam from North Gudbrandsdal as a geographical landmark.

Annex 1 - Description of the product's origin and provenience from the geographical area. ...

Ordinance laying down extraordinary veterinary police measures as regards tuberculosis, bovine brucellosis, ovine and caprine brucellosis as well as leucosis in the regions of Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.

By virtue of this Ordinance the Ministry of Health lays down extraordinary veterinary police measures to combat the spread and eradicate tuberculosis, bovine brucellosis, ovine and caprine brucellosis as well as leucosis in the regions of Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily. The Ordinance regulates the procedures...

Resolution CONAM No. 1 establishing Declaration of Compliance for Agricultural and Livestock Activity (DCAA) and listing agro-silvopastoralism activities exemption from environmental licensing within the Federal District.

This Resolution, consisting of 6 articles, establishes Declaration of Compliance for Agricultural and Livestock Activity (DCAA) and lists agro-silvopastoralism activities exemption from environmental licensing within the Federal District. Declaration of Compliance should meet the following cumulative criteria: a) having reduced polluting/degrading potential; b) do not imply...
Brazil (Distrito Federal)

Soil Protection and Desertification Prevention Law.

The scope of this Law shall be to regulate relations concerning soil degradation, soil rehabilitation and combating desertification. It shall be applicable to the activities by the government, natural persons, business entities and organizations as regards preventing and protecting soil from desertification. Soil degradation shall be...
2012 (2015)

Law No. 6292 on supporting the development of forest villagers, valuation of areas taken out of forest area borders on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury.

This Law lays down provisions concerning the valuation of areas taken out of forest boundaries on behalf of the Treasury, creation of new forest areas, re-establishment of areas as forests, settlement of the people of the villages located within or adjacent to the State forests to...
2012 (2023)

Commons Act 2006 (Commencement No.2, Transitional Provisions and Savings) (Wales) Order 2012 (S.I. No. 739 (W.99) (C.19) of 2012).

This Order brings into force and makes transitional provisions in relation with provisions of the which relate to deregistration and exchange of, and works on, common land, together with related appeals and all remaining purposes provisions which relate to deregistration and exchange of, and works on,...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Wales)

Loi n° 2012-016 du 27 février 2012 portant code des investissements.

Les modalités de fonctionnement de cette Commission de contrôle et de suivi des projets agréés au Code des investissements seront déterminées par décret pris en Conseil des Ministres. ...

Law No.14/2012 amending and supplementing Law No.9693 dated 19.3.2007 on the Pasture Fund.

Law No. 14/2012 amends Article 2 of the Law No.9693 of 2007 regarding areas of pasture fund that re-enter the agricultural land fund. This inclusion maybe done only for areas newly planted with trees that are part of the long term national programs and policies. Local...

Decision No.112 dated 15.2.2012 removing from the forestry fund the area No. 37 of the forestry economy “Vllahat-Dhrovian” Delvine.

The Decision removes from the forestry fund the area No. 37 of the forestry economy “Vllahat-Dhrovian” Delvine and unregisters it from the ‘pasture’ category. The geographical coordinates and area are further defined. The area will be given to Dinamika Ltd for stone activities that is also...

Act No. 89/2012 laying down the Civil Code.

LAND. In the context of co-ownership and subdivision of land, article 1142 stipulates that agricultural land may only be divided in a way that it results in the creation of tracts of land which may be efficiently cultivated both in terms of their amount, as well...

Order No. 84 on special subsidy to farmers for the care of eligible grassland.

The Order consists of 12 Chapters: Scheme, content and purpose (1); Definitions (2); Application for subsidy (3); Prioritization of grant applications (4); Areas for which aid may be granted (5); Conditions for support, other commitments and aid rate (6); Reduction of support (7); Cross-compliance (8); Transfer...

Ministerial Decision No. 18/2012 amending some provisions of the Implementing Regulation of the Law on pasture and livestock management.

The amendment of the Implementing Regulation of the Law on pasture and livestock management regards the commitment of the establishment or the company to the specified import date. In case of failure to import for three times in a row within six months, it is deleted...

Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of Nepal on cross-border grazing of inhabitants of border areas.

In order to further consolidate and develop the traditional neighborly and friendly relation between the two countries and facilitate bilateral cross-border grazing of inhabitants of border areas, the two countries have agreed that cross- border grazing areas should be accessible, convenient areas within the scope...

Décret exécutif n° 12-09 complétant le décret exécutif n° 09-150 fixant les modalités de fonctionnement du compte d'affectation spéciale n° 302-126 intitulé "Fonds spécial d'appui aux éléveurs et petits exploitants agricoles".

Le compte d'affectation spéciale n° 302-126 intitulé "Fonds spécial d'appui aux éléveurs et petits exploitants agricoles", est ouvert dans les écritures du trésorier principal. ...

Presidential Decree No. 2/12 approving the Development Plan for the Province of Huíla.

This Presidential Decree approves the mid-term Development Plan 2009-2013 for the Province of Huíla (in the Annex). The above mentioned Plan specifies the projects prescribed by the General Budget of 2012 under the Development Programme of this Province. Moreover, this Plan establishes priority projects to be...

Circular No. 2012/1 on fight against animal diseases and control of livestock movement.

This Circular aims at preventing the spread of animal diseases and improving efficiency in fight against animal diseases. The Circular sets forth the procedures of controlling livestock movements, registering livestock animals, animal farms and slaughterhouses. The Circular regulates issues, such as outbreak of diseases, vaccination, veterinary...

Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

This Regulation amends Clause (a) of Article. 13 of the Regulation on pastures. The amended clause cover the required documents for the seasonal renting of pasture lands. ...

Law No. 254 amending Law No. 30 “On pastures”.

Article 3-1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Use of pastures shall be performed in accordance with pasture management plan. Use of pastures for grazing shall be performed in accordance with grazing authorization. Use of pastures for purposes different from grazing shall be regulated...

Ministerial Decree No. 1338 validating the Regulation on haymaking and grazing on plots of state forest fund.

This Ministerial Decree establishes that plots of state forest fund authorized for haymaking and grazing shall be determined by state owner of public forest in accordance with forest management plan validated by state forest service. Unforested land and clearings unsuitable for afforestation and reforestation, and areas...

Resolución Nº 7.480 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de pastoreo cordillerano y establece normas de prevención y detección precoz de enfermedades exóticas y control de enfermedades endémicas.

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso pecuario de los Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano que se encuentran bajo el control oficial del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero y que están ubicados en los puntos geográficos que detalla el artículo 1º. Queda dispuesto que sólo los...

Les bonnes pratiques de gestion durable des terres au Burkina Faso

Le présent document capitalise les bonnes (ou pratiques innovantes) relatives aux technologies de gestion durable des terres, y compris les besoins d’informations et de thématiques de recherche sur la gestion durable des terres découlant de l’analyse des contraintes techniques des usagers de la terre. De façon...
Burkina Faso

Reglamento de la Ley de fomento y desarrollo pecuarios del Estado de Quintana Roo en materia de movilización de ganado bovino en pie dentro del territorio del Estado de Quintana Roo.

Las presentes disposiciones reglamentan la Ley de fomento y desarrollo pecuarios del Estado de Quintana Roo en lo relativo a la movilización de ganado bovino en pie dentro del territorio estatal. El objetivo es coadyuvar al mejoramiento de los estatus sanitarios de las enfermedades y plagas...
Mexico (Quintana Roo)

Governor’s Decree validating Forest plan.

The Governor decrees that Regional Forest plan shall be mandatory guiding document for state forest management bodies at all levels. Forest plan contains characteristics of the state of forests, classification of forests by categories and forest species. It also contains information on the amount of timber...
Russian Federation (Altai)

Regulations of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Protection of Basic Grasslands.

The people's governments at county level shall be responsible for the planning and delineation of basic grasslands. Where it is really necessary to expropriate or use basic grasslands for exploiting mineral resources and engineering construction, it must be reviewed and approved by the competent grassland authorities...
China (Inner Mongolia - Nei Mongol)

Ley pecuaria del Estado de Oaxaca.

La Ley se compone de los siguientes Títulos: I) Disposiciones generales; II) Ganadería; III) De la organización de los ganaderos; IV) Del sistema producto y del fomento pecuario; V) De la propiedad, fierros, marcas y señales de sangre; VI) Del ganado mostrenco; VII) De la inspección...
Mexico (Oaxaca)

Measures of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for implementing the Grassland Law of People's Republic of China.

The people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the law, register and confirm the right to use the grasslands, and issue certificates for the right to use. The grasslands under collective ownership, and those under ownership by the State that are...
China (Xinjiang)

Regional Law No. 64-RZ “On allocation of territory for pastoralism”.

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allocation of agricultural lands for grazing, transhumance and pastoralism and is aimed at promotion of traditional forms of pastoralism. Land destined for grazing, transhumance and pastoralism shall be public property and shall not be subject to privatization. Land destined...
Russian Federation

Law No. 91 amending Law No. 30 “On pastures”.

Article 16 shall be amended to add the following wording: “shall be subject to registration by the authorized state institution in the sphere of registration of rights to immovable property”. ...

Legislative Decree No.78 of 2011 establishing the General Authority for the management, development and protection of desert lands.

This Decree consisting of 17 articles aims at establishing the General Authority for the management, development and protection of the desert lands with also the membership of a representative of the General Union of the Peasants. Main tasks of the Authority are (i) develop and protect...
Syrian Arab Republic

Decree Law No. 639 on the establishment and functions of the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock.

This Decree Law sets forth the principles and procedures of the establishment, duties, powers and responsibilities and regulates the organizational structure of the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock. The Decree Law states that the Ministry has duties and responsibilities such as certification, inspection, capacity building...

Afar National Regional State Rural Land Use and Administration Regulation No. 4/2011.

This Regulation, made under the Afar National Regional State Rural Land Use and Administration Proclamation, concerns equal land use rights on communal holdings of the pastoralist communities and separation of communal holdings for use of the pastoralist community. Any pastoralist shall be entitled to equal land...
Ethiopia (Afar)

Regional Law No. 404-z "On regulation of grazing and passage of livestock".

This Regional Law regulates the issues of organization of grazing and passage of livestock and has as its cope to ensure veterinary well-being, protection of agricultural land, crops and vegetation against destruction by animals and prevention of theft of livestock. Passage and grazing of farm livestock...
Russian Federation (Bashkortostan)

Regional Law No. 475-OZ “On allotment of forest land plots to citizens for agricultural activity for individual personal needs”.

This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge or with the establishment of servitude for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, reindeer ranching, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha;...
Russian Federation (Amur)

Resolution No. 110 of 1999 on conditions and procedures for granting grazing permits in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law No. 41 of 1988 and actions to be taken in violation of its provisions.

To obtain a license is necessary: to be a Kuwaiti citizen, have more than 21 years, own more than 50 heads of sheep or goats, or 5 heads of camels or cows, and pay fees to the Authority (Art. 2). The license lasts two years and...

Resolution No. 534 of 2011 amending Resolution No. 110 of 1999 on conditions and procedures for granting grazing permits.

This Resolution amends article 9 of Resolution No. 110 of 1999, increasing the fine to be paid in case of violation from 50 Kuwaiti dinars to 75 Kuwaiti dinars for sheep and 100 Kuwaiti dinars for camelids. ...

Ley Nº 2/2011 - Ley de la Cañada Real Galiana.

La presente Ley establece el régimen jurídico aplicable a la Cañada Real Galiana a su paso por los términos municipales de Coslada, Madrid y Rivas Vaciamadrid. La Cañada Real Galiana forma parte del valioso patrimonio común que suponen los más de cuatro mil kilómetros de vías...
Spain (Madrid)

Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

This Regulation makes several minor amendments in articles 4, 8 and 17 of the Regulation on pastures. ...

Directives sous-régionales sur la participation des populations locales et autochtones et des ONG à la gestion durable des forêts d’Afrique Centrale du 25 janvier 2011.

Les Principes, directives et actions prioritaires pour la participation des populations locales et autochtones et des ONG à la gestion durable des forêts sont : Reconnaissance et garantie des droits des populations locales et autochtones dans la gestion durable des forêts (Principe 1); Respect des droits...

Permanent Grassland Ordinance.

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the conservation of permanent grassland. The text consists of 4 articles as follows: Prohibition of change of permanent grassland (1); Exemption (2); Other exemptions to the prohibition of change of permanent grassland (3). ...
Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
2011 (2013)

Regulations of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on Prohibited and Restricted grazing.

The People's Government of the Autonomous Region shall, in light of the ecological early warning and monitoring of grasslands and woodlands, decide to ban grazing on grasslands and woodlands throughout the region or in some areas within a certain period of time. The specific time,...
China (Ningxia)

Administration of Estate (Small Estate Payments Exemption) Law, 2011.

This Law provides with respect to inheritance and transfer of small estates (as defined). and provides that the Administration of Estate Law, Probate rules, or any other law or rules of court under which grant of Letters of Administration is required for payment of money from...
Nigeria (Bayelsa)

Regulation to the Community Rights Law with Respect to Forest Lands (as amended).

The Regulation sets out rights and duties of members of a Forest Community and the FDA. In order to be approved for participation in the Community Forestry Program under the Community Rights Law of 2009 and this Regulation, an Authorized Forest Community shall prepare and...
2011 (2017)

Regional Law No. 441-OZ “On some issues of granting of forest land plots to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization”.

This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization shall be allotted to forest officers and staff of state hunting organizations (game managers and gamekeepers) for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, growing of crops...
Russian Federation (Amur)

Decision No.1080 dated 22.12.2010 on the rules for prevention of fire in forests and pastures and the establishment of the voluntary units of fire extinguishing.

The Decision lays down the rules of procedure for fire prevention in forests and pastures. The regional forestry departments are the responsible authority required to prepare plans for the prevention and management of fires, maintain surveillance systems throughout the year, organize voluntary units of fire extinguishing,...

Regulations of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on drinking water supply in rural and pastoral areas.

The price of water supply shall be determined in accordance with the specific measures stipulated by the regional government. Where the price of drinking water supply in rural and pastoral areas is lower than the cost, the governments shall establish special funds for overhaul and maintenance...
China (Inner Mongolia - Nei Mongol)

Resolución Nº 1.495 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución fija los requisitos que deben cumplimentarse para el uso pecuario de los campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera ubicados en las zonas que se detallan en el artículo 1º. La finalidad de estas normas es prevenir las enfermedades ocasionadas por el movimiento de...

Décret n°10-602-P-RM du 18 novembre 2010 fixant les modalités de la transhumance en République du Mali.

Enfin, ce décret est pris en application de la Loi N°01-004 du 27 février 2001 portant Charte pastorale en République du Mali. ...

Arrêté n° 9105 du 17 novembre 2010 portant création, attributions et organisation du centre d’appui à la filière bovine.

II est créé auprès du ministère de l’agriculture et de l’élevage, un centre d’appui à la filière bovine. Le centre d’appui à la filière bovine est un organe d’appui aux éleveurs du secteur paysan. A ce titre, il est chargé, notamment, de: assurer l’encadrement des éleveurs...

Resolución Nº 1.347 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución tiene por objeto los requisitos para el uso de campos de pastoreo de Pre y Alta Cordillera ubicados en los predios que se detallan en el artículo 1º. ...

Resolución Nº 1.648 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución tiene por objetivo prevenir la difusión de enfermedades provocadas por el pastoreo de ganado en los campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera de los Andes, según la ubicación que se detalla en el artículo 1º. ...

Resolución Nº 829 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera de la Región de Coquimbo, y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución tiene por objeto las normas que regulan el uso pecuario de los campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera ubicados en la Región de Coquimbo, según el detalle del artículo 1º. Las normas tienen por finalidad prevenir la difusión de enfermedades a raíz de...

Resolución Nº 1.570 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de pre y alta cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades exóticas.

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso pecuario de los campos de pre y alta cordillera que se detallan, con el fin de prevenir la introducción de enfermedades exóticas a través d ela sactividades de pastoreo. ...

Resolución Nº 5.200 - Aprueba modificación al Manual de Procedimiento para la Vigilancia Sanitaria en Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano.

Mediante las presentes disposiciones se aprueba el nuevo Manual de Procedimiento para la Vigilancia Sanitaria en Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano y se establecen los requisitos para el uso de Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano. ...

Ministerial Decree No. 456 validating the Regulation on inspection and assessment of beef herd sires by quality of the offspring and small bull productivity testing.

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of carrying out inspection and assessment of beef herd sires by quality of the offspring and small bull productivity testing. It shall be applicable to stable keeping and to stable and grazing keeping of cattle. Inspection of beef herd sires...

Commision Decision 2010/300/EU amending Decision 2001/672/EC as regards time periods for the movements of bovine animals to summer grazing areas.

This Decision lays down certain amendments to Commission Decision 2001/672/EC, which sets out special rules applicable to movements of bovine animals when put out to summer grazing in mountain areas. The scope of that Decision is hereby widened so as to take account of the fact...
توكيلاو - عضو منتسب

Grazing-land and Animal Feed Resources Act, 2010 (No. 13 of 2010).

This Act concerns quality of feed resources for livestock in Tanzania. It establishes the National Grazing-land and Animal Feed Resources Advisory Council and provides for appointment of inspectors and a Director within the Ministry who shall be responsible for the administration of grazing-land utilization and animal...
United Republic of Tanzania

Ordonnance N°2010-29 du 20 mai 2010 relative au pastoralisme.

Le règlement des conflits ruraux sont portés devant des commissions paritaires de conciliation siégeant au niveau des villages, quartiers, tribus, groupements et cantons, provinces ou sultanats présidées par le chef traditionnel du ressort et comportent en nombre égal des représentants des agriculteurs et ceux des pasteurs....

Convention locale relative à la gestion des ressources naturelles, à la prévention et au règlement pacifiques des conflits agriculteurs et éleveurs de Laokassy/Province du Logone occidental du 16 mai 2010

Enfin, la convention prévoit des modes et procédures des règlements amiables : des comités d’entente et des règlements de conflit éleveurs agriculteurs. Les parties au conflit agriculteurs éleveurs s’engagent à régler leurs différends en dehors des brigades de gendarmerie et des autorités administratives. A cet effet,...

Order No. 161 of the Ministry of Agriculture validating the Regulation on the use of forests for agriculture.

This Order establishes that use of the plots of forests for agriculture shall not preclude free access of citizens to forests. Forests can be used for haying, grazing of agricultural animals, apiculture, reindeer breeding, crop cultivation and other agricultural activities in accordance with forest plots lease...
Russian Federation

Resolución Nº 3/SENASA/DG/D - Uso de los purines del ganado bovino en áreas de pastoreo y corta de pastos.

La presente Resolución autoriza el uso de los purines del ganado bovino, mediante el riego por aspersión o por anegación, para la distribución de los mismos en las áreas de pastoreo y corta de pastos de las fincas donde permanecen dichos animales. ...
Costa Rica

Ordinance by the regional government issuing an Ordinance on the implementation of the Carinthia Wood and Pasture Exploitation Law.

The present Ordinance implements the Carinthia Wood and Pasture Exploitation Law (LGBl. Nr. 15/2003). The text – consisting of 6 articles – deals, inter alia, with the following aspects: divisions of wood and pasture, feedstuff used in pastures and condition of soil in pasture. ...
Austria (Kärnten)

Ordonnance fixant les conditions d’estivage.

La présente ordonnance fixe les conditions d’estivage. L’article 1er établit que tous les animaux estivés sur des pâturages ou sur des alpages du territoire cantonal doivent être sains et indemnes d’épizooties contagieuses. Les animaux qui sont conduits à leur lieu d’estivage dans des véhicules ne doivent...
Switzerland (Fribourg)

Announcement No. 39 of 2009 of Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China laying down the Farmland Environmental Quality Evaluation Standards for Livestock and Poultry Production (National Environmental Protection Standard HJ 568-2010).

This standard specifies requirements for the water environment quality, soil environmental quality, ambient air quality and environmental quality evaluation index, limit value, monitoring and evaluation method of various livestock and poultry breeding areas. This standard only applies to livestock and poultry farms, livestock breeding areas and...

Regulations on Bayinbuluk Grassland Ecological Protection.

The people's government of the autonomous prefecture should integrate the protection, development and use of grasslands into national economic and social development planning, and grassland protection, fire prevention and pest disaster prevention shall be included in the government budget. ...
China (Xinjiang)

Law amending the Law on pastures.

Changes are related to the administrative obligations (concessions, mutual rights and obligations) for legal and natural persons. ...
North Macedonia

New Forest (Confirmation of the Byelaws of the Verderers of the New Forest) Order 2010 (S.I. No. 993 of 2010).

This Order confirms new Byelaws made by the Verderers of the New Forest in exercise of their powers under section 25 of the New Forest Act 1877. These Byelaws concern, among other things, depasturing in the Forest, entrance of animals carrying infectious diseases into the Forest,...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Matimela (Variation of Period of Sale) Order (Cap. 36:06).

This Order prescribes, for purposes of section 23 of the Matimela Act, that the period within which any animal may be sold under section 11 of the Act is varied to a period within six weeks from the date on which the animal was placed in...
2010 (2013)

Regulation on the conditions of eligibility for support of agricultural land schemes for payments and general and regional criteria for permanent pasture authorization.

This Regulation sets the criteria for assistance to farmers, including the organic farming as sector, and further providing the: classification of agricultural areas; general and special conditions for obtaining of the eligibility for receiving the support for agricultural areas; general and regional criteria for obtaining the...

Décret exécutif n° 10-82 modifiant et complétant le décret exécutif n° 02-248 fixant les modalités de fonctionnement du compte d'affectation spéciale nº 302-109 intitulé "Fonds de lutte contre la désertification et du développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe".

Le présent décret modifie les dispositions du décret relatives aux frais de gestion des intermédiaires financiers et déclare les fermes pilotes comme éligibles au soutien du Fonds de lutte contre la désertification et du développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe. ...

Décret n° 2010/244 fixant les modalités d'exercice de certaines compétences transférées par l'Etat aux Communes en matière de promotion des activités de production pastorale et piscicole.

Le présent décret fixe les modalités d'exercice de certaines compétences transférées par l'Etat aux Communes en matière de promotion des activités de production pastorale et piscicole. Les Communes seront compétente de l'organisation des journées d'élevage, de l'appui aux microprojets dans les domaines de l'élevage et de...

Benishangul Gumz Regional State Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation No. 85/2010.

A land use plan of the region shall be prepared. The rural land use plan shall be based on watershed and its preparation shall consider also, land use, soil type, weather condition, vegetation/crop/ coverage as well as socio-economic and political situations. land shall only be used...
Ethiopia (Benishangul-Gumuz)

Ordonnance sur la protection des prairies et pâturages secs d’importance nationale (Ordonnance sur les prairies sèches, OPPPS).

La présente ordonnance met en exécution les articles 23 et 26 de la loi fédérale du 1er juillet 1966 sur la protection de la nature et du paysage (LPN). Notamment, l’ordonnance a pour but de protéger et de développer les prairies et pâturages secs (prairies sèches)...
2010 (2021)

Canada-Saskatchewan Pasture Recovery Initiative Regulations (R.R.S. c. F-8.001 Reg. 40).

The present Regulations are made under the Farm Financial Stability Act. In particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to the Pasture Recovery Initiative establishing that livestock producers in Alberta and Saskatchewan facing two years of drought shall receive funding from federal and provincial governments to...
Canada (Saskatchewan)

Haida Gwaii Reconciliation Act ([SBC 2010] Chapter 17).

The present Act implements commitments set out in the Kunst’aa Guu – Kunst’aayah Reconciliation Protocol between the Province and the Haida Nation, which was signed 11 December 2009. The decision-making framework provides for the establishment of a Management Council made up of two appointees by each...
Canada (British Columbia)

Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1156/2009 amending Regulation (EC) No. 1266/2007 as regards the conditions for exempting certain animals of susceptible species from the exit ban provided for in Council Directive 2000/75/EC.

This Regulation amends article 9a of Regulation (EC) No. 1266/2007 by extending the application of the transitional measure authorizing the transit of animals. ...
توكيلاو - عضو منتسب

Permanent Grassland Ordinance.

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the conservation of permanent grassland. The text consists of 7 articles as follows: Sphere of application (1); Determination of grassland (2); Prohibition of change of permanent grassland (3); New seed proposal (5); Competence (6); Entry into force (7)....
Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt)

Resolución Nº 1.634 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución fija las condiciones para el uso pecuario de los campos de pastoreo bajo control oficial ubicados en la Cordillera de los Andes, según el detalle del artículo 1º. La finalidad de estas disposiciones es prevenir el ingreso al país de enfermedades exóticas ocasionada...

Resolución Nº 1.771 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

Con el fin específico de prevenir la introducción al territorio nacional de enfermedades exóticas que pueda generar la trashumancia de ganado, la presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso pecuario de los campos de pastoreo bajo control oficial ubicados en la Cordillera de los Andes,...

Regulation of the Minister of Forestry No. P.63/Menhut-II/2009 concerning procedures for issuing business licences to utilize silvipasture zones in production forests.

This Regulation sets forth procedures and requirements for obtaining business licences for the utilization of silvipasture zones. Silvo-pastoralism shall be forestry activities combined proportionately with pasturing businesses within production forests. ...

Decision supporting the investment on cattle breeding in regions within the scope of South-eastern Anatolia Project (GAP).

The purpose of this Decision is to support the investments of the milk producers for development of cattle breeding, establishment of modern enterprises and to increase efficiency and quality of animal production. The Decision further defines rates of investment and grants, financing, amount of payments and...

Measures of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Rural Land Contracting.

Contracting of rural land and pastoral land shall be fulfilled in the form of contracting by households within the economic organizations of the collectives, while rural lands such as barren mountains, waste, ditches, barren hills and waste beaches, which are not suitable for contracting by households,...
China (Inner Mongolia - Nei Mongol)

Ley de Desarrollo Pecuario del Estado de Querétaro.

La presente Ley tiene por objeto proteger, regular y promover la actividad y el desarrollo de la producción pecuaria en el Estado de Querétaro, como así también el establecimiento y ejecución de las campañas zoosanitarias, el control de la movilización de animales, sus productos y subproductos,...
Mexico (Querétaro)
2009 (2021)

Afar National Regional State Rural Lands Administration and Use Proclamation No. 49/2009.

This Proclamation of the Afar National Regional State establishes a rural land administration system that is suitable for natural resource management and protection and that incentivizes investment within the traditional clan-based communal land tenure system. Laws that pertain to lands designated as forest lands, wildlife sanctuaries,...
Ethiopia (Afar)

Regulation No. 3 of 2009 on the certification of expertise and professional services in forests and pastures.

The aim of this Regulation is to identify and classify the expertise and professional activities in forests and pastures and to define the responsible authorities and procedures for the approval of such activities. The certification of specialists is carried out by the Department of Forests and...

Livestock Regulations.

These Regulations, consisting of 97 sections divided into eight Parts and completed by six Schedules, implement the Livestock Act 2008 by providing for the identification and registration of livestock and properties; requirements for prescribed imported and travelling livestock; movement permits for the control of diseases; compensation...
Australia (Northern Territory)
2009 (2014)

Governmental Decree No. 386 validating the Regulation on fees for use of pastures.

This Governmental Decree establishes the procedure for application of payment of fees for use of pastures (except for grazing in public forest and in protected areas) pertaining to state ownership. The scope shall be to form standard approach in fixing payment of fees for use of...
2009 (2016)

Loi nº 034-2009/AN du 16 juin 2009 portant régime foncier rural.

La présente loi détermine le régime domanial et foncier applicable aux terres rurales ainsi que les principes de sécurisation foncière de l’ensemble des acteurs du foncier rural. Elle vise à assurer un accès équitable aux terres rurales pour l’ensemble des acteurs ruraux, personnes physiques et...
Burkina Faso

Regulation No. 632 dated 11.6.2009 approving the usage tariffs for the pastures and lawns.

The Regulation approves the tariffs of using pastures and lawns for gazing and other farming activities in accordance with the table attached to this decision. The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration is the responsible authority for its implementation. ...

Règlement n°01/09-UEAC-200-CM-19 portant adoption du programme sous régional du développement du secteur semencier in zone CEMAC.

En outre, le programme sous régional de développement du secteur semencier (PRDS) en zone CEMAC porte sur le renforcement de la compétitivité et de la productivité du secteur agricole, la croissance de la production vivrière et la relance des exportations dans un contexte de libération des...

Government Financial Management (Livestock Restocking and Enterprises Development Fund) Regulations (L.N. No. 58 of 2009).

These Regulations establish the Livestock Restocking and Enterprises Development Fund. The Fund shall provide: (a) grants to livestock producers for emergency interventions; (b) loans to livestock producers and pastoralists for restocking after loss due to calamities; (c) loans to small and medium-sized enterprises dealing in livestock...

Districts (Animal Enclosure) Regulations 2009.

These Regulations, made by District Officers under section 26 of the Government Act, regulate the enclosing of animals (any pig, goat, horse or cow) in the Districts listed in the Schedule to these Regulations and give the right to owners or occupiers of (cultivated) land to...

Game Animal Damages Act (No. 105 of 2009).

This Act defines criteria and conditions for and provides for procedures to be followed for the granting public funds for compensating damages caused by game animals and for prevention of damages. The Act defines the kind of damages to arable land, horticulture land, nursery plantations,...
2009 (2011)

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of the Croatia on cooperation in the field of environment, nature, water and forestry.

By the Decree No. 2017/10498 of the Council of Ministers of 3 July 2017, the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of the Croatia on cooperation in the field of environment, nature, water and forestry has been...

Resolución Nº 182 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención y control de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso pecuario de los campos de pastoreo bajo control oficial del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero enumerados en el artículo 1º, con el fin de prevenir introducción y difusión de enfermedades exóticas. ...

Governor’s Decree No. 74-rp validating Forest plan for the period 2009-2018.

The Governor decrees that Regional Forest plan 2009-2018 shall be mandatory guiding document for state forest management bodies at all levels. Forest plan contains characteristics of the state of forests, classification of forests by categories and forest species. It also contains information on the amount of...
Russian Federation (Sakha (Yakutia))

Arrêté n° 09-0205/MEP-SG du 06 février 2009 portant création du comité national de coordination du système d’information sur le pastoralisme au sahel (CNC/SIPSA).

Spécifiquement, il est chargé de: identifier les besoins d’informations sur le pastoralisme au niveau national; participer à la collecte d’informations devant alimenter le SIPSA et de procéder à leur analyse; faciliter la diffusion des produits du SIPSA; évaluer la pertinence des produits du SIPSA, en particulier...

Law No. 30 “On pastures”.

This Law regulates pasture management, improvement and use thereof. Pastures shall be state property. Boundaries shall be delimited in conformity with the boundaries of former sovkhozes and kolkhozes. Pastures unclaimed for two and more years can be transferred to regional fund that can be re-distributed among...
2009 (2020)

Decree-Law No. 16/2009 approving the legal regime for Forestry Management Planning and Intervention.

The Forestry Management Plan (PGF) is an instrument aimed at managing forestry areas which, according to the guidelines defined in the PROF, determines cultural interventions and exploitation of forestry resources, aiming at sustainable production of goods and services they provide. This Decree-Law also establishes offences and...
2009 (2017)

Land Act, 2009.

Investment in land shall reflect an important interest for the community or people living in the locality. It shall contribute economically and socially to the development of the local community. The Concerned Ministries in the Government of Southern Sudan and the State and the Investment Authority...
South Sudan

Code on administrative offences of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The tasks of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on administrative offenses are protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, health protection, sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population, protection of public morality, improvement of the environment, protection of the established procedure for the...
2008 (2020)

Governor’s Decree No. 613 validating Forest plan.

The Governor decrees that Regional Forest plan shall be mandatory guiding document for state forest management bodies at all levels. Forest plan contains characteristics of the state of forests, classification of forests by categories and forest species. It also contains information on the amount of timber...
Russian Federation (Penza)

Governor’s Decree No.143-UP validating Forest plan for the period 2009-2018.

The Governor decrees that Regional Forest plan 2009-2018 shall be mandatory guiding document for state forest management bodies at all levels. Forest plan contains characteristics of the state of forests, classification of forests by categories and forest species. It also contains information on the amount of...
Russian Federation (Kabardino-Balkaria)
2008 (2013)

Ministerial Decree No. 662 validating the Program of horse breeding industry development in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2009-2016.

Program of horse breeding industry development in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2009-2016 has been designed for maintaining, increasing the number of livestock, improving working qualities and improving the genetic qualities of horses for sale during in domestic and foreign markets. The horse breeding industry in...
2008 (2014)

Governor’s Decree No. 1370-UG validating Forest plan for the period 2009-2018.

The Governor decrees that Regional Forest plan 2009-2018 shall be mandatory guiding document for state forest management bodies at all levels. Forest plan contains characteristics of the state of forests, classification of forests by categories and forest species. It also contains information on the amount of...
Russian Federation (Sverdlovsk)
2008 (2013)

Chobe District Council (Control of Livestock and Other Animals) (Model Bye-Laws) (Adoption) Bye-Laws (Chapter 40:01).

These Bye-laws concern the control of animals causing danger or nuisance and straying livestock in the area under the jurisdiction of the Chobe District Council. The Council may prohibit the use for the keeping of livestock of any stable which in the opinion of the Council...
2008 (2008)

Livestock Act 2008.

The Act recognizes general powers for investigation and protection on the Inspector to control disease of animal and animal products; for instance an inspector who reasonably suspects any other animal or an animal product is infected, may treat the animal or animal product or order the...
Australia (Northern Territory)
2008 (2016)

Regional Act No. 31 on agriculture, forests, fisheries and rural development.

This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework governing agriculture, forests, fisheries and rural development in Lombardia. The Act aims at the development of rural areas and the promotion of agricultural activities, with particular regard to agroforestry and sylvo-pastoralism. To this end it provides for the...
Italy (Lombardia)

Ministerial Decree No. 263 on establishment of Zagatala State Reserve.

This Decree states that Zagatala State Reserve shall be established on 6557 hectare of Zagatala and Balakan districts. This Decree aims at developing the network of nature protection zones, ensuring biodiversity conservation in Zagatala State Reserve as well as in summer pastures adjacent to Zagatala State...

Permanent Grassland Ordinance Mecklenburg -Vorpommern.

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the conservation of permanent grassland. The text consists of 4 articles as follows: Determination of grassland (1); Prohibition of change of permanent grassland (2); Exceptions (3); Entry into fore (4). ...
Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Resolución Nº 1.809 – Regula uso pecuario de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución tiene por objeto los requisitos sanitarios a ser cumplimentados para el uso pecuario de los campos ubicados en la Pre y Alta Cordillera de los Andes, con el fin de prevenir la introducción y difusión de enfermedades exóticas. ...

Décret n° 2008-1259 portant organisation et fonctionnement du Système National de Recherches Agro-Sylvo-Pastorales (SNRASP).

En application de la loi d’orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale, le présent projet de décret porte sur la mise en place, l’organisation et le fonctionnement du Système National de Recherches Agro-Sylvo-Pastorales (SNRASP), conçu pour être un outil de promotion de la recherche agricole devenue plus compétitive en mettant en...

Décret n° 2008-1262 instituant un régime de protection sociale agro-sylvo-pastorale.

En application de la loi d’orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale le présent décret fixe le régime de protection sociale au profit des populations exerçant les métiers de l’agriculture. Il est institué une Caisse centrale de protection sociale agro-sylvo-pastorale au niveau national. Le régime de protection agro-sylvo-pastorale garantit aux assurés,...

Resolución Nº 1.049 – Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución introduce los requisitos sanitarios a ser cumplimentados para el uso pecuario de los campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera enumerados en el artículo 1º, con el fin específico de prevenir la difusión de enfermedades. ...

Règlement relatif à l'encouragement de la production animale et de l'estivage de proximité.

Le présent règlement est relatif à l'encouragement de la production animale et de l'estivage de proximité. L’article 2 établit que le présent règlement a pour but d’encourager la production animale et d’améliorer les conditions de détention des animaux de rente. Il vise en particulier à soutenir...
Switzerland (Genève)

Resolución Nº 1.697 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente Resolución tiene por objeto normas para el uso pecuario de campos de pastoreo bajo control oficial ubicados en la Cordillera de los Andes, según las zonas que se especifican en el artículo 1º. Dichoas normas tienen como finalidad prevenir la introducción al país de...

Resolución Nº 1.722 – Regula uso pecuario en campos de Pre y Alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

La presente resolución tiene por objeto normas para el uso pecuario de campos de pastoreo bajo control oficial ubicados en la Cordillera de los Andes, según las zonas que se especifican en el artículo 1º. Dichoas normas tienen como finalidad prevenir la introducción al país de...

Regulation No. 1354 on criteria for assessing the Pasture Fund damages.

This Regulation establishes the obligation to fully and immediately compensate damages caused to the Pasture Fund. Such compensation includes: (i) the real value of the damage caused to the pasture, meadow or any other infrastructural objects; (ii) the cost of turning the situation into its preliminary...

Regulation No. 1374 dated 10.10.2008 laying down the rules and procedures for the removal, addition, and destination changes in the pastures fund.

This Regulation No. 1374 of 2008 lays down the rules and procedures for the removal, addition, and destination changes in the pastures fund. The physical or legal persons or the local government units may submit at the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration the request...

7 CFR - § 613.1-613.5 - Plant Materials Centers.

This Part also concerns: NRCS responsibilities in plant materials; specific production of plant materials; a list of Plant Materials Centres. ...
United States of America

Order No. 964-A/2008 amending the Regulation on agro-environmental and silvicultural measures for the application of PRODER Measure 2.4 on «Integrated Territorial Intervention».

This Order amends the Regulation on agro-environmental and silvicultural measures for the application of PRODER Measure 2.4 on «Integrated Territorial Intervention». Amendments deal with legal and administrative proceedings and new criteria and requirements to satisfy in order to benefit from rural development incentives in the field...

Republican Resolution No.160 of 2008 regulating the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.

This Regulation consisting of 37 articles divided in IV Chapters aims at the development and proper utilization of agricultural resources and capacity of the State to meet the needs of citizens and the national economy through the organization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. It...

Government Decision No. 190 establishing ban on plant species.

The purpose of this Regulation is to establish the requirements for entering and exiting the restricted territory of pasture and area of cultivated plants, the conditions and methods of sterilization and disinfection, and to regulate the relations arising in connection therewith. Based on the conclusions of...

Governmental Decree No. 96 validating the Regulation on grazing and passage of agricultural animals.

The Regional Government, with a view of ensuring rational management of pastures, protection of agricultural land and plantations against destruction by agricultural animals, decrees that grazing of agricultural animals and poultry shall be authorized either on fenced pastures or on non-fenced pastures on the leash or...
Russian Federation (Chechen)

Permanent Grassland Ordinance.

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the conservation of permanent grassland. The text consists of 6 articles as follows: Assessment of permanent grassland (1); Change of permanent grassland (2); Transfer of power (3); Entry into force (4). ...
Germany (Schleswig-Holstein)
2008 (2013)

Charte de l'Eau du Bassin du Niger.

La présente charte est un accord entre les Etats Parties qui sont : la République du Bénin, le Burkina Faso, la République du Cameroun, la République de Côte d'Ivoire, la République de Guinée, la République du Mali, la République du Niger, la République Fédérale du Nigeria,...

Note circulaire n° 001/PR/ME/SG/DGDE/DHPSSP/2008 du 23 avril 2008.

Cette note circulaire vise la sécurisation de certaines infrastructures essentielles à la production animale, notamment les points d'eau pastoraux (puits et mares), le balisage des pistes de transhumance; les aires de stationnement et les périmètres pastoraux. ...

Law amending the Law on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization and the Law on pastures.

This Law amends the Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization and the Law No. 4342 on pastures.This Law adds two new clauses (f) and (g) to Article. 13 of the Law No. 5403 on the use of agricultural lands other than agricultural purposes....

Law on the forest code.

The Annex is also part of this publication (containing the list of technical and administrative definitions). ...

Order No. 232-A/2008 approving the Regulation on agro-environmental and silvicultural measures for the application of PRODER Measure 2.4 on «Integrated Territorial Intervention».

This Order approves the Regulation on agro-environmental and silvicultural measures for the application of PRODER Measure 2.4 on «Integrated Territorial Intervention». This Regulation, consisting of 5 Chapters and 5 Annexes, prescribes sustainable development actions, aiming at contributing for the preservation of habitats and the protection of...

Regional Law No. 5-RZ “On allocation of territory for pastoralism”.

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allocation of agricultural lands for grazing, transhumance and pastoralism and is aimed at specific and rational management of grazing grounds, conservation and improvement of grasses, prevention of negative anthropogenic impact, conservation and reproduction of natural landscapes. Grazing grounds destined...
Russian Federation (Altai)
2008 (2009)

Order No. 28 of the Ministry of Agriculture validating Veterinary norms for keeping of cattle in subsidiary smallholding within inhabited areas and grazing of cattle on agricultural land allocated to inhabited areas.

This Order validates Veterinary norms for keeping of cattle in subsidiary smallholding within inhabited areas and grazing of cattle on agricultural land allocated to inhabited areas and grazing pressure on agricultural land allocated to inhabited areas. It establishes categories of cattle and requested agricultural and area...

Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Rules, 2007.

According the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (2 of 2007), the Gram Sabha shall be the authority empowered to initiate the process of determining the nature and extent of forest rights that may be given to forest dwelling...

Governor’s Decree validating Forest plan for the period 2009-2018.

The Governor decrees that Regional Forest plan 2009-2018 shall be mandatory guiding document for state forest management bodies at all levels. Forest plan contains characteristics of the state of forests, classification of forests by categories and forest species. It also contains information on the amount of...
Russian Federation (Ingushetia)
2008 (2013)

Pasture land reclamation and management.

The Instruction sets forth the rules and procedures to be followed in the implementation of pasture land reclamation and management projects executed by the General Directorate of Agricultural Research together with universities. The projects aim at increasing grazing capacity and pasture quality and minimizing soil...

Rural Land Administration and Use Regulation (No. 66/2007).

This Regulation implements provisions of the Proclamation of The Southern Nations, Nationalities And Peoples Regional State on rural land rights and use. It applies to all types of rural land and lands used for agricultural purposes in urban territory. The Regulation provides, among other things, for...
Ethiopia (Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples' Region)

Regional Law No. 159-oz "On protection of land under reindeer pastures".

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning protection of land under reindeer pastures for the following purposes: (a) prevention of land degradation, pollution, littering, disturbance of soil and vegetation cover and other negative impact; (b) land rehabilitation; (c) setting up mechanism of land registration and assessment of...
Russian Federation (Tchukotka)

Regional Decree No. 236-pa validating the Regulation on state natural reserve of regional significance “Nizhnepechorsky”.

State natural reserve of regional significance “Nizhnepechorsky” is a territory of special importance for the preservation and restoration of natural complexes and their components. Declaration of the territory of the reserve is made without expropriation of land plots from tenants, landowners and possessors of land plots....
Russian Federation (Archangel)

Regional Decree No. 237-pa validating the Regulation on state natural complex reserve of regional significance “Vaygach”.

State natural complex reserve of regional significance “Vaygach” is a territory of particular importance for the preservation and restoration of natural complexes and their components. The reserve was formed with the aim of preserving and restoring wild flora and fauna of Polar regions included in the...
Russian Federation (Archangel)

Resolución Nº 1.895 - Regula uso pecuario en campos de pre y alta Cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de enfermedades.

Con el fin de proteger la salud animal en el territorio nacional, la presente Resolución introduce normas para el uso pecuario de los campos de pastoreo que estén ubicados en la Cordillera de los Andes y que se encuentren bajo el control oficial del Servicio Agrícola...

Rural Land Administration and use regulation No. 66/2007 issued to implement the Proclamation.

As, the regional government issued a rural land administration and use proclamation No 110/2007 recognizing land as an important agricultural input and an economic base for the region and the country as whole; as, to implement this rural land administration and use proclamation, it becomes necessary...

Plant Protection Law.

The purpose of this Law shall be to regulate the relations between the state, citizens and legal entities in connection with the protection of pastures and plant varieties of agricultural crops against plant diseases, pest infestation, rodents, and weeds, and also application of quarantine and performance...
2007 (2015)

Decree No. 269 of 2007 (X. 18.) Korm. of the Government concerning the rules of land use for the maintenance of Natura 2000 grass lands.

This Decree applies to the use of Natura 2000 grass lands and to their users. If these areas are protected areas as well, special provisions regarding protected areas are also to be applied. The use of Natura 2000 grass lands is regulated in Articles 3-5. Grazing...
2007 (2015)

Décret n° 2007­-1147 du 4 octobre 2007 portant organisation et fonctionnement du Conseil Supérieur et des Comités régionaux d’Orientation Agro­Sylvo­Pastorale.

A ce titre, il se prononce sur les questions relatives: à l’approche filière qui devra être privilégiée car elle permet de juger de la rentabilité économique, financière et sociale de celles-ci, par...

Décret n° 2007­-1146 du 4 octobre 2007 portant organisation, fonctionnement du Fonds National de Développement Agro­Sylvo­Pastoral (FNDASP).

Le présent décret régit l’organisation, le fonctionnement du Fonds National de Développement Agro­Sylvo-Pastoral (FNDASP). Le FNDASP vise le financement, sur une base sélective, des programmes de recherche Agro­Sylvo­Pastorale, de conseil Agro­Sylvo­Pastoral, de formation des producteurs et d’appui institutionnel aux organisations de producteurs. ...

Measures of Qinghai Province for implementing Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China.

For the grasslands under the ownership of the state that are assigned to the entities owned by "the whole people" and the collectives for use, the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the law, register them and confirm the rights...
China (Qinghai)

Decreto Supremo Nº 29251 - Procedimientos para el registro de marcas, carimbos y señales tendientes a garantizar el derecho propietario ganadero en la lucha contra el abigeato.

El presente Decreto Supremo tiene por objeto establecer las instancias y procedimientos para el registro de marcas, carimbos y señales tendientes a garantizar el derecho propietario ganadero en la lucha contra el abigeato. En ese sentido, los municipios contribuirán a la creación de catastros de marcas,...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Decree on principles and procedures regarding drought management.

This Decree lays down the principles and procedures to be applied in case of drought. This Decree covers water management, agricultural techniques, seed and plant diversity, irrigation techniques, economic and social support, planning of pasture feeding and land use, pest management and any measures to implement...

Government Decision No. 187 validating the Regulation on improvement of pastoralism of range flock.

The scope of this Government Decision is to improve pastoralism of range flock. The period of use of range flock pastures shall not exceed a total of 150 days from November 1 to April 1 of the following year. In exceptional cases, the time of entry...

Decree No. 58/07 approving the General Regulation for Land Concession.

This Decree approves the General Regulation for Land Concession. This Regulation, consisting of 10 Chapters, specifies the general basis of the legal regime defined by Law No. 9/04. It establishes the legal framework for the concession of free lands within the Republic of Angola. It does...

Décret nº 2007-415PRES/PM/MRA/MAHRH/MATD/SECU/MFB/ MEDEV/MCE/MID/MECV portant conditions d’exercice des droits d’usage pastoraux.

Le présent décret détermine, en application des dispositions de la loi n° 034/2002/AN du 14 novembre 2002, les conditions d’exercice des droits d’usage pour l’exploitation des ressources pastorales dans les espaces pastoraux. ...
Burkina Faso

Décret nº 2007-416/PRES/PM/MRA/MAHRH/MATD/MEDEV/MECV portant modalités d’identification et de sécurisation des espaces pastoraux d’aménagement spécial et des espaces de terroir réservés à la pâture du bétail.

Les espaces pastoraux d’aménagement spécial ou zones pastorales aménagées sont les espaces identifiés comme tels par les schémas national, régional, provincial ou directeur d’aménagement du territoire et affectés à la réalisation d’opérations de mise en valeur pastorale. ...
Burkina Faso

Payment of Compensation for Property Situated on Landholdings Expropriated for Public Purposes Council of Ministers Regulations (No 135/2007).

Where land used for growing crops or a protected grass or pastoral land is expropriated for public purpose, the possessor of such land shall, as much as possible, be provided with a plot of land capable of serving a similar purpose. Provisions is also made for...

Décret nº 2007-407/PRES/PM/MRA portant création, attributions, composition et fonctionnement du Comité national de la transhumance.

Il est créé, en application des dispositions de la décision A/DEC-5/10/98 du 31 octobre 1998, un Comité national de la Transhumance, en abrégé CONAT, ayant pour mission d’apporter son appui au Ministère des ressources animales dans l’analyse de la situation, l’élaboration et la mise en oeuvre...
Burkina Faso

Décret nº 2007-408/PRES/PM/MRA/MAHRH/MATD portant conditions d’exploitation des ressources en eau à des fins pastorales.

Les pasteurs exploitent les ressources naturelles dans le respect des lois et règlements en vigueur, notamment ceux relatifs à l’environnement et à la garantie des biens d’autrui. En concertation avec l’Etat et les collectivités territoriales, leurs organisations participent à la gestion durable des ressources pastorales et...
Burkina Faso

Décret nº 2007-410/PRES/PM/MRA/MFB portant conditions générales d’attribution, d’occupation et d’exploitation des zones pastorales aménagées.

Le présent décret fixe les conditions générales d’attribution, d’occupation et d’exploitation des zones pastorales aménagées par l’Etat ou les collectivités locales. Il est mis en place, pour chaque zone pastorale aménagée, une commission d’attribution des parcelles par arrêté du ou des Haut(s) Commissaire(s) concernés. La...
Burkina Faso

Land Act of Bhutan 2007.

The text consists of 77 sections divided into 14 chapters as follows: Preliminary (1); Organization of land administration establishing the National Land Commission (2); Chhazhag Sathram (3); Entitlement and granting of land entitlement to own land (4); Registration of land Chhazhag Sathram (5); Rights and obligations...

Loi n° 07.016 du 19 juin 2007 portant création d’un Office National de Matériel Agropastoral (ONMAP).

La présente loi porte création d’un Office National de Matériel Agropastoral (ONMAP). Il est chargé de la gestion, de la location et la maintenance de matériels et équipements agricoles. De même, il effectue des prestations de travaux de mécanisation agricole et des aménagements ruraux de toute...
Central African Republic

Act No. 40 of 2007 on reindeer herding.

The scope of this Act is to promote the ecologically-sustainable reindeer husbandry based on Sami culture, traditions and customs. The Act provides for rights and duties of reindeer herders; regulates the relationship with other economic activities having regard to the general interest; regulates the relationship between...
2007 (2011)

Regional law No. 244 “On allotment of agricultural land to citizens for haying and grazing”.

This Regional Law establishes the conditions for allotment of parcels of public or municipal agricultural land on lease to citizens for haying and grazing. Agricultural land parcels shall be allotted to citizens on condition of ownership of agricultural animals thereby. Minimum land area shall be 5...
Russian Federation (Kurgan)
2007 (2008)

Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

This Regulation amends Clause (a), Paragraph 5, Article. 8 of the Regulation on pastures. ...

Ordonnance n°07-013 P-RM du 22 mars 2007 portant création du Programme Intégré de Développement Rural de la Région de Kidal (PIDRK).

Un décret pris en Conseil des Ministres fixe l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement du Programme Intégré de Développement Rural de la Région de Kidal. ...

Regulation No 6 of 20 March 2007 on the conditions and order for grazing of eastern-Balkans breed pigs and their crosses.

The Annex is part of this publication (containing the list of municipalities where the cultivation of Eastern Balkan pigs in grazing conditions is permitted; form for the register of owners of Eastern Balkan pigs kept under pasture conditions). ...

Law No. 9693 on the Pasture Fund.

This Law concerns the administration and protection of pastures and meadows. It defines tasks and duties of central and local State bodies in this sector and makes provision on specialized research institutions. The Law consists of eight Chapters: (I) General Provisions; (II) Pastures Fund; (III) Conservation,...
2007 (2016)

Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional state Rural Land Administration and Utilization Proclamation (No. 110/2007).

This Proclamation aims at improving management and utilization of land and land resources for agricultural purposes in the Southern Nations, Nationalities And Peoples' Regional State. It applies to all land that lies outside of municipal borders. The Proclamation defines the right to acquire, free of charge,...
Ethiopia (Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples' Region)

Environment Law.

Access to genetic resources shall be subject to prior authorisation in the form of an access permit granted by the National Environmental Protection Agency. Exchanges of genetic resources among local communities or groups for traditional, noncommercial purposes are exempt from the restrictions on access. ...

Resolución Nº 23 - Regula el uso pecuario en campos de alta cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de fiebre aftosa.

La presente Resolución establece las condiciones y requisitos a que quedará sujeto el uso pecuario de los campos de pastoreo ubicados en zonas fronterizas, con el fin de prevenir el riesgo de introducción de enfermedades exóticas generado por la trashumancia de ganado hacia tales zonas. Entre...

Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (Act No. 2 of 2007).

The Act further contains penal provisions and provisions of miscellaneous nature. ...

Decree No. 10.193 regulating environmental licensing procedures for silvo-pastoralism activity and wood charcoal production.

This Decree, consisting of 22 articles, regulates environmental licensing procedures for silvo-pastoralism activity (including agriculture, silviculture and livestock) and wood charcoal production to be applied within the State of Bahia. It also specifies that the Environmental Resources Centre (Centro de Recursos Ambientais – CRA) is the...
Brazil (Bahia)

Décret n° 2006-624/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MFB portant organisation et fonctionnement du Programme de développement intégré de la vallée de Samendéni (PDIS).

Le Programme de développement intégré de la vallée de Samendéni est un programme de valorisation du potentiel hydraulique, faunique, forestier, agricole, pastoral et touristique de la Vallée de Samendéni. Le présent décret porte organisation et fonctionnement du Progamme. ...
Burkina Faso

Measures of the Tibet Autonomous Region for implementing the Grassland Law of People's Republic of China (2010).

The agriculture and animal husbandry authorities at or above county level shall be responsible for conducting general and special surveys of grassland resources within their respective administrative areas and formulating plans for protection, development and use of grasslands. The grasslands, those under collective ownership, and those...
China (Tibet)
2006 (2010)

Grassland Regulations of Gansu province.

The Purpose of these Regulations is to protect, construct and utilize grasslands rationally and promote the sustainable development of grassland ecosystem. The Regulations are divided into 6 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Planning and Construction (II); Contractual Management (III); Protection and Utilization (IV); Legal Liabilities (V); Supplementary...
China (Gansu)

Regulation of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on agriculture and animal husbandry mechanization promotion (2012).

The purpose of these Regulations is to promote the development of agriculture and animal husbandry mechanization. The Text consists of 52 Articles divided into 8 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Scientific Research Extension and Training(II); Quality Safeguards (III); Commercialized Services (IV); Support Measures (V); Safety Supervision...
China (Inner Mongolia - Nei Mongol)
2006 (2012)

Arrêté N°072/MIPARH du 31 octobre 2006 portant organisation de la Direction de la Gestion et de l'Equipement de l'Espace Pastoral et Aquacole (DGEEPA) du Ministère de la Production Animale et des Ressources Halieutiques (MIPARH ).

Le Directeur du DGEEPA coordonne l'ensemble des activités de la Direction et des Sous-Directions en liaison fonctionnelle avec les autres Directions centrales et Services du MIPARH. ...
Côte d'Ivoire

Décret n°06-439/P-RM du 18 octobre 2006 fixant les modalités d’application de la loi n°01-004 du 27 février 2001 portant charte pastorale en république du Mali.

Le chapitre V fixe l’exploitation des pâturages, des points d’eau publics et des terres salées. Le chapitre VI prévoit la prévention et de la gestion locale des conflits. Les infractions relatives à la gestion des ressources pastorales sont punies conformément aux dispositions de la Loi...

Administrative Regulations on land development of the Yili River Basin.

The land development of the Yili River Basin refers to the activities of scientific, rational and effective exploitation and business operation of the undeveloped land in the Yili River Baisin. The autonomous prefecture and relevant county (city) people's governments shall formulate plans for the development and...
China (Xinjiang)

Decreto Nº 343/006 - Autorizaciones para el Tránsito de Animales en la Vía Pública.

El presente Decreto dispone que, cuando se produzcan en el territorio nacional situaciones climáticas extremas, como sequías e inundaciones, se configurará la situación de fuerza mayor, con lo cual el Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca podrá extender las autorizaciones a los productores para el pastoreo...

Décret n º 2006-411/ PRES/PM/MRA du 11 septembre 2006 portant organisation du Ministère des ressources animales.

Le présent décret porte organisation du Ministère des ressources animales. ...
Burkina Faso

Loi nº 06-045 portant loi d'orientation agricole.

La qualité des produits agricoles, leur origine, leur mode de production et leur condition de sécurité sanitaire doivent respecter les normes requises. Ces normes déterminent la traçabilité des produits. ...

Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Regulations 2006.

These Regulations, consisting of 12 sections completed by one Schedule dealing with fees, implement the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989 by providing specifications on public access routes, on travelling stocks, on access to water for travelling stocks, etc. ...
Australia (South Australia)
2006 (2018)

Décret n°2006-230 PRN/MI/D du 21 juillet 2006 règlementant la mise en fourrière des animaux errants.

Le présent décret fourrière des animaux errants au sein de chaque Commune. ...

Commons Act 2006 (Chapter 26).

The Act also: prohibits the carrying out of works on certain common land without the consent of the appropriate national authority; confers on it powers of intervention to deal with situations where unauthorized agricultural activities are taking place and damaging the common in an uncontrolled manner;...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Wales)

Arrêté du Ministre de l’agriculture et des ressources hydrauliques fixant les conditions d’octroi des autorisations des occupations temporaires dans le domaine forestier de l’Etat.

Les projets de développement sylvo-pastoral comprennent les travaux destinés à la mise en valeur forestière et pastorale et à accroître la production ligneuse et fourragère. Les autorisations d’occupation temporaire pour le développement sylvo-pastoral ne sont pas délivrées dans les terrains reboisés ou faisant l’objet de réalisation...

Convention locale pour la gestion des couloirs de passage du bétail Canton Goumadji du 29 mai 2006

Le plan d’action de cette convention vise à matérialiser les limites des couloirs par des plaques de visualisation, diffuser les règles de gestion et assurer la surveillance de l’espace ; introduire la demande de reconnaissance officielle de textes de base, mobiliser les ressources pour réaliser d’autres...

Livestock Identification and Commerce Act (SA 2006, c.L-16.2).

An Act to provide for the identification and commerce of livestock. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein, such as “abattoir”, “age brand”, “assured livestock”, “brand”, “cattle”, “community pasture”, “horse”, “identifier”, “inspector”, “livestock”, etc. Section 2 establishes that...
Canada (Alberta)
2006 (2014)

Convention locale de gestion des espaces pastoraux et couloirs de passage du canton Doue du 21 mai 2006

La convention prévoit un plan d’action qui vise à assurer une gestion durable des espaces et couloirs du Canton Doué ; limiter les conflits entre les agriculteurs et éleveurs ; l’amélioration de la santé du bétail ; l’organisation et le fonctionnement des organes de la convention....

Decree-Law No. 2/2006 establishing requirements to create, recognize and register agricultural and livestock associations.

This Decree-Law, consisting of 4 Chapters, establishes requirements to be satisfied in order to create, recognize and register agricultural and livestock associations entitled to carry out agricultural, forestry and livestock activities. It specifies definitions, objectives and legal framework to obtain a recognition for the aforementioned associations....

Convention locale de gestion du couloir de passage de bétail de Biparé-Poubamé du 29 avril 2006.

Elle fixe les règles de gestion du défrichement ; du prélèvement du bois ; des feux de brousse ; des parcours de bétail ; de l’accès à l’eau ; de l’accès et d’utilisation des campements. La convention prévoit un plan d’action qui vise à limiter...

Agriculture Law No.5488.

Article 19 lays down the means of agricultural support: direct income support, gap payment support, compensatory payments, livestock supports, agricultural insurance payments, rural development support, support for agricultural land protection programs for environmental purposes, and support payments for other purposes such as R&D, agricultural extension,...
2006 (2023)

Protocol on Environment and Natural Resources Management.

This Protocol is a protocol of general application and shall apply to all activities, matters and areas of management of the environment and natural resources of the Partner States, including the following: (i) sustainable environment and natural resources management; (ii) management of transboundary resources; (iii) biodiversity...

Crofting Counties Agricultural Grants (Scotland) Scheme 2006 (S.S.I. No. 24 of 2006).

This Scheme provides that the Scottish Ministers may make grants to crofters and to certain other occupiers of land in the crofting counties: (a) in respect of specified operations carried out by them for the purpose of aiding and developing agricultural production on crofts or holdings;...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Scotland)

Animal Husbandry Law of the People's Republic of China (2022).

In pastoral areas, the State supports to carry out basic grassland construction, optimize herd structure, improve livestock varieties, and change the mode of production, including rotational grazing so as to gradually realize cattle-forage balance and improve the grassland ecological environment. ...
2005 (2022)

Law No. 8/2005 establishing the legal status of agricultural and livestock associations.

This Law, composed of four articles, authorises the Government to approve the legal status of agricultural and livestock associations. In particular, the Law defines the basic elements that the Government shall regulate. ...

Regional Law No. 1497 VH-I “On allocation of territory for pastoralism”.

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allocation of agricultural lands for grazing, transhumance and pastoralism and is aimed at specific and rational management of grazing grounds, conservation and improvement of grasses, prevention of soil erosion and land degradation, desertification, other negative anthropogenic impact and conservation...
Russian Federation (Tuva)
2005 (2009)

Resolución Nº 1.522 - Prohíbe uso de campos de pastoreo de cordillera que señala, por período que indica; regula uso pecuario en campos de pre y alta cordillera y establece otras normas de prevención de fiebre aftosa.

Teniendo en cuenta que el uso indiscriminado de campos de pastoreo de pre y alta cordillera constituye un alto riesgo de introducción de fiebre aftosa y otras enfermedades exóticas al territorio nacional, la presente Resolución prohíbe el uso de los campos de pastoreo en las áreas...

Ley de ganadería para el Estado de Sonora.

La Ley consta de 11 Títulos. En el Título Primero, que contiene las disposiciones generales, cabe destacar el Capítulo I, que regula las formas y los procedimientos para adquirir, transmitir, acreditar y proteger la propiedad del ganado, así como la conservación, mejoramiento y explotación racional de...
Mexico (Sonora)

Measures of Sichuan Province for implementing Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China.

The grasslands under collective ownership, and those under ownership by the State that are assigned to collectives according to law for long-term use, may be contracted by a household or a group of households within the collectives. The basic grasslands shall be strictly protected and managed...
China (Sichuan)

Arrêté nº 56/MRA/DEP portant création, organisation et fonctionnement du projet de sécurisation des systèmes pastoraux dans la région de Zinder.

Le présent arrêté porte création, organisation et fonctionnement du projet de sécurisation des systèmes pastoraux dans la région de Zinder, visant à seçuriser la mobilité de l'élevage dans une zone de conflit entre éléveurs d'une part et transhumants et sédentaires d'autre part. ...

Ley Nº 3.157 - Declara Capitales Bolivianas de la Ganadería Camélida Sudamericana.

La presente Ley declara a la Provincia Sajama y sus municipios Capitales Bolivianas de la Ganadería Camélida Sudamericana, a la vez que prioriza su desarrollo. A tal fin, el artículo 2º dispone el desembolso de recursos para la elaboración de planes, programas y proyectos orientados a...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Grassland Regulation of Heilongjiang province.

The people's governments at county level shall be responsible for the grassland survey and planning, and the delineation of basic grasslands. The area of basic grasslands shall not be less than eighty percent of the grassland area. Where it is really necessary to expropriate or use...
China (Heilongjiang)

Convention locale de gestion des couloirs de passage des transhumants dans la partie ouest de la réserve de faune Réserve de faune de Binder-Léré/instance locale d’orientation et de décisions du 16 juillet 2005

Enfin, ces plans d’action visent à assurer une gestion durable des espaces et les ressources de la RFBL ; limiter les conflits entre agriculteurs et éleveurs ; aménager les points et améliorer la santé du bétail ; l’organisation et le fonctionnement des organes. Les différentes actions...

Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization.

Soil Preservation Boards are established in each province to examine, assess and monitor the activities related to the preservation, development and productive utilization of lands. Lands are classified as absolute farming lands, special crop lands, cultivated farming lands and marginal farming lands. Except for objectives and...
2005 (2023)

Decreto Nº 5.655/05 - Reglamenta la expedición de las guías de traslado y transferencia de ganado.

Mediante el presente Decreto, queda reglamentada la expedición de las guías de traslado y transferencia de ganado. El artículo 2º prohíbe la movilización de ganado vacuno y equino en el ámbito del territorio nacional sin la correspondiente guía, de cuya expedición estará encargado el Servicio Nacional...

Act No. 85 of 2005 relating to legal relations and management of land and natural resources in the county of Finnmark (Finnmark Act)

This Act provides for the management of land and natural resources in the county of Finnmark. This shall be done in a balanced and ecologically sustainable manner for the benefit of the residents of the county and particularly as so as to enhance Sami culture, reindeer...
2005 (2008)

Law No. 926-IIQ on family farming.

The aim of this Law on family farms in rural areas is to support the development of family labour and rural employment, increase productivity, expanding alternative sources of income and accelerating rural development. This Law states that family farming covers all economic activities in rural areas...
2005 (2021)

Provincial Act No. 6 laying down new provisions for the management of public lands.

This Provincial Act sets out the legislative framework governing the management of public lands destined to public uses, particulary agro-forestry and silvopastoralism. The Act aims at the environmental protection and economic development of those lands. The Act further regulates the right of use of these public...
Italy (Trento)

Veterinary Act No. 922-IIQ.

Veterinary Services shall carry out veterinary-sanitary inspection on animal products and raw materials intended for human consumption and feeding animals, and on processing in slaughterhouses in accordance with the legislation. Exports of meat, dairy and other animal products for human consumption are allowed only if the...
2005 (2023)

Forestry Act (No. 31 of 2009).

The Act shall apply to all forest and forest land, i.e. land which produces forest or which, according to an overall assessment, is most suitable for forest production and is not being used for any other purpose. The Act shall apply also to areas protected under...
2005 (2009)

Resolution No. 16/2005 on the Long-Term Strategic Plan for Agricultural Development towards 2015 and the Action Plan for 2005-2008

This resolution, composed of two articles and one Annex, approves the Strategic Plan for Agricultural Development onwards 2015 and the Action Plan for 2005-2008. The Annexed Strategic Plan is composed of 8 main chapters dealing with: rural sector production (agriculture and fisheries) situation, strategic development framework,...
Cabo Verde

Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

This Regulation amends Article. 7 concerning the rental of pasture lands and Article. 8 concerning changes in the purpose of the allocation of pasture lands, of the Regulation on pastures dated 1998. The Regulation further adds a new article: Article. 17 on periodic reports on pastures,...

Administrative Orders and Remedies Regulation (B.C. 101/2005).

The present Regulation enacts the Forest and Range Practices Act. The Regulation lays down provisions relating to administrative orders and remedies. In particular, section 3 contains penalties under the Forest Act and penalties under the Forest and Range Practice Act. The text consists of 29 sections...
Canada (British Columbia)
2005 (2014)

Range Regulation (B.C. Reg.116/2005).

The present Regulation implements sections 79-81 of the Range Act applying to Crown range. In particular, it deals with applications for a licence, grazing permit or hay cutting permit. The text consists of 20 sections divided into 5 Parts as follows: Definitions and interpretation (1); Notice...
Canada (British Columbia)
2005 (2014)

Ministerial Decree No. 12/2005 issuing the Implementing Regulation of the Law on pasture and livestock management.

This Decree issues the Implementing Regulation of the Law on pasture and livestock management. The Regulation establishes the duties of the committees of livestock management. The Regulation determines the standards for the trade and the transport of livestock, livestock products and animal feed. Animals and birds...

Decision A/Dec. 11/01/05 adopting an Agricultural Policy for the Economic Community of Western African States - ECOWAP.

With this Decision, considering the importance of agriculture in the West African economy, the importance of trade in agricultural produce and its effects on the development of the West African countries and the management of natural resources and environmental conservation, the Executive Secretariat of the Economic...

Regulation No. 29 of 2005 on natural protected areas and national parks.

The aim of this Regulation is to protect wildlife and the ecosystem. It is composed of 10 articles. Articles 1 and 2 deal with terms and definitions. Article 3 provides for the establishment of the Technical Committee which shall study applications for the creation of...

Décret n° 2004-539/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MFB portant adoption du document de stratégie d’intervention du Fonds de l’eau et de l’équipement rural (FEER).

La vision, les objectifs, les axes d’intervention pour le secteur rural ont été clairement définis dans le document de " Stratégie de Développement Rural " (SDR) , qui constitue aujourd'hui le document de base pour toute intervention en milieu rural et vise une mise en cohérence...
Burkina Faso

Land Act No. 9/04.

This Law, composed of 89 articles divided in 5 chapters, regulates the general principles on land rights. In particular, the Law rules on: property rights, rural community rights, natural resources’ use and protection measures, land expropriation, land concession, territorial planning, land classification, and registration procedures. Article...

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 508 on strengthening the control over rational use of biological resources, import and export thereof.

For the purpose of the present Regulation the flora objects shall be considered: 1) wild-growing organisms - arboreal, shrubby and grassy seed plants, filicoid, moss-like, algae, lichens and mushrooms in all their specific variety; 2) the natural vegetative communities formed by wild-growing organisms, or any of...

Décret nº D/2004/68/PRG/SGG portant transfert de la maîtrise d'ouvrage des pistes rurales au Ministère chargé de l'agriculture et de l'élevage.

Ce décret porte transfert de la maîtrise d'ouvrage des pistes rurales, précédemment assurée par Ministère chargé des travaux publics au Ministère chargé de l'agriculture et de l'élevage. ...

Arrêté n° 0033 /MAE/CAB/04 du 24 octobre 2004 portant réglementation de la transhumance en République Centrafricaine.

Spécifiquement, ce règlement organise les départs et retours de la transhumance; les pistes et itinéraires de transhumance; le gardiennage du bétail transhumant; le séjour du bétail transhumant dans les localités d’accueil ; la transhumance transfrontière; un certificat de transhumance; et un mécanisme de règlement de conflits....
Central African Republic

Range Act ([SBC 2004] Chapter 71).

“Crown range” means land included within the boundaries of a range district as established under this Act, but does not include land that is subject to a lease issued under the Land Act (sect. 1). Section 3 establishes that power is given to regional and...
Canada (British Columbia)
2004 (2015)

Forests and Pastures Act issued by Cabinet Resolution No.247 of 2004 - Royal Decree No.M/55 of 2004.

This Law consisting of 22 articles divided in V Chapters provides for overseeing the grazing land and public forests and their living and non-living contents, together with regulating their exploitation, development and preservation. The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the protection of the public land...
Saudi Arabia

Regional Law No. 355-OZ “On allotment of land parcels for haymaking and grazing”.

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allotment of public agricultural land to citizens for haymaking and grazing. It establishes dimensions of agricultural land parcels depending upon agricultural animal species owned by the citizens. If a citizens does not have agricultural animals then maximum dimension of...
Russian Federation (Kaluga)

Ministerial Decree No. 145 on measures to prevent violations to the forest laws.

This Decree aims at improving law compliance in the forest sector and controlling illegal forestry activities by determining fines according to the amount of damage given to (i) forests under restoration, (ii) forest plantation area, (iii) pastures, (iv) tree growing zones, (v) forestry products, (vi) trees...

Arrêté nº 49/MRA/CIP/SE/SDR portant création, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du comité technique restraint chargé du suivi de l'étude sur l'approfondissement du diagnostic et l'analyse des systèmes de production agro-sylvo-pastoraux.

Le présent arrêté porte création, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du comité technique restraint chargé du suivi de l'étude sur l'approfondissement du diagnostic et l'analyse des systèmes de production agro-sylvo-pastoraux. ...

Loi organique n° 2004-50 du 22 juillet 2004 fixant l’organisation et la compétence des juridictions en République du Niger.

Sont abrogées toutes dispositions antérieures contraires à la présente loi, notamment la loi n° 62-11 du 16 mars 1962 fixant l’organisation et la compétence des juridictions de la République du Niger, l’ordonnance n° 74-27 du 8 novembre 1974 portant création d’une Cour de sûreté de l’Etat...

Ordinance by the regional government on measures against the spread of brucellosis in livestock.

The present Law implements the Federal Bang Disease Act (BGBl. No. 147). In particular, the Ordinance implements article 16 dealing with pasturing of livestock. Article 1 establishes that only disease-free animals are apt for grazing. Moreover, owners of cattle are obliged to ascertain that animals are...
Austria (Kärnten)

Law No. 56 “On state regulation of agricultural land fertility”.

This Law establishes the legal basis for state regulation of the ensuring fertility of agricultural land. Fertility of agricultural land shall be intended the ability of soil to meet the needs of agricultural plants (crops) in nutrients, air, water, heat, biological and physical and chemical environment...
2004 (2016)

Law Nr. 347 of 14 July 2004- Mountain law.

This Law establishes basic rules relative to the conservation and development of mountain areas in Romania. The mountain area of Romania is delimited in accordance with principles laid down in Government Decision No. 948 of 2002 and in accordance with criteria set out in article 1...
2004 (2010)

Regional Law No. 44-OZ regarding development of reindeer breeding.

The present Regional Law establishes legal, economic and environmental protection arrangements aimed at efficient and stable development of reindeer breeding. The Regional Law consists of 14 Articles. Article 1 lays down general provisions. Article 2 determines purposes and priorities for regulation in the sphere of the...
Russian Federation (Khanty-Mansi)

Loi nº 2004-48 portant loi cadre relative à l'élevage.

La loi cadre relative à l'élevage rassemble toutes les dispositions relatives aux animaux, à leur environnement, à leurs produits et à la santé publique vétérinaire. Elle comprend 107 articles répartis en 11 titres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (I); Protection des animaux : animaux domestiques et faune...

Law amending the Law on pastures No. 4342.

Articles 6, 9, 14, 30 have either been amended or new paragraphs have been added. The present Law also amends new articles of the Village Law of 1924, the Law on Natural Disasters 1959, and the Tourism Incentives Act of 1982. The formation of the technical...

Loi d'orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale.

La loi est formée par 82 articles, répartis en 19 chapitres, portant respectivement les dispositions réglementant les Les axes stratégiques de la politique de développement agro-sylvo-pastoral, à savoir : 1) La reconnaissance formelle des métiers de l’agriculture et des organisations professionnelles agricoles ; 2) La protection...

Décret nº 2004-24 portant application de la loi n°44-2000 portant Code pastoral en Mauritanie.

Les litiges résultant des dégâts causés aux cultures par les animaux, ou à ces derniers par les cultivateurs, sont réglés à l’amiable entre les deux parties. Au cas où le recours amiable n’aboutirait pas, il est porté devant une commission de l’arbitrage. ...

Rural Stewardship Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (S.S.I. No. 104 of 2004).

These Regulations amend the principal Regulations as follows: (a) in Schedule 2 (management activities): (i) amend the management requirements for the extensive management of mown grassland for birds, the management of open grazed grassland for birds, the extensive management of mown grassland for corncrakes, the management...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Scotland)

Regional Act No. 4 laying down rules governing the movements of ovines and caprines for grazing purposes.

This Regional Act establishes the rules that shall govern movements of ovine and caprine animals for grazing purposes within the regional territory, with a view to preventing the spread of diseases. Grazing shall be permitted only on private lands clearly delimited and identifiable, and upon sanitary...
Italy (Emilia-Romagna)

Security for Forest and Range Practice Liabilities Regulation (B.C. Reg. 20/2004).

The present Regulation implements the Forest and Range Practices Act. In particular, it deals with security and liabilities of forest and range practice. The text consists of 3 sections as follows: Security (1); Return of security (2); Offence (3). ...
Canada (British Columbia)
2004 (2004)

Range Planning and Practices Regulation (B.C. Reg. 19/2004).

The present Regulation lays down provisions relating to range planning and practices. The text consists of 48 sections divided into 6 Parts as follows: Interpretation (1); Plans (2); Repeal (3); Practice requirements (4); Miscellaneous (5); Compliance and enforcement (6). One Schedule is enclosed. In particular, it...
Canada (British Columbia)
2004 (2023)

Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

This Regulation amends in the of the Regulation on pastures. The amendments are made in some paragraphs of Article. 8 on changes concerning the purpose of the allocation of pasture lands. ...

Loi n°04-008 du 14 jan. 2004 Portant création du Projet d’Appui au Développement de l’Elevage au Nord-Est du Mali phase II.

Les organes d’administration et de gestion du Projet d’Appui au Développement de l’Elevage au Nord-Est du Mali Phase II sont le Conseil de Surveillance; la Direction du Projet ; le Comité Technique de Pilotage du Projet; le Comité d’Orientation des Centres de Vulgarisation et de Formation....

Forest Regulations, 2004 (G.N. No. 153 of 2004).

Mining, felling of trees, cultivation or grazing shall be generally prohibited in "any area of Catchment or of watershed value". ...
United Republic of Tanzania

New Forest (Confirmation of the Byelaws of the Verderers of the New Forest) Order 2003 (S.I. No. 3298 of 2003).

The byelaws make provision in relation to: (a) prohibiting unauthorised animals from being in the Forest (byelaw 4); (b) appointing persons to be responsible for the management of animals (byelaw 5); (c) the marking of animals and the making of payments to the Verderers for the...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (England)

Ley ganadera del Estado de Baja California Sur.

Esta Ley establece principios y reglas para la planeación, la organización, control, sanidad, protección, explotación racional, fomento y conservación de la ganadería en el Estado de Baja California Sur. Para ello se establecen disposiciones sobre: la producción, el fomento y la protección sanitaria a las especies...
Mexico (Baja California Sur)

Arrêté n°2003-59/MRA/MAHRH/MECV/MFB/MATD/MED/ MITH/MCE/SECU portant délimitation dans le département de Matiacoali, province du Gourma, la zone à vocation pastorale de Tapoa-Boopo

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans le département de Matiacoali, province du Gourma, la zone à vocation pastorale de Tapoa-Boopo. La zone à vocation pastorale de Tapoa-Boopo, d’une superficie de 95 000 hectares est située entre les parallèles 12° 03’ et 12° 24’ de latitude nord et...
Burkina Faso

Décret nº D/2003/72/PRG/SGG portant création d'une direction nationale des pistes rurales (DNPR).

Ce décret porte création d'une direction nationale des pistes rurales (DNPR), chargé de la mise en oeuvre de la politique du Gouvernement en matière de construction, de réhabilitation et d'entretien des pistes rurales. ...

Ley de desarrollo ganadero del Estado de Sinaloa.

En el Título Primero (Disposiciones generales), cabe mencionar los Capítulos II y III, que establecen las autoridades competentes en el sector y se definen sus atribuciones, y el Capítulo IV que está dedicado a la constitución y funcionamiento de las organizaciones de ganaderos. Dentro del Título...
Mexico (Sinaloa)
2003 (2016)

Décret nº D/2003/62/PRG/SGG portant transfert de la maîtrise d'ouvrage des pistes rurales au Ministère chargé des travaux publics.

Ce décret porte transfert de la maîtrise d'ouvrage des pistes rurales, précédemment assurée par le Ministère chargé de l'agriculture, au Ministère chargé des travaux publics. ...

Regional Law No. 53-Z N 109-III “On herd horse breeding”.

This Regional Law establishes the procedure for organization, the system of performance and the main directions of state regulation of herd horse breeding and is aimed at the conservation of national traditions and the process of herd horse breeding if the indigenous peoples Sakha, for which...
Russian Federation (Sakha (Yakutia))
2003 (2018)

Stock Route Management Regulation 2003.

This Regulation, consisting of 17 sections divided into five Parts, implements the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002. Part 2 specifies which pests can be declared pests under the Act and approves the location of building lines for fences. Part 3 concerns stock...
Australia (Queensland)
2003 (2019)

Ministerial Decree No. 84 on establishment of Gakh State Reserve.

This Decree states that Gakh State Reserve shall be established on 36836 hectare of Gakh district. This Decree aims at developing the network of nature protection zones and protecting endangered species of wild fauna and flora in summer pastures adjacent to Ilisu State Reserve and at...

Arrêté n°2003-22/MRA/SG/DGPA/DAPF portant approbation du cahier des Charges Spécifique de la Zone à vocation Pastorale de Tapoa-Boopo.

Le présent cahier des charges spécifique fixe les conditions particulières d’attribution, d’occupation et d’exploitation des terres de la zone à vocation pastorale de Tapoa- Boopo ...
Burkina Faso

Regional Law No. 361-OZ “On reindeer ranching”.

This Regional Law establishes legal and economic grounds of reindeer ranching as traditional economic activity and nature management of low-numbered indigenous peoples of the North and ethnic communities with a view of conservation of traditional habitats, natural environment and customary rights thereof. Regulation of reindeer ranching...
Russian Federation (Magadan)
2003 (2009)

Law no. 3147 of 2003. Regulation of rural land issues, resolution of issues of rehabilitated and restored livestock farmers and other provisions.

Other matters concern: composition of the Fisheries Council; Agricultural Cooperative Organisation; Internship of geologist, foresters; agricultural trade union organisation; agricultural machinery; establishment of directorates in the Ministry of Agriculture, concerning Animal Health Department, Department of Veterinary Public Health, Department of Animal Protection and Veterinary Applications; financial...

Resolution No. 618 of 2003 regulating grazing in the provinces.

This Resolution is composed of 3 articles. Article 1 provides for grazing in irrigated areas, lands cultivated with fruit trees, lands belonging to the Green Belt Project, lands belonging to the Agricultural Development Project, Lands belonging to the Desert Development Project, agricultural nurseries and lands cultivated...
Syrian Arab Republic

Ley Nº 9/2003 - Ley de Vías Pecuarias de Castilla-La Mancha.

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer la normativa para la administración y gestión de las vías pecuarias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha, en el marco de la Ley de Vías Pecuarias, y de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Estatuto de Autonomía de...
Spain (Castilla-La Mancha)

SFGS Farmland Premium Scheme 2003 (S.S.I. No. 209 of 2003).

This Scheme provides for the payment of annual grants to abate financial losses incurred in consequence of the conversion of agricultural land (including common grazings) to use for woodlands. It provides for applications for grants in respect of eligible land (as defined in paragraph 2) to...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Scotland)

Arrêté fixant la compétence territoriale des commissaires régionaux du Haut commissariat au développement de la steppe.

Le présent arrêté a pour objet de fixer la compétence territoriale des commissaires régionaux du Haut commissariat au développement de la steppe. ...

General Regulations made in terms of the Communal Land Reform Act.

Part IV deals with matters miscellaneous nature, such as application for transfer of customary land right or right of leasehold, appeal against decision of Chief, Traditional Authority or board, fences on communal land, procedure for referral of a matter to an arbitrator, conditions under which prospecting...
2003 (2016)

Decree of the President of the Region No. 32 approving the Regulation concerning the preservation and utilization of forests and the protection of lands subjected to particular hydrogeological restrictions

In implementation of Regional Act No. 20 of 2000, it is hereby approved the Regional Regulation on forestry. The overall objectives pursued are (i) the protection of mountain areas, (ii) the preservation and improvement of protective functions of forests, (iii) the sustainable management of forest heritage,...
Italy (Friuli-Venezia Giulia)

Carinthia Wood and Pasture Exploitation Law.

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of wood and pasture exploitation in the Region of Carinthia. The text consists of 63 articles divided into 9 chapters as follows: General provisions (I); New regulation and regulation of traditional rights (II); Transfer of exploitation...
Austria (Kärnten)
2003 (2013)

Règlement C/REG.3/01/03 du 28 janvier 2003 relatif à la mise en œuvre de la règlementation de la transhumance entre les Etats Membres de la CEDEAO.

Le présent règlement détermine les mesures de la transhumance entre les Etats Membres de la CEDEAO. ...

Protocole d'accord du 26 janvier 2003 portant création d'un cadre de concertation entre le Burkina Faso et la République du Niger sur la transhumance transfrontalière.

Le cadre de concertation comprend deux organes: la réunion des ministres en charge de l'élevage; et le Comité Technique Paritaire. ...
Burkina Faso

Royal Decree No.8 of 2003 issuing Pastures and Animal Resources Management Law.

This Law consists of 4 Chapters divided into 22 articles. Chapter I gives terms and definitions. The Implementing Regulation provided for in Article 2 of Royal Decree No. 8 of 2003 shall be issued to carry out the following objectives: (a) definition of licences necessary to...

Movement of Livestock Regulations (Cap. 67:02).

These Regulations, made under section 4 of the Meat and Meat Products Act, place restrictions on the movement of livestock. No person shall move livestock intended for sale between 6.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m. or move livestock intended for sale outside the designated trek routes as...
2003 (2012)

Décret n° 2002-1544 relatif à l'identification des ovins et caprins ainsi qu'à l'application de l'article L. 231-6 du Code rural.

Tout détenteur d'un ovin ou d'un caprin est tenu d'identifier ou de faire identifier chaque animal né sur l'exploitation avant l'âge de sept jours et, en tout état de cause, avant sa sortie de l'exploitation, s'il la quitte avant cet âge.De même, les ovins et les...

Décret n° 2002-2175-PM du 20 décembre 2002 fixant les taux minima et les modalités de recouvrement de certaines taxes communales indirectes.

Le présent fixe les taux minima et les modalités de recouvrement de certaines taxes communales indirectes. Ces taxes portent, entre autres, sur l’abattage, la divagation, la transhumance et le transit des bovins, équins, porcins, ovins et caprins. ...

Forest Practices Board Regulation (B.C. Reg. 15/2004).

The present Regulation implements the Forest and Range Practice Act. The text consists of 12 sections divided into 5 Parts as follows: Definitions (1): Audits (2); Complaints (3); Significant breaches (4); Transition (5) ...
Canada (British Columbia)
2002 (2008)

Forest and Range Practices Act ([SBC 2002] Chapter 69).

The present Act lays down provisions relating to forest and range practices. Section 136 establishes that the Forest Practices Board is continued. The text consists of 217 sections divided into 11 Parts as follows: Definition and interpretation (1); Forest stewardship plan, site plan and woodlot licence...
Canada (British Columbia)
2002 (2023)

Loi n°034-2002/an portant loi d’orientation relative au pastoralisme au Burkina Faso.

Les pasteurs exploitent les ressources naturelles dans le respect des lois et règlements en vigueur, notamment ceux relatifs à l’environnement et à la garantie des biens d’autrui. En concertation avec l’Etat et les collectivités territoriales, leurs organisations participent à la gestion durable des ressources pastorales et...
Burkina Faso

Forests and Renewable Natural Resources Act for the year 2002 (Act No.11 of 2002).

The Act consists of 6 Chapters divided into 61 articles. Chapter I contains preliminary provisions. Chapter II provides for the management of renewable natural resources. Chapter III deals with reserved areas. Chapter IV pertains to the protection of forests and renewable resources outside of reserved...

Arrêté interministériel déterminant la nomenclature des recettes et des dépenses du compte d'affectation spéciale nº 302-109 intitulé "Fonds de lutte contre la désertification et du développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe".

Le présent arrêté interministériel détermine la nomenclature des recettes et des dépenses du compte d'affectation spéciale nº 302-109 intitulé "Fonds de lutte contre la désertification et du développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe". ...

Regional Law No. 36-kz “On regulation of grazing and pastoralism of cattle and poultry”.

This Regional Law sets forth rules and regulations for grazing and pastoralism for cattle and poultry and is aimed at ensuring rational management of pastures, protection of agricultural land and crops against damages caused by cattle and poultry. Grazing and pastoralism on the regional territory shall...
Russian Federation (Stavropol)
2002 (2015)

Communal Land Reform Act, 2002 (Act No. 5 of 2002).

The Minister must establish Communal Land Boards to perform the functions conferred on a Board by this Act within the area for which each Board is established. Boards shall be established for a region, a part of a region or two or more regions. A Board...

Décret exécutif n° 02-248 fixant les modalités de fonctionnement du compte d'affectation spéciale nº 302-109 intitulé "Fonds de lutte contre la désertification et du développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe".

Le présent décret fixe les modalités de fonctionnement du compte d'affectation spéciale nº 302-109 intitulé "Fonds de lutte contre la désertification et du développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe". ...

Extensification Payment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (S.S.I. No. 278 of 2002).

These Regulations lay down, in relation to holdings in respect of which the Scottish Ministers are the competent authority for IACS purposes, implementing measures for the extensification payment scheme introduced by Article 13 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1254/1999 on the common organization of the market...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Scotland)

Law on land.

The Law consists of 7 Chapters composed of 64 articles dealing with the following matters: 1) general provisions (chapt. 1, arts. 1-8); 2) the unified land territory and its basic classification (chapt. 2, arts. 9-16); 3) the authority of the government bodies and local self-governing organizations...

Ministerial Decree No. 360 validating the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pasture.

This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pastures, the form of contract on lease of the pasture areas for stockbreeding purpose, lease of pasture areas for other purposes, form of forest land plot usage permit for silvopastoralism. Pasture areas allotted...

Ley Nº 1.880/02 - Reglamenta el tránsito o permanencia de animales sueltos.

La presente Ley estblece normas relativas al tránsito y permanencia de animales vacunos, equinos, caprinos, ovinos y porcinos. Se prohíbe la permanencia de animales sueltos en ámbitos de tránsito público (art. 2º). Los animales sueltos podrán transitar por ámbitos de tránsito público al solo efecto de...

Stock Route Management Act 2002.

Chapter 3 covers the management of the stock route network. It establishes the guiding principles of stock route network management (Part 1) and the State stock route management strategy (Part 2). Part 3 concerns management plans to be prepared by local governments, while Part 4 covers...
Australia (Queensland)
2002 (2016)

General People’s Committee Resolution No. 34 of 2002 issuing the Executive Regulations of Law No. 22 of 2001 amending a provision in Law No. 15 of 1989 regarding the Protection of Animals and Trees.

Chapter Three on Tree Protection outlines regulations regarding the cutting, uprooting, or removal of fruit-bearing trees like palm and olive trees, fruit trees, ornamental trees, and forests, permitting such actions only under specific circumstances, including (i) when trees are naturally dry or afflicted with diseases, pests,...

Resolución Nº 261 - Modifica la Resolución Nº 722, que prohíbe el uso de campos de pastoreo de pre y alta cordillera.

La presente Resolución modifica la Resolución Nº 722 de 2001, exclusivamente en cuanto a que la prohibición regirán solamente hasta el día 30 de abril de 2002. ...

Decree No. 96-II of the Ministry of Finance validating the Regulation on mortgage and land based credit.

This Decree shall be applicable to mortgage of immovable property and land based credit. It contains the form of mortgage contract concluded with peasant farms and establishes the modalities of access to land base credit. Immovable property subject of granting of credit shall include land plots,...

Arrêté n°2001-14/MRA/AGRI/SECU/MATD/MEE/ MCE/MIHU/MD/-FD portant délimitation dans le département de Djigouèra, province du Kénédougou, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Diassaga / Gossiamandara.

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans le département de Djigouèra, province du Kénédougou, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Diassaga / Gossiamandara. Il s'agit d'une zone de pâture inter-villageoise affectée prioritairement aux animaux des éleveurs des villages de Diassaga et de Gossiamandara. ...
Burkina Faso

Arrêté n°2001-15/MRA/AGRI/SECU/MATD/MEE/ MCE/MIHU/MD/-FD portant délimitation dans le département de Guiaro, province du Nahouri, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Guiaro.

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans le département de Guiaro, province du Nahouri, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Guiaro. Il s'agit une zone de pâture inter-villageoise affectée prioritairement aux animaux des éleveurs des villages limitrophes du périmètre. ...
Burkina Faso

Arrêté n°2001-16/MRA/AGRI/SECU/MATD/MEE/ MCE/MIHU/MD/-FD portant délimitation dans le département de Boni, province du Tuy, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Saho.

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans le département de Boni, province du Tuy, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Saho . Il s'agit une zone de pâture inter-villageoise affectée prioritairement aux animaux des éleveurs des villages des villages de Saho et des villages environnants de la...
Burkina Faso

Law No. ZR-296 amending Land Code (No.185 of 2001).

Article 60 shall be amended to add the following wording: “common ranges and grazing trails.” ...

Animal Diseases Prevention and Control Proclamation (No. 267 of 2002).

The Part 2 prescribes various measures relating to prevention of animal diseases and prevention of spreading of diseases such as notification of outbreak of a disease (art. 3), declaration of infected areas (art. 4), quarantine in infected areas (art. 5), prohibition of importation of animals, control...

Loi n° 01-20 relative à l’aménagement et au développement durable du territoire.

La mise en oeuvre des schémas, schémas directeurs et plans d'aménagement peut donner lieu, et notamment dans les zones à promouvoir, à des contrats de développement liant l'Etat, et/ou les collectivités territoriales et les agents et partenaires économiques. ...

Ley de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable.

En el marco del mencionado Título Tercero cabe destacar los Capítulos XVI y XVII. El Capítulo XVI establece que la sustentabilidad será criterio rector en el fomento a las actividades productivas, a fin de lograr el uso racional de los recursos naturales, su preservación y...
2001 (2019)

NOM-020-RECNAT-2001: Lineamientos para la rehabilitación y conservación de los terrenos forestales de pastoreo.

La presente Norma Oficial Mexicana establece los procedimientos y lineamientos que deberán observarse para la rehabilitación, mejoramiento y conservación de los terrenos forestales en los que se realicen actividades de pastoreo para coadyuvar en el restablecimiento, mantenimiento e incremento de los recursos naturales y la capacidad...

National Environment (Minimum Standards for Management of Soil Quality) Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 59 of 2001).

The purpose of these Regulations is to establish and prescribe minimum standards for soil quality, to establish minimum standards for the management quality of soil intended for agricultural use, the establishment of criteria and procedures for the measurement and determination of soil quality and to issue...

Resolución Nº 2.159 - Requisitos para el uso de campos de pastoreo de pre y alta cordillera.

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso de campos de pastoreo de pre y alta cordillera, disponiendo entre otras cosas que todo campo de pastoreo deberá contar con corrales y mangas con capacidad suficiente y en condiciones adecuadas para el expedito manejo del ganado....

Resolución Nº 1.538 - Requisitos para el uso de campos de pastoreo de alta cordillera.

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso de campos de pastoreo de alta cordillera, disponiendo entre otras cosas que todo campo de pastoreo de alta cordillera deberá contar con corrales y mangas con capacidad suficiente y en condiciones adecuadas para el expedito manejo del...

Resolución Nº 722 - Prohíbe el uso de campos de pastoreo de pre y alta cordillera.

La presente Resolución prohíbe el uso de algunos campos de pastoreo de cordillera por periodo que indica, regula el uso pecuario en campos de pre y alta cordillera, y establece normas de prevención de fiebre aftosa. ...

Ministerial Decree No. 977 on registration of peasant farms.

This Ministerial Decree regulates keeping of the Register of peasant farms and the modalities of registration thereof. The Register shall be public and it shall contain data related to the establishment re-organization. The scope of the Register shall be to collect and store data and information...
Republic of Moldova
2001 (2002)

Resolución Nº 722 - Prohíbe el uso de campos de pastoreo de cordillera.

La presente Resolución prohíbe el uso de campos de pastoreo de pre y alta cordillera por el período de un año a contar del 13 de octubre de 2001, así como el transporte de animales, productos y especies que puedan ser vehículos de contagio de la...

Resolución Nº 535 - Prohíbe el uso de determinados campos de pastoreo de cordillera.

La presente resolución prohíbe, por periodo que indica, el uso de determinados campos de pastoreo de cordillera y establece los requisitos para uso de campos de invernada. ...

Forest Regulations, 2001.

Regulation 4 defines the contents of a forest management plan in the sense of section 8 of the Act. The plan shall contain, among other things, provisions on the protection of wildlife, water and soil. Regulations 5 to 12 regulate the use of forests roads including...
2001 (2003)

Provisional Measure No. 2.168-39 ruling on agro-sylvo-pastoral Cooperatives Revitalization Programme RECOOP and on the National Service for Cooperatives’ Training SESCOOP.

This Measure, composed of 18 articles and 1 Annex, regulates the credit operations set out under the agro-sylvo-pastoral Cooperatives Revitalization Programme (RECOOP). The Measure defines the requirements and procedures necessary for the cooperatives to be eligible for credit. Moreover, the Measure authorises the establishment of the...

Epidemic Diseases of Animal Act of 2001.

This Act consisting of 14 articles and 2 Tables aims at providing for procedures to be followed in case of appearance of epizootic diseases in animals. They are (i) keep the animals affected, or suspected to be affected secluded, from other animals; (ii) notify immediately...

Order No. 448-A/2001 approving the Regulation of Action No. 3.1 and 3.2 for «assistance to sylvo-pastoralism».

This Order approves the Regulation of Action No. 3.1 and 3.2 for «assistance to sylvo-pastoralism». It consists of 20 articles and 7 annexes establishing the requirements to improve the aforementioned forestry sector as follows: a) promote and improve economic, ecological and social functions of forests; b)...

Arrêté n° 19/MPMR/CAB/2001 du 25 avril 2001 fixant les itinéraires de convoyage sur le territoire de la République centrafricaine.

Les animaux des espèces précitées, en provenance des pays limitrophes de la République Centrafricaine doivent se présenter obligatoirement aux postes de contrôle sanitaire. ...
Central African Republic

Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

This Regulation amends Article. 5 on commissions and technical teams determining and allocating pasture lands and Article. 6 on cattle units of the Regulation on pastures. The Regulation also repeals two clauses of Article. 8 and adds two new clauses. The Regulation further amends Article. 11...

Southern, Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State Food Security and Pastoral Development Coordination Office Establishment Proclamation (No. 33/2001)

This Proclamation establishes the Food Security and Pastoral Development Coordination Office of the Southern, Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State and provides with respect to its functions and powers, administration and internal organization. The Office shall have the following objectives: cause the preparation and implementation of...
Ethiopia (Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples' Region)

Regional Act No. 8 making provision in matter of bovines, ovines and caprines farming as well as in matter of derivative products obtained through organic methods.

This Regional Act makes provision in matter of bovine, ovine and caprine farming and related products obtained through organic methods. Such activities shall be carried out in compliance with Regulation 2092/91/EEC. The Act is divided into five Parts. Part I lays down general principles. In the...
Italy (Valle d'Aosta)

Ley Nº 25.422 - Ley para la recuperación de la ganadería ovina.

Se crea en el ámbito de la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación la Comisión Asesora Técnica del Régimen para la Recuperación de la Ganadería Ovina (CAT). ...

Loi nº 01-004 portant charte pastorale en République du Mali.

A cet effet, elle fixe les principes fondamentaux de l'exercice des activités pastorales (mobilité des animaux, la préservation de l'environnement et de l'utilisation durable des ressources pastorales, droit d'accès aux ressources pastorales, la contribution à la lutte contre la désertification, à qualité de vie et de...

Regulation of the Register of Agricultural Farms.

This regulation applies to farm owners and the provision of data by farm owners is a necessary condition for receiving aid. ...

Rangeland Law

The Law sets provisions to preserve rangelands and to make sustainable use of rangelands in the country. The Rangeland Law consists of 20 articles, divided into 4 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Special Rangelands (II); General Rangelands (III); Miscellaneous Provisions (IV). The law is extended to all...

Loi n°149/AN/02/4ème L portant sur l’Orientation Economique et Sociale de la République de Djibouti pour la période 2001-2010.

Cette loi énonce la stratégie sociale et le développement humain à travers l’éducation, la formation des cadres et la formation professionnelle ; l’accentuation du secteur santé pour améliorer la qualité des prestations et englober la couverture sanitaire ; le déploiement des actions et des projets pour...

Veterinary Quarantine Act of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.

This Act aims at protecting animals by regulating veterinary quarantine. This Act is composed of 2 Chapters divided into 26 articles and 3 Annexes. Chapter 1 deals with terms and definitions. Chapter 2 provides for the following: (a) veterinary quarantine; (b) obtainment of licences for the...

Resolución Nº 1.108 - Requisitos para uso pecuario de campos de pastoreo ubicados en zonas fronterizas.

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso pecuario de campos de pastoreo ubicados en zonas fronterizas limítrofes, disponiendo entre otras cosas que todo campo de pastoreo deberá contar con corrales y mangas con capacidad suficiente y en condiciones adecuadas para el expedito manejo del...

Law amending the Law on pastures.

Changes are related to the general terms and definitions; and mutual rights and obligations for legal and natural persons (concessions). ...
North Macedonia

Ministerial Decree laying down sanitary measures on mountain grazing, transhumance and pasture of ovine and caprine animals.

With a view to avoiding the spreading of brucellosis, from 1 January 2001 ovine and caprine animals may be shifted for grazing or transhumance purposes only when such animals are not infected. The identification code of the enterprise owning the animals concerned must be provided in...

Letter of Instruction No. 33-01-3/462 of the Ministry of Natural Resources concerning restrictions of economic activities on the territory of state biosphere reserves.

This Letter of Instruction establishes that specific restrictions of economic activities on the territory of state biosphere reserves shall be imposed exclusively in accordance with the validated individual regulation on a specific biosphere reserve. The possibility of use of conservation areas of state biosphere reserves shall...
Russian Federation

Decreto Supremo Nº 056-2000-AG ─ Declara en situación de urgencia reforestación y pasturas de alturas.

El presente Decreto, que consta de 5 artículos, declara en situación de urgencia la reforestación y pasturas en alturas, con el fin de reducir la erosión de los suelos y la ocurrencia de avenidas o derrumbes en la sierra del país. ...

Order No. 22 on grazing management and livestock.

The Order applies to the keeping of live animals for agricultural purposes. Animals included in this category are sheep, horses, cattle, goats, swine, reindeers and musk oxens. These shall be assigned an area where to graze and the Order sets regulations on size, season periods and...

Government (Hihifo District Villages) Regulations 2000 (GS 8A of 2000).

These Regulations, made under the Government Act, require every pig owner in the district to which the Regulations apply, to keep pigs within secure enclosures and to keep them clean and with sufficient food and water. Letting pigs tray around in public places is declared to...

Decree of the President of the Provincial Council No. 29 on forestry.

This Decree lays down provisions for implementing Provincial Act No. 21 of 21 October 1996 relative to the forestry sector. The Decree is divided into three Titles and contains two Annexes. Title I regulates the hydrogeological and forest bonds referred to in article 3 of Provincial...
Italy (Bolzano)

Loi n°44-2000 portant Code pastoral en Mauritanie.

Les ressources pastorales en eau, en pâturages herbacés et aériens, en carrière d’amersal ou en terrain à lécher, appartiennent à la Nation, à l’exception de celles qui sont situées dans des propriétés privées collectives ou individuelles. La mobilité pastorale est préservée en toute circonstance. L’espace pastoral...

Arrêté conjoint nº2000-34/MRA/AGRI/0MEE/MEF/MATS/MEM/MIHU portant délimitation dans la province du Bazèga de la zone à vocation pastorale de Gaongho-Sud.

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans la province du Bazèga de la zone à vocation pastorale de Gaongho-Sud, d'une superficie de 6.762 ha, est située entre les parallèles 1l°56' et 12°04' de latitude Nord et les méridiens 01°03' et 0l°09' de longitude Ouest. La zone à vocation...
Burkina Faso

Arrêté conjoint n°2000-30/MRA/AGRI/MEE/MEF/MATS/MEM/MIHU portant réglementation du pâturage et de la transhumance du bétail au Burkina Faso.

Cet arrêté porte création, composition, attributions et fonctionnement de la commission technique interministérielle chargée de l'examen de projets de textes règlementaires régissant des activités pastorales. ...
Burkina Faso

Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves and Natural Areas Amendment Act (RSA 2000, c. 18).

Amendments made to the principal Act to make provision for the establishment and administration of "heritage rangelands". The Lieutenant Governor in Council may designate as a heritage rangeland any area of public land, or land in respect of which the Minister has entered into an agreement...
Canada (Alberta)
2000 (2014)

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Ordinance (Establishment of Ngorongoro Pastoral Council) Rules, 2000 (G.N. No. 234 of 2000).

There is hereby established a Ngorongoro Pastoral Council. The Council shall carry out the functions as provided for by its act of constitution as set out in the Schedule. The Council shall, for purposes of development in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, have the power to develop...
United Republic of Tanzania

Decree relative to incentives for organized use of pastures (No. 344 of 2000).

The scope of the Decree is to promote the most efficient use of pastures for the grazing by cattle, sheep, goats, etc. in outlying lands. Article 2 defines the application sphere of the Decree, whereas article 3 provides for the administration of funds. Conditions for aid...

Law on Pasture and Grazing Land.

Offences and penalties for contravening the present law are detailed in the text. ...

Regulations of Tibet Autonomous Region on Border Management.

If people living on the frontiers of China find that the livestock of neighboring countries have entered the territory of China, they shall drive them out on the spot or report to the local people's government in a timely manner, and shall not hide, use, trade...
China (Tibet)
2000 (2016)

Ministerial Decree No. 42 on use and leasing of pastures and compensation of production losses in agriculture and forestry.

This Decree states that the Regulation on compensation of production losses in agriculture and forestry shall be approved. The fees shall be collected from the real and legal persons damaging soil quality in agricultural land and forests. These collected fees shall be used for improving agricultural...

Guidelines on the management of hilly and mountainous areas.

These guidelines contain principles of and rules for the management of hilly and mountainous areas. They define functions and duties of District Environment Committees and other local authorities in respect of management of hilly and mountainous areas duties of land owners in respect to use of...

National Environment (Mountainous and Hilly Areas Management) Regulations, 2000 (No. 3 of 2000).

These Regulations shall regulate the sustainable utilisation and conservation of resources in mountainous and hilly areas by and for the benefit of the people and communities living in the area and promote the integration of wise use of resources in mountainous and hilly areas into the...

Pastures Regulations (R.R.S. c. P-4.1 Reg. 1).

The present Regulations provide for the enactment of the Pasture Act. In particular, the Regulations lay down comprehensive provisions relating to the allocation of grazing privileges and to the maintenance of pastures. The text consists of 32 sections divided into 5 Parts as follows: Title and...
Canada (Saskatchewan)
2000 (2010)

Soil Conservation Measures and Guidelines.

Soil conservation measures are prescribed and recommendations are given for the conservation of: (a) lowlands and flat areas and land sloping in various degrees, pasture lands and range lands. Measures are required for the environmentally sound production of food, wood, and other commodities based on sustainable...

Ministerial Decree No. 649 validating the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures.

This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures and the form of contract for transfer of the plots of pasture areas. It classifies pastures as: (a) pastures for transhumance; (b) pastures for intensive management; (c) pastures located between transhumance areas...

Decree No. 1119 of 1999 concerning the notification of reindeer farming.

This Decree requires keepers of reindeer to notify their activity to the Reindeer Range District Office. The aim of this Decree is to obtain precise information on reindeer keeping in a district so as to use this information for the ecologically, economically and culturally sound development...

Northwest Territories Reindeer Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1238).

These Regulations provide for the management and protection of reindeer in the Northwest Territories. The Superintendent may divide a reserve into grazing allotments and may change or modify the boundaries of the allotments or reduce or increase the number of allotments (reg. 3). The Minister may...
Canada (Northwest Territories)

Décret n° 00-236-P-RM du 29 mai 2000 portant ratification du protocole d'accord réglementant la transhumance entre la République du Mali et la République de Côte d'Ivoire, signé à Bamako le 23 juillet 1999.

Cet accord réglemente et autorise les déplacements saisonniers de bétail entre les pays. Il s'agit des animaux en divagation et ceux quittant les parcours nationaux en vue de l'exploitation des points d'eau et des pâturages. ...
Côte d'Ivoire

Règlement d’application de l’ordonnance fédérale du 7 décembre 1998 sur les contributions d’estivage dans l’agriculture.

Le susdit règlement met en exécution l’ordonnance fédérale du 7 décembre 1998 sur les contributions d’estivage dans l’agriculture. L’article 1er établit que le Département de l’économie, Service de l’agriculture est l’autorité cantonale chargée de l’exécution de la susdite ordonnance. Pour les exploitations d’estivage et de pâturage,...
Switzerland (Vaud)

Village Land Act, 1999.

This Act consists of 66 sections divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary provisions (I); Application of fundamental principles of the National Land Policy (II); Transfers and hazard land (III); Village lands (IV); Dispute settlement (V); Miscellaneous provisions (VI). The President may transfer any area of village land...
United Republic of Tanzania

Rectification No. 10-AA/99 of Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 27/99 on national policy on forestry.

The Rectification concerns the Policy for a Sustained Development Plan of the Portuguese Forest in order to develop a coordinated action between the public administrations and the forestry services. The aforementioned policy shall be carried out in order to promote a social and economic development according...

Order No. 74 of the Federal Forest Service regarding validation of the list of collateral use of forest resources within public forest.

The President of the Federal Forest Service orders to validate the list of collateral use of forest resources within public forest. The list contains the following items: 1) procurement and picking up fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, medicinal and technical raw materials in the forest fruit-tree plantations,...
Russian Federation

Moshi Municipal Council (Animal in Urban Area) By-laws, 1999 (G.N. No. 114 of 1999).

These By-laws provide for the keeping and moving of livestock animals in the area to which these By-laws apply. The Council shall indicate certain areas and routes in the urban area for the purpose of keeping or moving animals. Directions of the Municipal Director regarding keeping...
United Republic of Tanzania

Décret nº 99-508 fixant l'organisation administrative et financière ainsi que les modalités de fonctionnement de l'office de développement sylvo-pastoral du Nord-Ouest.

Ce décret fixe l'organisation administrative et financière ainsi que les modalités de fonctionnement de l'office de développement sylvo-pastoral du Nord-Ouest, créé par la loi nº 81-17 du 9 mars 1981. ...

Forest Resources Management Regulations (R.R.S. c. F-19.1 Reg. 1).

The present Regulations enact the Forest Resources Management Act. Section 6 establishes that no person shall, without a licence: a) harvest or acquire any right or property in any forest product; or b) operate a processing facility. The text consists of 101 sections divided into 10...
Canada (Saskatchewan)
1999 (2014)

Decreto Nº 121 – Ley Ganadera para el Estado de Guanajuato.

La presente Ley tiene por objeto el fomento cuantitativo y cualitativo de las actividades pecuarias, así como regular las bases de la producción, sanidad, inocuidad, protección, clasificación y selección de las especies pecuarias en el Estado de Guanajuato. La Ley contempla también la apicultura. Se definen...
Mexico (Guanajuato)

Decree No. 290 on Agricultural Law.

The Law totals 78 Articles and is divided in the following Chapters and: I, Fundamentals of the Agricultural Law; II, Agricultural Production; III, Strengthening of Material and Technological Foundation of Agriculture; IV, protection of Agricultural Resources; V, Management of Agricultural Products. The Law highlights agriculture as...
Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Forestry Act 1998 (No. 17 of 1998).

Part VII deals with protection of forests against fires and diseases. Section 37 of Part IX declared common law remedies not to be affected by this Act. Other provisions of this Part deal with liability of forestry officers (sect. 38), charges for the sale of forest...

Ordonnance sur la terminologie agricole et la reconnaissance des formes d'exploitation (Ordonnance sur la terminologie agricole, OTerm).

L'article 1er établit que les notions définies dans la présente ordonnance s'appliquent à la susdite loi sur l'agriculture et à la loi du 20 mars 1959 sur le blé ainsi qu'aux ordonnances qui en découlent. L'ordonnance règle en outre la procédure à suivre en matière de:...
1998 (2017)

Regional Act No. 42 on forestry.

The following measures shall be taken for the achievement of the above-mentioned objectives: (a) afforestion of degraded and destroyed forests as well as conservation, management and protection of forests; (b) assessment of the hydrogeological resources and protection of rivers; (c) promotion of fire-fighting activities and construction...
Italy (Basilicata)
1998 (2020)

Décision A/DEC.5/10/98 du 31 octobre 1998 relative à la règlementation de la transhumance entre les Etats membres de la CEDEAO.

Les conflits entre éleveurs transhumants et agriculteurs sont soumis au préalable à l’appréciation d’une commission de conciliation sur la base des informations réunies par celle-ci. ...

Ministerial Decree No. 206 on approval of plans for water usage and general water systems.

This Decree states that water users may be enterprises, state agencies, organizations, other legal persons, inhabitants and noncitizens. Irrigation systems, water supply systems for pastures and other water facilities shall be used according to water use plans. The water use planning should include information about quantity...

Regulation on pastures.

The objective of this Regulation is to define the methods and principles of implementing Pasture Law No 4342. Pastures are classified by the principles of their vegetation quality as: “extremely good”; “good”; “medium” and “weak”. Grazing capacities are determined by the local branches of the Ministry...

Loi nº 98-016 relative à la gestion participative des oasis.

Les dispositions relatives à la mise en valeur et à la protection du milieu oasien portent essentiellement sur: la gestion des ressources en eau, la lutte contre l'ensablement, la protection contre la divagation des animaux et la protection sanitaire des plantes et du patrimoine biologique. Les...

Decree No. 2.661 regulating fire lighting during sylvo-pastoralism activity.

This Decree regulates article 27 of New Forestry Code concerning forest fire lighting during sylvo-pastoralism activity. It consists of 5 Chapters specifying in detail the conditions to be satisfied in order to light controlled fires. It establishes the cases in which forest fire lighting is prohibited...

Land Act (Cap. 227).

Sections 2 declares all land in Uganda to be vested in its citizens and divides land tenure systems into 4 categories: customary; freehold; mailo; and leasehold. Section 3 defines these titles in detail. Mailo tenure is a form of tenure that permits the separation of ownership...
1998 (2010)

Land Amendment Act 1998 (No. 66 of 1998).

The amendments concern crown easements over Crown land and special leases that may limit or exclude trespass rights. Further amendments concern bringing down of interests and cancel restrictions on acquisition of land. ...
New Zealand

Operational Planning Regulation (B.C. Reg. 107/98).

The different plans and prescriptions contained in Parts 3-7 inclusive all deal with the following: scope and content; requirements; exemptions and reviews and comments. Part 8 contains various tables showing riparian classes of streams, minimum widths of riparian reserve zones and riparian management zones for wetlands...
Canada (British Columbia)
1998 (2000)

Act No. 58 on national lands and the determination of the boundaries of owner lands, national lands and pastures.

The Act also sets rules regarding the Wilderness Committee, which shall have the following role: (a) investigate and determine what lands are considered to be national land and what are their boundaries; (b) decide on the boundaries of the part of the national land that is...
1998 (2020)

Upper Austria Right of Passage Law 1998.

Article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that the right of passage allows persons, animals and their appurtenances to pass over somebody else’s property. The said right is granted by the Agricultural Office. The text consists of 24 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: Rights...
Austria (Oberösterreich)
1998 (2013)

Law No. 8337 on giving ownership in agricultural lands, forests, pastures and meadows.

The objective of this Law is giving in ownership agricultural lands, forests, pastures and meadows (art. 1). In the implementation of this Law are included all the lands within the Republic of Albania out of the border lines, which are treated as agricultural lands according to...

Law on Leasing the Agricultural Land, Forest Land Meadows and Pastures which are State Property.

This Act provides for the leasing of agricultural land, forest land, meadows and pastures that are property of the State. The Act consists of 18 articles and is divided into five chapters: general provisions, the contractual terms of leasing, the time terms of land leasing, the...

Law on pastures No. 4342.

This Law sets forth basic procedures and rules for the defining and allocation of pasture areas to various villages and municipalities. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is authorized to determine the boundaries of pastures and their allocation to relevant entities. The procedure for this...

Range Law No. 442.

The purpose of this Law is the determination, delimitation, allocation of areas such as ranges, pastures, wintersheds (winter range lands) or highlands to juridical entities like villages or municipalities and making use of them in a manner abiding by the rules, increasing or sustaining productivity through...

Resolución Nº 24 - Normas para el arreo de animales por caminos públicos de la XII Región.

La presente Resolución dispone, entre otras cosas, que previo al traslado de los animales el propietario deberá proveer al arriero de toda la documentación y autorizaciones operativas que procedan; que el tránsito por vías públicas de animales podrá efectuarse únicamente cuando no existan otras vías utilizables;...

Law on pastures.

This Law is divided into V Chapters and 22 articles, including the offences and penalties. ...
North Macedonia

Decree No. 417 of 1998 relative to the restructuring of pig breeding enterprises.

Decree to provide for the reduction of so-called "land related pig rights", being the right to keep a certain number of pigs on a given land, in relation with reduction of pollution of the soil by pig manure. (10 articles) ...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Law on the Prevention of Deforestation and Desertification (Law N: 04/1998).

This Law consisting of 19 articles aims at curbing environmental problems of Somaliland, in particular, those related to tree destruction and consequent risks, and restoring land erosion. In particular (i) article 1 lists the non-prohibited plant that can be cut without a permit from the Ministry...
Somalia (Somaliland)

Pastures Act (S.S. 1998, c. P-4.1).

The aim of the present Act is to ensure the establishment of the Saskatchewan Pastures Program. The purposes of the Program are the following: a) to provide for the establishment, operation, management and maintenance of pastures; b) to provide programs and services related to pasture and...
Canada (Saskatchewan)
1998 (2014)

Reference Law of Forests and Pastures in the Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Furthermore, art.15 states that to invest in production of forests or public or rural pastures it is necessary to apply to the Ministry for the necessary license. The Ministry may reject the application or place some restrictions on it as required by the public interest, it...

Traditional Leaders Act [Chapter 29:17].

The Act provides for the appointment of Chiefs, Headmen and Village Heads. These local officers shall have a wide range of powers in the field of local administration regarding, among other things, grazing, allocation of communal land and communal land use, irrigation and use of natural...
1998 (2001)

Ley Foral Nº 19/1997 - Vías pecuarias de Navarra.

La presente Ley Foral, que consta de 4 títulos, 24 artículos, 4 disposiciones adicionales y 2 finales, tiene por objeto el establecimiento del régimen jurídico de las vías pecuarias de Navarra. Las vías pecuarias, o sea las rutas o itinerarios por donde discurre o ha venido...
Spain (Navarra)

Regional Law No. 86-OZ “On exoneration from payment of land tax for the use of reindeer grazing areas by reindeer stockbreeders”.

This Regional Law establishes to exonerate from payment of land tax for the use of reindeer grazing areas by reindeer stockbreeders. ...
Russian Federation (Nenets)

Regulations of Qinghai province on supervision and administration of farmers' burden.

The farmers' burden, as mentioned in these regulations, refers to village retained fees, township overall costs, labor and other expenses which are undertaken by farmers and herdsmen according to the laws and regulations, in addition to tax payment and the completion of the tasks required by...
China (Qinghai)

Décret D/97/215/PRG/SGG réglementant la transhumance.

Ce décret réglemente la transhumance. Il la définit comme le déplacement ordonné et saisonnier des animaux en dehors de leurs espaces habituels de parcours, en vue d'exploiter les pâturages et points d'eau situés dans d'autres localités du même territoire ou sur d'autres territoires voisins. Elle peut...

Loi nº 97-024 portant approbation du Programme de relance économique et créant une Commission nationale pour sa mise en oeuvre.

Le Programme de relance économique, approuvé par la présente loi, prévoit, en sa partie IV, un programme d'action prioritaire: la relance du secteur rural. Les déterminants principaux de la problématique du secteur rural concernent: la gestion rationnelle des ressources naturelles; l'environnement économique de la production; le...

Décret nº 97-099 portant création d'un Comité national de coordination des pistes rurales.

Le présent décret porte création d'un Comité national de coordination des pistes rurales, qui collabore dans l'elaboration et la mise en oeuvre de la politique définie par le gouvernement dans le cadre de l'aménagement des pistes rurales. ...

Law of 1997 on land fees.

The purpose of this Law is to charge citizens, business entities, and organizations with fees for possessing and/or using state-owned land, and to regulate the relations arising from paying the fees to the state budget. Land fees shall be charged for lands falling under the main...

Amendment of the Law on Protection and Utilization of Forests and Range Lands.

Note7: This note indicates that Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture shall issue permits for any exploitation of natural dense forests and rangelands. Priority, on the basis of technical guidelines, shall be granted to those individuals in possession of livestock grazing permits and those using Forests and Rangelands in...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Order No. 12-W/97 regulating land occupation in Tuna dos Gambos Region.

This Order, composed of eight articles, regulates land occupation in Tuna dos Gambos Region, according to the provisions set by Law No. 21-C/92. In particular, it regulates land concession, and the legalization of occupied lands. Article 4 establishes that the planning of the plots should respect...

Arrêté fixant des mesures particulières sur l'estivage en 1997.

L’article 1er du susdit arrêté établit que pendant les vingt jours précédant la montée à l’alpage, aucun animal ne doit être introduit dans les troupeaux destinés à l’estivage. Le texte comprend 28 articles répartis en 6 chapitres comme suit: Mesure générales (Ier); Prophylaxie des épizooties (II);...
Switzerland (Vaud)

Order No. 80 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food on use of reclaimed land of the blackland region for grazing.

This Order authorizes specialized organization “Agrolesomeliostroy” subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to allot drained pastures of the blackland region on lease for grazing for the period of five years and to conclude lease contracts. Priority lease right shall be granted to farming enterprises...
Russian Federation
1997 (1999)

Décret nº 97-168 portant publication de la lettre française portant dénonciation de l'arrangement ayant été conclu à Berne le 23 octobre 1912, entre la France et la Suisse, pour le pacage sur les pâturages situés des deux côtés de la frontière.

Ce décret porte publication de la lettre française portant dénonciation de l'arrangement ayant été conclu à Berne le 23 octobre 1912, entre la France et la Suisse, pour le pacage sur les pâturages situés des deux côtés de la frontière. Celui-ci sera abrogé un an après...

Décret nº 97-007PRN/MAG/EL fixant le statut des terroirs d'attache des pasteurs.

Ce décret fixe le statut des terroirs d'attache, c'est à dire de ces unités territoriales déterminées ou reconnues par les coutumes et/ou les textes en vigueur à l'intérieur desquelles vivent habituellement pendant la majeure partie de l'année des pasteurs, et auxquelles ils restent attachés lorsqu'ils se...

Decree of the Government of the Kyrghyz Republic on remote pasture plots on the territory of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan.

With the object of stabilizing an economic situation of agrarian and industrial branch, the Government of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan states: to retain for the period of time till 1996 free use (with no rent) of pasture plots allocated by farms for remote livestock-breeding outside their...

Law on pastures.

The relations in the sphere of the rights to use pastures on the territory of the Kyrghyz Republic shall be regulated by this Law, the Forest, Water and Land Codes, laws on lease and lease relations, protection of the nature, flora and fauna, atmospheric air and...

Act to amend the Reindeer Management Act (No. 1288 of 1996).

These amendments concern the sale of land (sect. 17), and the partial or complete repayment of subsidies. The section on the sale of land refers to section 44 of the Rural Activities Management Act. ...

Provincial Law No. 21 of 21 October 1996 laying down the legislative framework on forestry.

This Provincial Act is divided into five Titles. The aims pursued are the protection of any kind of land falling within the provincial territory, giving particular regard to forests, mountain grasslands and pastures, in order to ensure their conservation and productivity and to guarantee their rational...
Italy (Bolzano)

Loi nº 96-050 portant principes de constitution et de gestion du domaine des collectivités territoriales.

Le domaine piscicole des collectivités territoriales comprend les aménagements hydrauliques et piscicoles qu'elles réalisent sur leur territoire ainsi que les eaux publiques qui leur sont concédées par 1'Etat. ...

Regional Law No. 18 "On transhumance".

This Regional Law shall have the following purposes: (a) specific purposeful and rational use of land for transhumance; (b) conservation and improvement of feeding of natural pastures; (c) prevention of soil erosion and degradation; (d) conservation and reproduction of natural landscapes; and (e) conservation of national...
Russian Federation (Daghestan)
1996 (2013)

Resolution on transfer of pastures from the balance of the Karatal-Japyryk national park for the balance of the peasant farm named after 8-th of March, Naryn rayon (No. 277 of 1996).

This Resolution adopts proposals of Naryn oblast and raion administration approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Environment of the Kyrghyz Republic, on transfer 479 hectares of pastures of the Karatal-Japyryk national park to the peasant farm named after 8 March, Naryn rayon....

Décret N° 96-432 du 3 juin 1996 portant recensement des éleveurs, bouviers, bergers et cheptels et organisation des associations pastorales.

Le troisième titre traite des associations pastorales, qui peuvent être établies pour regrouper les éleveurs d'un département ou d'une sous-préfecture afin de promouvoir et organiser les activités d'élevage. Tous les éleveurs inscrits et à jour de leurs cotisations peuvent adhérer à l'association pastorale représentative. Cette association...
Côte d'Ivoire

Instructions No. 1 of the General Directorate of Forests and Pastures on technical criteria for leases of pastures and meadows.

This Instruction deals with the criteria for the granting of leases for pastures and meadows by local authorities and lays down rules for the use of such agricultural land by leaseholders. Lease contracts for animal grazing with local legal and natural entities are entered into by...

Regulations of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture on the management of land for animal husbandry.

Article 7 provides for the pastoral lands owned by the State, including: (1) animal husbandry land allocated by the State to units owned by the State; (2) the state-owned forest land approved to be commissioned; etc. Article 8 provides for the pastoral lands under the collective...
China (Jilin)
1996 (1997)

Regulations of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on the supervision and administration of the burden of farmers and herdsmen.

Article 3 provides for the competent authorities for supervision and administration of the burden of farmers and herdsmen. According to Chapter III, where administrative fees are related to the farmers and herdsmen, the establishment and adjustment of the fees shall be subject to the approval of...
China (Xinjiang)

Resolución Nº 862 - Requisitos para uso de campos de pastoreo de alta cordillera.

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso de campos de pastoreo de alta cordillera: a) todo campo deberá contar con corrales y mangas con capacidad suficiente y en condiciones adecuadas para el expedito manejo del ganado; b) todos los campos que arrienden talaje deberán...

Arrêté nº 21/MDRET/MAEC/MCPT/MID/MET du 26 juillet 1995 portant création d'un comité national de transhumance.

Le présent arrêté porte création d'un comité national de transhumance, chargé du contrôle des mouvements des éleveurs transhumants et de leurs animaux, de leur canalisation vers les zones d'accueil, du suivi sanitaire des animaux transhumants, de la réglementation à l'aimiable des conflits entre les éleveurs et...

Ordonnance sur les épizooties (OFE).

Cette ordonnance désigne les épizooties hautement contagieuses et les autres épizooties. En outre, elle définit les mesures de lutte et règle l'organisation de la lutte contre les épizooties ainsi que l'indemnisation des détenteurs d'animaux. L'article 2 énumère les épizooties hautement contagieuses, l'article 3 celles à éradiquer,...
1995 (2023)

Range Practices Regulation (B.C. Reg. 177/95).

This regulation implements Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act; (therein referred to the Act ) and has 4 parts. The first part refers to definitions. Part 2 deals with Range Developments. It starts by outlining restrictions on location of range developments in a community watershed...
Canada (British Columbia)
1995 (2000)

Instruction on forest management in forest reserves.

This Instruction stipulates that, in order to conserve, protect, manage and efficiently reforest forests, forest management shall entail: (a) obtaining reliable information on forest resources; (b) creating a forest resource database; (c) keeping a forest inventory; and (d) afforesting and reforesting measures. Forest management data shall...
Russian Federation

Arrêté fixant des mesures particulières sur l'estivage en 1995.

L'article premier établit que pendant les vingt jours précédant la montée à l'alpage, aucun animal ne doit être introduit dans les troupeaux destinés à l'estivage. Les inspecteurs du bétail sont tenus d'observer attentivement les animaux et d'avertir le vétérinaire désigné sur le permis d'alpage à la...
Switzerland (Vaud)

Ley Nº 3/1995 - Ley de Vías Pecuarias.

La presente Ley establece el régimen jurídico de las vías pecuarias. Se entiende por vías pecuarias las rutas o itinerarios por donde discurre o ha venido discurriendo tradicionalmente el tránsito ganadero. Asimismo, las vías pecuarias podrán ser destinadas a otros usos compatibles y complementarios en términos...
1995 (2009)

Ley Nº 2/1995 - Ley de protección y desarrollo del patrimonio forestal de La Rioja.

La presente Ley tiene por finalidad establecer el régimen legal para la protección y mejora de la flora y el patrimonio forestal de La Rioja y es de aplicación a todos los montes y terrenos forestales que radican en el territorio de la Comunidad Autónoma. Son...
Spain (La Rioja)

Range Management and Grazing Control (Amendment) Regulations 1995 (No. 31 of 1995).

These Regulations amend the Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 in a provision which prescribes a penalty for trespass upon leboella. Section 6 stipulates that a person shall not, except in cases specially approved Trespass by the chief, graze his stock or any stock in...

Regulations of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on Grassland Management.

The grassland tenure shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Grassland Law; where the laws and administrative regulations have not provided for, the grassland tenure shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. Governments at all levels shall improve...
China (Ningxia)
1994 (2005)

Loi n° 94-008 du 28 octobre 1994 modifiant les dispositions l’Ordonnance 86-57 portant institution et organisation des zones d’action agro-pastorales (ZAGROP) en République Centrafricaine.

Aux termes de l’article 7 (nouveau), les Zones d'Action-Pastorales sont créées par Arrêté du Ministre de l'Agriculture et de l 'Elevage après avis du Ministre de l'Intérieur et de la Sûreté Nationale ...
Central African Republic

Décret nº 94-59 portant transfert au Ministère de l'Equipement du Service national des pistes rurales.

Ce décret porte transfert au Ministère de l'Equipement du Service national des pistes rurales. ...

Ministerial Decree No. 651 implementing the national plan for the eradication of brucellosis in cattle breeding.

The Decree establishes the sanitary measures to be applied to cattle breeding throughout the national territory for the eradication of brucellosis. The national plan aims at the safeguard of the public health, the protection of the breeding officially declared "brucellosis free" and the eradication of the...
1994 (1997)

Instruction regarding improvement of pastures.

The Instruction provides guidelines for the General Directorate of Afforestation and Erosion Control staff of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on the principles and techniques of grass improvement, and preparation and implementation of grazing related projects. The instruction first provides definitions of meadow, graze lands,...

Law No. 1194-VIQD amending the Land Code of Azerbaijan.

This Law inserts Paragraph 4(1) into Article 10 as regards to the change of the purpose of use of agricultural lands, excluding summer and winter pastures, grazing and mowing areas, for the production and processing of agricultural products with the application of the land owners (with...

Décision nº 1-94- CEBEVIRHA-018-CE-29 autorisant la mise en circulation du passeport pour le bétail et du certificat international de transhumance et fixant les modalités d'utilisation.

Cette décision autorise la mise en circulation du passeport pour le bétail et du certificat international de transhumance et fixe les modalités d'utilisation. Les modèles du passeport pour le bétail et du certificat international sont annexés à la présente décision. ...

Decision No. 36 on professional licensing for managing forests and pastures.

The Decision defines the authority of the General Department of Forests and Pastures, under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, to create a commission to issue professional licences in the field of study, planning and implementation of different activities in forest and pasture management. Professional licences...

Ley ganadera del Estado de Nuevo León.

En cuanto al manejo racional, la adecuada utilización y la conservación de los recursos naturales relacionados con la ganadería, la Ley contempla el mejoramiento de los pastizales deteriorados, incluyendo el control de las especies nocivas e introducidas y la realización de la infraestructura necesaria, como así...
Mexico (Nuevo León)
1994 (2007)

Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993 (1993 Cap. 44).

The Act provides for, among other things: rights of crofters; enlargement of crofts; common lands for grazing, etc; statutory conditions of tenure (set out in Schedule 2); subdivision of a croft; inheritance of tenancy of a croft; acquisition of croft (including lands of grazing and rights...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Ministerial Decree No. 1021 regarding mowing and grazing on the territory of forest estate.

This Ministerial Decree regulates the use of forest estate for mowing and grazing and it shall be compulsory for all enterprises, institutions, organizations and economic entities carrying out the aforesaid activities. Agricultural land belonging to forest estate shall be primarily allotted for mowing. Clearings and unforested...

Arrêté 0013/CAB/VPM/AGRIDRAL/93 du 17 juillet 1993 portant création d’un programme de développement agro-pastoral intégré de la zone de Masi-Manimba (DAPIM).

Le programme de développement agro-pastoral intégré de la zone de Masi-Manimba a pour mission d’encadrer les ménages agricoles et les éleveurs pour la promotion de la production des cultures vivrières notamment le manioc, maïs, arachides, courge et autres; l’introduction de cultures à haute valeur protéique dans...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Loi nº 93-009 portant régime des forêts en République du Benin.

Cette loi porte régime général des forêts. Elle est formée par 112 articles répartis en 5 titres, à savoir: Généralités (I); Domaine forestier de l'Etat (II); Domaine forestier des particuliers et des coopératives (III); Recherche, constatation et repression des infractions (IV); Dispositions diverses (V). Les forêts...

Law on the Government of Mongolia.

The purpose of this Law shall be to establish and regulate the principles of activities, functions, powers, the structure, composition, and the working organization of the Government of Mongolia, as well as the working relationship procedure of the Government with other organizations. The Government shall be...
1993 (2022)

Law on the termination of the Law on the prohibition of nomadic sheep grazing.

This Law terminates the validity and application of the rules provided by the Law on the prohibition of nomadic sheep grazing (originally published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 40/1984). ...

Ordonnance nº 93-015 fixant les principes d'orientation du Code rural.

La présente ordonnance fixe les principes qui gouvernent l'utilisation des terres, de l'eau et des forêts dans les zones rurales. Par mesure de principe, l'ordonnance prévoit que les droits qui s'exercent sur les ressources naturelles bénéficient d'une égale protection, qu'ils résultent de la coutume ou du...

Range Management and Grazing Control (Amendment) Regulations 1993 (No. 150 of 1992).

These Regulations amend the Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 with respect to grazing fees and penalties for grazing offences. They also concern fees in relation with organization of rotational grazing and regulation of stock numbers. ...

Ordonnance sur les forêts (OFo).

Les dispositions relatives à la formation professionnelle traitent, d'une part, des programmes d'études supérieures pour la spécialisation des ingénieurs forestiers; d'autre part, des examens professionnels pour les métiers de forestier-bûcheron, de contremaître, de maître et de garde forestiers. L'ordonnance prévoit aussi l'organisation de cours techniques à...
1992 (2020)

Norms No. 9/11/1992 approving Legal and Fiscal Regime for Land Occupation.

These Norms approve the Legal and Fiscal Regime for Land Occupation and regulate the requests of concessions for unoccupied and uncultivated lands to be used for: agro-forestry/silvo-pastoralism, agricultural, livestock, or other purposes. ...

International Boundary Agreement between the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Yemen.

Article 2 of the Agreement indicates the geographical co-ordinates which form, in accordance with article 1, the boundary which divides the territory of Yemen on the one side and that of Oman on the other side. A Joint Technical Commission shall be established for survey purposes...

Presidential Decree No. 843 authorizing grazing in certain areas of the Sunt-Khasardag state nature reserve.

This Presidential Decree authorizes until further notice an annual exception to the prohibition on grazing and watering cattle in the Ayderinskiy section of Sunt-Khasardag state nature reserve, subject to observance of the reserve’s management conditions. ...

Pastoral Land Regulations.

These Regulations, consisting of 31 sections divided into eight Parts, make provision with respect to procedures of the Pastoral Land Board established under section 11 of the Act, legal issues of pastoral leases, monitoring of pastoral land, access to pastoral land, licences to go onto and...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1992 (2020)

Act No. 59 relating to community-owned land.

The present Act lays down rules on community-owned land where property rights belong to at least half of the agricultural properties with customary right of use in the common land ("Bygdeallmenning" in Norwegian). The Act contains the following chapters: 1. General provisions; 2. Right of use...
1992 (2019)

Crown Lands Regulations 1992.

These Regulations implement the Crown Lands Act by further making provision for leases of crown lands and licences for activities to be carried on such lands. Provisions of Part 2 define which lands are available for leases, regulate commencement, execution, and surrender of leases and payment...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1992 (2021)

Crown Lands Act 1992.

This Act, consisting of 108 sections divided into nine Parts and completed by one Schedule, makes provision for the tenure, management, and alienation of crown lands. "Crown lands" means all lands of the Territory, including the bed of the sea within the territorial limits of the...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1992 (2021)

Pastoral Land Act 1992.

The objects of this Act are: (a) to provide a form of tenure of Crown land that facilitates the sustainable use of land for pastoral purposes and the economic viability of the pastoral industry; (b) to provide for (i) the monitoring of pastoral land so as...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1992 (2021)

Ley Nº 1333 - Ley del Medio Ambiente.

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la protección y conservación del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales, regulando las acciones del hombre con relación a la naturaleza y promoviendo el desarrollo sostenible con la finalidad de mejorar la calidad de vida de la población (art. 1º)....
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Decree No. 158 ratifying the Agreement on use of distant pastures by Kyrgyz and Uzbek Republics’ farms.

The Parties have agreed to use pastures for distant pasture cattle rearing on lease terms. The areas of pastures leased out, terms and conditions of their use, the number of grazing cattle and rental rate shall be determined by local self-government bodies of the Parties. In...

Resolution No. 13 of 1992 issuing the Implementing Regulation of Law No. 1 of 1985 on animal health.

This Resolution consists of 2 Chapters divided into 34 articles and 1 Annex. Chapter 1 deals with epidemic and contagious animal disease, prevention measures against these pests and diseases, disinfection and disinfestations of animal gathering places, compensation for the owners of the afflicted animals and the...

Law on agricultural land.

Legal and natural persons who use agricultural land are obliged to use this land regularly and rationally in a way that best suits its natural soil characteristics and existing economic and agro-technical conditions. When using agricultural land, land users are obliged to take measures to improve...
1992 (2011)

Regional Act No. 14 making provisions in matter of sylvo-pastoral roads.

With a view to preventing the risks and damages referred to in Royal Decree No. 3267 of 30 December 1923, the present Regional Act makes provisions in matter of circulation of vehicles on sylvo-pastoral roads which fall within the territories protected for hydrogeological or environmental purposes....
Italy (Veneto)

Law on returning of mornings and pastures to villages for use.

The subject of return for use are mornings and pastures which on the day of entry into force of this Law have the status of uncultivated agricultural land. Pastures are also considered forest lands that can be used as pasture crops. ...

Letter of Instructions NO. 268/NG of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources regarding restrictions on economic activity in state protected areas.

This Letter provides that only economic activity that does not have a negative environmental impact on protected areas shall be authorized. Grazing may be authorized on limited plots of land in accordance with forest legislation. Forest management, forest fire prevention measures and timber extraction shall be...
Russian Federation

Loi n° 150/AN/91 /2e L portant sur l’orientation économique et sociale de la République de Djibouti pour la période 1990 à 2000.

Les objectifs de développement de la présente loi sont : — le développement et la promotion de Djibouti comme grande cité maritime commerciale et financière internationale; — la lutte contre la pauvreté dans le secteur urbain et pastoral ; — la diminution des taux de Free...

Arrêté interministériel du 1992 nº 010/MISAT/MDR/D-CAB portant création, organisation, attributions et fonctionnement des Comités de transhumance.

Cet arrêté porte la création des Comités de transhumance, au niveau national et local, chargés de préparer la transhumance, d'en suivre le déroulement et d'apporter des solutions aux problèmes qui surgissent. ...

Constitution of Mongolia.

Mongolia is an independent, sovereign republic (Article 1). Mongolia's economy is based on different forms of property following both universal trends of world economic development and national specifics. The State recognizes all forms of both public and private property and legally protects the right to ownership....
1992 (2001)

Range Management and Grazing Control (Amendment) Regulations, 1992 (No. 78 of 1992).

These Regulations amend the Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 by adding new defintions and with respect to grazing fees penalties for grazing offences. They also prohibit the cutting of grass on a communal grazing area. No person shall graze or cause his or her...

Ley 6.290 - Ley de conservación del suelo agrícola.

Como regla general, se establece que al adquirir, arrendar o usufructuar alguna fracción de terreno de interés agropecuario, el productor queda obligado a realizar en el mismo las prácticas conservacionistas que permitan aprovecharlo sin alterar su potencial productivo. Queda expresamente prohibida la alteración de la capacidad...
Argentina (Tucumán)

Jwaneng Town Council (Pound) Bye-laws.

These Bye-Laws rules that Jwaneng Town Council shall establish a pound to be situated and operated within the limits of the township; they also lay down provisions concerning the appointment of a poundmaster and the financing system for the pound maintenance. ...

Décret n° 2-91-572 du 30 safar 1412 (10 septembre 1991) relatif à la création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de Bouârfa (province de Figuig).

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de Bouârfa (province de Figuig). Cette zone s’étend sur l’ensemble du territoire de la Commune rurale de Bouarfa, à l’exception des terrains domaniaux et des terres agricoles appartenant à des particuliers. ...

Pastoral Leases (Rental) Act.

Notwithstanding any other law in force in the Territory, the terms and conditions of the pastoral lease or the fact that rental in respect of a pastoral lease may have been paid in pursuance of such terms and conditions in respect of the financial year before...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1991 (1992)

Stock Trespass Act [Chapter 19:14].

A local authority may, by notice in the Gazette, establish one or more pounds within its area (sect. 3) and shall control and manage the pound established (sect. 4). A Poundmaster shall be appointed for each pound (sect. 5). A Poundmaster shall keep a poundbook (sect....
1991 (0000)

Act no. 229/1991 on the regulation of the relations of ownership of land and other agrarian property.

The text of this Act consists of 34 sections which are divided into 4 Parts: The range and applicability of the Act (1); The entitled persons (2); The Land Funds (3); Special, temporary and concluding provisions (4). The Act is to regulate the rights and duties...
1991 (2018)

Décret n° 91-063 du 08 mars 1991portant création et délimitation d’une zone d’action agropastorale dans la sous préfecture de Kembe.

Le présent décret crée dans la sous préfecture de Kembe une zone d’action agropastorale constituée de 3 blocs et d’une superficie de 79 710 hectares. ...
Central African Republic

Reindeer Management Regulation (No. 494 of 1991).

This Regulation implements parts of the Reindeer Management Act whose scope is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of reindeer breeders. Chapter 2 concerns the acquisition of land and the use of acquired land in accordance with the Disposition Plan and directions...

Loi nº 90-25 portant orientation foncière.

Cette loi a pour objet de fixer la consistance technique et le régime juridique du patrimoine foncier ainsi que les instruments d'intervention de l'Etat, des collectivités et des organismes publics. Elle comprend 89 articles répartis en 3 titres, à savoir: Patrimoine foncier, indicant la consistance technique...

Reindeer Husbandry Decree (No. 883 of 1990).

This Decree implements provisions of the Reindeer Husbandry Act in respect of, among other things: keeping a register of the reindeer herding cooperatives in the territory of a State Provincial Office; internal organization of reindeer herding cooperatives; division of reindeer herding area into reindeer marking districts;...

Reindeer Husbandry Act (No. 848 of 1990).

The scope of this Act is to regulate reindeer breeding activities and the use of reindeer pastures. Also the counting of reindeer and marking of animals is provided for (Chapters 3 and 4). Chapter 6 concerns the compensation of damages to forests and cultivation. Chapter 7...
1990 (2011)

Décret n° 2-89-756 du 09 ramadan 1410 (5 avril 1990) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de Tendrara (province de Figuig).

Le présent décret crée une zone spéciale d'action rurale dite périmètre d'amélioration pastorale sise dans la commune rurale de Tendrara (Province de Figuig). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle....

Ley Nº 5/1990 - Ley relativa al aprovechamiento de pastos en los montes de Cantabria.

Esta Ley complementa las normas locales sobre pastoreo basadas fundamentalmente en los usos y costumbres. Se aplica a los pastos en régimen común, a las zonas tradicionalmente destinadas al pastoreo así como a otras áreas situadas en la inmediata proximidad de las de pastoreo (arts. 1º-3º)....
Spain (Cantabria)

Décret n° 2-90-107 du 21 chaabane 1410 (19 mars 1990) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de Tleta Loulad, cercle de Ben-Ahmed (province de Settat).

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de Tleta Loulad, cercle de Ben-Ahmed (province de Settat). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle. ...

Reindeer Management Act (No. 161 of 1990).

The scope of this Act is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of reindeer breeders. The Act provides them with the possibility to acquire or to exchange lands which may be used for the purposes indicated in Act 590/69 and in the...

Decree-Law No. 42 “On some measures to stimulate the peasantry.”

The general meetings of the agricultural cooperatives in the hill-mountain and pre-urban areas can decide on the allocation, from the surface owned by the cooperative, of arable and fertile land for long-term agricultural use to the cooperative members from the respective communes or villages. Within these...

Décret nº 004/PRG/SGG/90 portant mesures permanentes de police sanitaire des animaux.

Le décret adopte des mesures de contrôle au niveau: (a) de l'importation et de l'exportation; (b) de la transhumance; (c) du mouvement des animaux à l'intérieur du pays; (d) de la prophylaxie (vaccination). Notamment tous les animaux aussi bien à l'importation qu'à l'exportation doivent être accompagnés...

Animals Running at Large Regulations (R.R.N.W.T. 1990,c.H-38).

The present Regulations enact the Herd and Fencing Act. Section 1 of the above-mentioned Regulations establish that no owner shall permit an animal to run at large within any area defined in the Schedule. The text consists of 1 section and 1 Schedule. ...
Canada (Northwest Territories)
1990 (2009)

Miscellaneous Act Amendment (Aboriginal Community Living Areas) Act 1989.

This Act makes provision for the extinction of certain areas from pastoral leases and granting them as living areas for the benefits of Aboriginal who used to be resident in those areas or to other Aboriginals. For the purpose of solving disputes related to the implementation...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1989 (2019)

Ordonnance instituant des contributions à l'exploitation agricole du sol dans des conditions difficiles et pour des prestations de caractère écologique.

Le texte prévoit des aides financières destinées aux exploitants: (a) de terres classées situées dans les régions de montagne et en dehors des régions de montagne, et (b) de pâturages d'estivage. Dans le premier cas, le montant des contributions est calculé par hectare, dans le deuxième...

Pounds and Animals (Amendment) Act (No. 10 of 1989).

This Act amends the Pounds and Animals Act of 1989 in section 25. Section 25 prescribes penalties for any person guilty of offences against the principal Act for which no other penalty is provided. ...

Décret nº 89-377 portant création d'une redevance d'utilisation des aménagements pastoraux et de pacage.

Ce décret porte création d'une redevance d'utilisation des aménagements pastoraux et de pacage, dont le montant est fixé à 100 francs CFA par an et par tête de bovin et dont les ressources seront affectées à des dépenses relatives aux actions de promotion de l'élevage et...

Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989.

The Act is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary; Objects and duties; Administration; Pastoral leases; Land management and protection; Access to pastoral land; Appeals and Miscellaneous. ...
Australia (South Australia)
1989 (2014)

Décret n°89-1060 du 27 juillet 1989 fixant la composition de la commission devant établir la liste des bénéficiaires de pacage exceptionnel en cas d’évènement calamiteux et le montant de la redevance de pacage.

Ce décret porte la composition de la commission prévue 'a l'article 65 du code forestier, chargée d'établir la liste des bénéficiaires d'autorisation de pacage exceptionnel par secteur en cas d’évènement calamiteux dans les terrains de parcours de la première catégorie cités à l'article 58 dudit...

Décret n° 89-913 du 06 Juillet 1989, portant composition et fonctionnement des commissions administratives des aménagements sylvo-pastoraux.

Ce décret porte la composition de la commission administrative des aménagements sylvo-pastoraux, prévue par I'article 17 du code forestier promulgué par la loi nº 88-20 du 13 avril 1988 et chargée de donner son avis sur l'organisation parcellaire des parcours telle qu'elle est déterminée sur les...

Measures of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for implementing the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

Article 7 provides for lands which shall be under the collective ownership of farmers and herdsmen. The land use rights and contractual management rights of farmers and herdsmen are protected by law, and the term of the land contract and operation period shall remain unchanged for...
China (Xinjiang)
1989 (1999)

Arrêté nº 165/MDRAC/DGM/DAFA/SAA portant fixation d'une taxe nationale de pacage sur le cheptel bovin sur toute l'étendue du territoire de la République Populaire du Bénin.

Cet arrêté porte création d'une taxe obligatoire de pacage et d'utilisation des aménagements pastoraux de 100 francs par bovin vivant sur toute l'étendue du territoire national et dont les ressources seront versées dans un compte spécial intitulé "Fonds national pour la protection de l'environnement et la...

Decree No.242 of 1989 concerning the conditions and procedures for the grant and duration of the grazing license.

This Decree consisting of 4 articles aims at providing rules for granting grazing license in the allowed areas of Kuwait. Main conditions for those who apply are listed in art.1, as follows (i) to be Kuwaiti national; (ii) to be at least 18 years of...

Agricultural Statistics Act

The Federal Republic of Germany undertakes statistics in the following areas: land use, livestock, structural surveys in agricultural and forestry companies, harvesting, poultry, slaughter and slaughter weight, milk, fishing and aquaculture, wine, wood, and fertilizers. The data pertaining to each individual area is specified in the...
1989 (2019)

Fences and Detention of Stray Livestock Act (R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 166).

The present Act lays down provisions relating to fences and detention of stray livestock. For each municipality a committee to be known as the “fences arbitration committee” shall be established. In particular, section 5 specifies that the owner of a livestock farm shall build and maintain...
Canada (Nova Scotia)
1989 (2016)

Law No.15 of 1989 on Animals and Trees Protection.

Responsible body for issuing resolutions, establishing rules and measures regarding the protection of animals, trees and pastures, is the General People's Committee for Agricultural Land Reclamation and Reconstruction. ...

Agricultural Land Protection Law.

Article 1 of the above-mentioned Law list items to be considered as “Feldgut”, such as for example, all land used for agricultural purposes, such as pastures, vineyards, fields and gardens; beehives; fish ponds; irrigation facilities, livestock, fertilizers, vehicles used in agriculture. The text consists of 13...
Austria (Burgenland)
1988 (2013)

Grassland Management Regulations of Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Grassland Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Text consists of 31 Articles divided into 5 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Grassland Ownership and Use Right of Grasslands(II); (III); Grassland Protection and Utilization (III); Reward and...
China (Qinghai)

Grazing Regulations (Y.O.I.C. 1988/171).

The present Regulations enact section 31 of the Lands Act. For the purpose of the present Regulations “grazing agreement” means an agreement by way of lease or licence for the purpose of grazing livestock. Section 3 lists the persons eligible for such an agreement. The text...
Canada (Yukon)
1988 (2015)

Agricultural Crown Lands Grazing and Hay Permits Regulation (Man. Reg. 288/88).

The present Regulation implements the Crown Lands Act (Chapter C340). Section 2 establishes that no person shall graze livestock on Crown land except under the authority of: a) a lease under the Agricultural Crown Land Leases Regulation or b) a permit issued by the director under...
Canada (Manitoba)
1988 (2001)

Arrêté nº 02/MINEPIA portant actualisation du tracé des pistes à bétail.

Le présent arrêté porte actualisation du tracé des pistes à bétail. ...

Decree Law No. 41 of 1988 concerning the regulation of livestock grazing.

This Law consists of 6 articles and aims at empowering the Public Authority of Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAFR) to ban grazing in certain areas. Municipality of Kuwait and PAAFR shall select the areas used for grazing. The Board of Directors establishes rules, conditions, procedures...

Protocole d'accord en matière de transit du betail entre la République du Niger et la République du Mali, 1988.

Par cet accord la République du Niger et la République du Mali fixent la réglementation du transit du bétail malien à travers le territoire du Niger. Sont, notamment, indiqués: les documents à produire, les itinéraires à suivre, les délais de route pour la traversée du territoire...

Kiti nº AN V - 223 FP.AGRI.EL portant création de centres régionaux de promotion agro-pastorale.

Il est prévu la création de douze centres régionaux dont la mission est d'appliquer au niveau régional les politiques de production agricole définies au niveau national, de mettre en oeuvre des programmes de développement agricole et de coordonner les initiatives publiques et privées visant au développement...
Burkina Faso

Loi nº 88-20 portant Code forestier.

Cette loi porte Code Forestier. Elle est formée par 232 articles repartis en 3 titres, à savoir: Régime forestier (I); Chasse et conservation du gibier (II); Protection de la nature, de la faune et de la flore sauvage (III). Le titre I est composé par 11...

Décret n° 2-87-523 du 11 chaabane 1408 (30 mars 1988) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Hadra des Rehamna (commune rurale de Jâafra, cercle des Rehamna, province d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna).

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Hadra des Rehamna (commune rurale de Jâafra, cercle des Rehamna, province d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle. Par...

Décret n° 2-87-524 du 11 chaabane 1408 (30 mars 1988) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Hadra des Sraghna (commune rurale de Maïat, cercle d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna, province d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna).

Par ailleurs, les associations d’élevage constituées dans les limites de ce périmètre antérieurement à la publication de ce décret doivent être déclarés aux autorités administratives locales. ...

Décret n° 2-87-917 du 11 chaabane 1408 (30 mars 1988) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Faija (province de Khenifra).

Le présent décret crée une zone spéciale d'action rurale dite périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Faija (province de Khenifra). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle. ...

Décret nº 88-273 relatif au pâturage sur les terrains soumis au régime forestier.

Ce décret modifie la partie réglementaire du Code forestier sur deux points: le pâturage et les droits d'usage. Dans un souci de conservation des forêts et de protection des repeuplements, il est prévu que, annuellement, au niveau du département, l'Office national des forêts détermine les bois...

Regional Act No. 25 on public use and administration of public lands. Exercise of administrative functions.

This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework governing the public use and management of public lands for agro-forestry and silvopastoralism purposes. These provisions specify the administrative functions that pertain to the Regional Executive and the Mountain and Forest Economy Service in this matter. ...
Italy (Abruzzo)

Stray Livestock Act (R.S.P.E.I. 1988, c. S-8.1).

This Act concerns the construction of fences and the detention of stray livestock. Under section 3, the owner of a livestock farm is required to build and maintain fences adequate to prevent his livestock escaping from his farm. Section 4 deals with stray livestock and how...
Canada (Prince Edward Island)
1988 (2012)

Act on fields and road peace (No. 61 of 2007).

The Act consists of VIII Chapters: General provisions (I); Compensation for damages caused by livestock (II); Keeping of livestock (III); Peace-breaking fines, unruly livestock (IV); Teetering and grazing (V); Grazing on other grounds (VI); Evaluation transactions (VII); Entry into force (VIII). ...
1987 (2007)

Décret n° 2-87-288 du 16 kaada 1407 (13 juillet 1987) relatif à la création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Gaâda El Kbira (commune rurale des Ouled Abdoune, cercle de Khouribga - province de Khouribga).

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Gaâda El Kbira (commune rurale des Ouled Abdoune, cercle de Khouribga-province de Khouribga). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle....

Décret n° 2-87-287 du 16 kaada 1407 (13 juillet 1987) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'Oulad Bousbaâ (comme rurale de Sidi Mokhtar, cercle de Chichaoua, province de Marrakech).

Par ailleurs, les associations d’élevage constituées dans les limites de ce périmètre antérieurement à la publication de ce décret doivent être déclarés aux administratives locales. ...

Tyrol Alpine Protection Law.

The purpose of the present Law is to protect alpine pastures by ensuring an efficient and sustainable development. The text – consisting of 11 articles – deals with the following aspects: definition of terms, establishment of alpine pastures, alpine management, Alpine Register and transitional and final...
Austria (Tirol)
1987 (2013)

Décret n° 87-077/PCMS/MI du 18 juin 1987 réglementant la circulation et le droit de pâturage du bétail dans les zones de cultures.

Toutes les dispositions antérieures contraires à celles du présent décret sont abrogées, notamment le décret n° 59-180/SEP du 28 octobre 1959 réglementant la circulation et le droit au pâturage du bétail dans les zones de cultures. ...

Instructions No. 117 of 1987 regarding the regulation of grazing in natural pastures.

The provisions of these Instructions apply to natural pastures in state-owned lands, including fenced or temporarly not irrigated lands, as well as to pastures located in deserted agricultural lands that are purely owned or owned by the State that are burdened with the right to dispose...

Arrêté Interministériel n° 13852 du 31 octobre 1986 portant application du Décret 86-320 relatif à l’Elevage, l’introduction, la transhumance et l’utilisation des camélidés au Sénégal.

Les camélidés de quelque origine que ce soit trouvés en pâturage ou en passage en dehors du périmètre défini à l’article 1er du Décret 86 320 du 11 mars 1986 sont mis en fourrière et abattus dans un délai de 8 jours. ...

Ordonnance nº 86-057 portant institution et organisation des zones d'action agro-pastorale, en abrégé "ZAGROP", en République centrafricaine.

Cette ordonnance porte institution et organisation des zones d'action agro-pastorale ("ZAGROP") qui sont des espaces fonciers, géographiquement bien délimités, dans lesquels résident des éleveurs constitués en groupements d'intérêts pastoraux (GIP). Ces éléveurs mettent en commun des ressources pour effectuer des investissements et pour assurer leur fonctionnement....
Central African Republic

Salzburg Forestry Tree Law.

A regional Law to regulate in details the planting of trees in the region of Salzburg. It contains at the outset a definition clause relating to the various terms therein employed, such as "usufructuary right", "regulation document", "right of pasture", etc. The principle laid down in...
Austria (Salzburg)

Décret n°86-320 du 11 mars 1986 réglementant l'élevage, l’introduction, la transhumance et l’utilisation des camélidés au Sénégal.

La détention des camélidés dans le périmètre ainsi défini est soumise au respect du code forestier, du code de la chasse et de la protection de la faune et des dispositions du décret n°80.268 du 10 Mars 1980. Les camélidés de quel qu’origine qu’ils soient, trouvés...

Range Management and Grazing Control (Amendment) Regulations, 1986 (No. 144 of 1986).

These Regulations amend the Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 with respect to a wide variety of matters including: interpretations; grazing fees and penalties for grazing offences; organization of rotational grazing; regulation of stock numbers; and inspection of stock by an Agricultural Officer. Definitions that...

Pounds Regulations, 1985 (S.I. No. 360 of 1985).

These Regulations provide rules for the impounding of animals. They specify duties of pound-keepers in respect of pounds and animals kept therein and define duties and rights of persons who impound animals and the owners of such animals. The Regulations also provide rules relative to care...

Law No. 17 of 1985 regulating grazing.

This Law, comprised of 14 articles, governs the full-time practice of herding craft without exploiting others' efforts. Article 3 prohibits activities that disrupt pasture balance, reduce production capacity, or harm plant cover and natural resources. Article 4 restricts pastorals from moving beyond designated areas, except under...

Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China.

In addition, the state encourages and supports scientific research in grassland protection, construction, utilization, and monitoring, and promotes advanced technologies. ...
1985 (2021)

Styria Alpine Pasture Protection Law 1984.

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the establishment or modification of already existing alpine pastures. Article 6 specifies that the competent agrarian authority shall keep an Alpine Pasture Register. The text consists of 10 articles. ...
Austria (Steiermark)
1984 (2013)

Regulations of Iner Mongolia on Grassland Management.

The grassland in the administrative area of the Autonomous Region shall be under the ownership of the State and the ownership of collectives. Grasslands owned by collectives, may be contracted and managed by the households or the group of households within the collective economic organizations; state...
China (Inner Mongolia - Nei Mongol)
1984 (2004)

Regional Act No. 1 regulating the productive use of public lands.

This Regional Act defines the administrative functions that pertain to regional authorities as regards the productive use of public lands as well as the recognition of public uses. The aim is to promote the use of public lands for agro-forestry and silvopastoralism purposes. Article 5 specifies...
Italy (Umbria)

Act No. 8 of 1983 passed in light of the Agreement of 3 June 1981 between Norway and Finland relative to the construction of reindeer fences and to other measures to prevent reindeers from crossing borders between the two countries.

This Act applies to circumstances in which the possibility of reindeer crossing borders between the two countries in question or where reindeer belonging to one finds itself in the territory of the other. A general duty to guard animals in the vicinity of borders is introduced...
1983 (2011)

Pasture Lands (Reservation and Development) Act (No. 4 of 1983).

This Act is to provide for the reservation of certain State lands as pasture land. The Minister may by Order published in the Gazette declare any State land to be reserved as pasture land (sect. 2). There are provisions regarding the power of entry and inspection...
Sri Lanka

Law No. 2 of 1983 on pasture.

This Law aims to manage and develop the pasture by identifying the areas of rough grazing, planning the grazing according to scientific bases, protecting the natural vegetation, conserving water resources and organizing their use, and conducting studies and researches for the protection of rough grazing. The...

Ordonnance concernant les accidents de bétail dus au libre parcours dans les Franches-Montagnes

La présente ordonnance concerne les accidents de bétail dus au libre parcours dans les Franches-Montagnes. L’ordonnance prévoit que les accidents de bétail dus au libre parcours dans les Franches-Montagnes sont recensés par l'Association des maires des Franches-Montagnes. Dans la mesure où le dommage causé au bétail...
Switzerland (Jura)

Décret Nº 82-313 Instituant la tenue de cahier des charges des pâturages.

Ce décret institue dans le Fivondronana à potentialité d'élevage de ruminants un plan de rotation de mise à feu. Le service du développement rural concerné étudiera les parcelles et les superficies à brûler, compte tenu du cheptel existant, de la nature et de l'état de végétation...

Ordonnance nº 82-025 portant création d'une commune rurale de zone d'élevage à Yaloke et déterminant les limites territoriales de cette commune.

Cette ordonnance porte création de la Commune rurale de zone d'élevage de l'Ombella-M'poko, dont elle définit les limites territoriales et détermine le chef-lieu. ...
Central African Republic

Law No.5 of 1982 on the protection of grasslands and forests.

This Law consisting of 27 articles aims at regulating the green cover protection in Libya. It establishes that the General People's Committee for Agricultural Land Reclamation and Reconstruction is responsible for the protection, development, and management of public forests and rangelands, and contributes to administrating private...
1982 (1992)

Décret nº 81-337 portant création du Haut commissariat au développement de la steppe.

Le présent décret porte création du Haut commissariat au développement de la steppe, établissement public chargé de l'application de la politique nationale en matière de développement intégré des zones steppiques et pastorales. ...

Règlement concernant l'estivage.

Le présent règlement porte des dispositions relatives à l’estivage. En particulier, l’article 1er établit que le pacage du bétail suisse en territoire français ou du bétail français en territoire genevois est soumis aux dispositions de l'arrangement franco-suisse pour le pacage sur les pâturages situés des deux...
Switzerland (Genève)
1981 (2014)

Regional Act No. 11 on public uses.

These provisions regulate the exercise of the functions entrusted to regional authorities as regards public uses of lands, with particular regard to agro-forestry and silvopastoralism uses. The Act also regulates the procedure for the designation of such public lands. ...
Italy (Campania)

Law on Forest and Pasture Servitudes 1980.

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of use relating to forests and pastures. The text consists of 53 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); New regulations and regulations (II); Transfer of rights of use, prerequisites and modes of...
Austria (Niederösterreich)
1981 (2013)

Livestock Regulations (B.C. Reg. 67/81).

The present Regulations enact the Livestock Act. In particular, the Regulations establish livestock districts and bull control areas. Section 1 rules that except in the circumstances set out in section 8 (2) (a) to (c) of the Act, no person shall allow: a) stallions over one...
Canada (British Columbia)
1981 (2002)

Law on the conservation of pasture in Lower Austria.

The present Law lays down comprehensive provisions relating to the conservation of pastures in the Land of Lower Austria. Article 1 contains the definition of “pasture”. Article 3 establishes that if a pasture is not fully exploited, agricultural cooperatives and others may apply for the farming...
Austria (Niederösterreich)
1981 (2013)

Livestock Regulations (C.N.L.R. 19/96).

These Regulations implement the Livestock Act by providing for restricted grazing areas and their management, overgrazing control, the removal and isolation of livestock and for the impounding of livestock. ...
Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador)
1981 (1996)

Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act (Chapter 67:01).

Other provisions of this Act concern, among other things, the power of the President to compulsorily acquire land for petroleum, the rights to graze stock or to cultivate land in an exploration or a development area, acquisition of exclusive rights by a registered holder of a...
1981 (2008)

Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 (No. 30 of 1980).

These Regulations, made under section 4 (1) of the Land Husbandry Act by the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, provides for the protection of agricultural land. They provide, among other things, for setting aside of areas for the propagation of grass, reedbeds, tree planting or rotational...

Regional Decree No. 18/80/A establishing the legal regime to lease unculturated land.

This Regional Decree establishes the legal regime to lease unculturated land as grazing pastures. It consists of 21 articles establishing that these lands shall be leased only to farmers for domestic use. ...
Portugal (Azores)

Orissa Forest (Grazing of Cattle) Rules, 1980.

The Act further makes special provision for plantation areas and provides for penalties. ...
India (Odisha)

Plant Protection Declaration (Damage by goats) (Prohibited Goats grazing areas), 1980.

This declaration defines areas prohibited to goats grazing. Section 1 lists areas and geographical perimeters in witch goat grazing is prohibited: a) all areas east of the 170 meridian and between the parallels 086 and 050; b) all areas south of parallel 050; c) all areas...
1980 (1980)

Décret N° 80-268 du 10 mars 1980 portant organisation des parcours du bétail et fixant les conditions d'utilisation des pâturages.

Le présent décret porte dispositions relatives à la protection, la conservation et l'amélioration des pâturages naturels et des zones de pâturage. Au sens du présent décret, constitue des pâturages, l'ensemble des espaces libres utilisés pour l'alimentation des animaux ou susceptibles de l'être. On distingue quatre types...

Federal Law No. 6 of 1979 on veterinary quarantine.

This Law is composed of 19 articles and 1 Annex. Article 1 contains terms and definitions. Article 2 prohibits the introduction of imported animals, meat, animal products and animal residues that have not undergone quarantine measures (art. 2). Imported animals, meat, animal products and animal residues...
United Arab Emirates

Pounds (Prescribed Form) Order (Chapter 36:05).

This Order sets out in its Schedule the form of a certificate concerning the proceeds of sale of animals prescribed for the purposes of paragraph (iv) of section 52 of the Pounds Act. ...
1978 (2008)

Décret nº 78-263 fixant les modalités de règlement des litiges agro-pastoraux.

Ce décret porte composition, attributions et modalités de fonctionnement de la commission consultative prévue à l'article 12 du décret nº 76-166 du 27 avril 1976, fixant les modalités de gestion du domaine national. Cette commission est chargée notamment: d'organiser l'espace rural en zones agricoles et zones...

Arrêté présidentiel nº 110-11 portant réglementation de la protection, de la conservation et de l'amélioration des pâturages.

Cet arrêté porte dispositions relatives à la protection, la conservation et l'amélioration des pâturages naturels et des zones de pâturage. Ces superficies sont destinées exclusivement à l'alimentation des animaux, selon les obligations d'exploitation prévues par le cahier des charges de chaque zone. Ces zones sont exploitées...

Ordonnance ministérielle nº 716/62 portant réglementation de la circulation de bétail et répression de la divagation.

Cette ordonnance prévoit une autorisation pour la circulation du bétail en dehors de leurs pacage réguliers de leur commune d'élevage et les mesures et sanctions prévues en cas de divagation. ...

Ley ganadera del Estado de Tlaxcala.

Por la presente Ley se establecen las bases para la organización, explotación, fomento, sanidad y protección de la ganadería, avicultura y especies menores (ganado ovino, caprino y porcino) en el Estado de Tlaxcala. La Ley define las atribuciones de las autoridades competentes, y en especial de...
Mexico (Tlaxcala)
1978 (2017)

Plant Protection Declaration (Damage by goats - Selling), 1970.

This Regulation, of Seven Sections, makes provisions for the selling of Goats that have been found grazing not according to Section (3) of the Law. Section (1) provides for notification procedures. Section (2) establishes that the goat’s value shall be decided by the supervisor, according to...
1977 (1988)

Plant Protection Declaration (Damage by goats) (Prohibited Goats grazing areas), 1970.

This declaration defines prohibited goats grazing areas as any area included within a national reserve, as reported in the National Parks and Nature Reserves Law, 1963. ...
1977 (1977)

Décret nº 76-420 portant réglementation de l'élevage, de la circulation et de l'exploitation du bétail, modifié par le décret nº 86-755 du 24 juin 1986.

Ce décret porte réglementation de l'élevage, de la circulation et de l'exploitation du bétail. En particulier, le chapitre I permet le pacage des animaux sur toute l'étendue de la République, sauf dans les concessions et domaines privés, interdit la divagation des animaux et porte mesures de...

Décret n° 2-75-701 du 27 kaada 1395 (1 décembre 1975) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de l'Arid (cercle de Midelt, province de Khenifra).

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de l'Arid (Cercle de Midelt, province de Khenifra). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle. Par ailleurs, les associations d’élevage constituées...

Act No. 31 relating to the exploitation of rights and entitlements in the state commons (the Mountain Act).

The present Act lays down rules on grazing, shieling, hunting, trapping and fishing in in state-owned land where local communities enjoy rights of use. It does not apply to forestry and logging rights in forests. The Act contains 39 sections divided into the following chapters:...
1975 (2019)

Amendments of the Law on Exploitation and Protection of Forestry and Range Lands.

The amendments concern the need for authorization from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture for the conversion of forest and valley land into the following: 1. making farmland, orchard, rangeland, artificial forests, forage land, livestock institutions, aquatic breeding institutions, as well as the use for...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines (Presidential Decree No. 705).

The last part (Chap. IV) of this Act prescribes criminal offences, including unlawful occupation or destruction of forest lands and grazing lands. (92 sections) ...

Arrêté fixant les itinéraires des routes du bétail sur le territoire de la République centrafricaine.

Cet arrêté fixe les itinéraires des routes du bétail sur le territoire de la République centrafricaine. ...
Central African Republic

Arrêté nº 413 MPA portant interdiction de la divagation des animaux domestiques.

Cet arrêté porte interdiction de la divagation des animaux domestiques sur l'étendue du territoire national et du pacage et passage des animaux en dehors des terrains non cultivés et des terrains de culture en période de jachère. ...
Côte d'Ivoire

Notification on the procedures of forest settlement in Bhutan.

The newly instituted Survey and Demarcation Division shall conduct the survey and definiton of boundaries of the so called reserved Forests of Bhutan and shall widely spread information about the forest areas included under this provision, in order to ascertain eventual claims of rights on forests...

Chamorro Land Trust Commission – Chapter 75 of 21 GCA “Real Property”.

This Chapter provides for various matters regarding the Chamorro Land Trust Commission, for the grant of leases to a native Chamorros and relates matters and provides for loans for the development of Chanorro communities and lands and for the establishment of various Funds for these purposes....
1974 (2006)

Pasture Lands Nationalization Act, 1974.

The present Act regulates the nationalization of pasture lands. Nonetheless, the registered owner may retain possession of pasture land within the ceiling prescribed by the legislation in force, and the government may grant exemption for the purpose of horticulture, animal husbandry, herbal farming and tea plantation....

Livestock Sales (Permits) Regulations, 1973 (Chapter 36:01).

These Regulations provide for the issue of permits for the sale (as defined in section 2) of livestock to be issued by Chiefs or District Officers in the form as set out in the First Schedule. Any person purchasing (as defined in section 2) livestock, whose...
1973 (2008)

Decree No. 351/73 approving the Regulation of the overseas veterinary services.

This Decree approves the Regulation of the Overseas Veterinary Services. It consists of 111 articles and 3 tables. The articles define composition, competencies and duties of the aforementioned services, entitled to carry out sanitary control on livestock. These services are created in order to prevent animal...
Sao Tome and Principe

Act No. 31 of 1972 on reindeer farming made in light of the Agreement of 3 June 1981 between Norway and Sweden on reindeer farming.

The sections of Chapter I make, inter alia, provision for the following matters: pastures (1), grazing periods (2), permanence of Swedish reindeer farmers on Norwegian territory (9), notification of grazing (10); representatives (12); gathering for marking or separation of animals (14); non-marked reindeer (23); slaughtering of...
1972 (2011)

Selebi-Phikwe Town Council (Pound) Bye-laws.

The Bye-Law establish that the Selebi-Phikwe Town Council shall operate a pound which shall be situated within the limits of the township. Furthermore it lays down provisions concerning the appointment of a poundmaster, the duties and financing system of pound. ...

Instructions No.26 of 1971 issued by the Supreme Agricultural Council regarding the limits of pastures.

These Instructions consisting of 7 articles aim at establishing that all deserted agricultural lands south of the grazing line are considered designated for grazing purposes, and it is not permissible to exploit them for anything other than what is exempted by a special law for non-agricultural...

Permit Regulations (B.C. Reg. 79/71).

The present Regulation enacts section 34 of the Creston Valley Wildlife Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to the granting of permits in the Creston Valley. Activities permitted (1); Pasture management (2); Application for grazing permit (3); Priority in granting of grazing permits...
Canada (British Columbia)
1971 (1980)

Décret nº 70/302/PRES/AGRI-EL portant classement de forêts réserve Sylvo-Pastorale et Partielle de faune du Sahel.

Ce décret porte constitution de la réserve sylvo-pastorale et partielle de faune du Sahel, dont il délimite la superficie, et indique le régime juridique lui afférent. Il porte des mesures spécifiques relatives à la chasse dans cette zone et aux espèces protégées. ...
Burkina Faso (Sahel)

Act No. 5 of 1970 placing restrictions on the right to lead stallions, bulls, rams and billy-goats to pastures.

This Act places restrictions on the grazing of animals mentioned in the title. Specific restrictions are prescribed for each animal. For example, billy-goats shall not be allowed to graze on pasture together with goats or sheep before 15 April of each year on outlying and inner...
1970 (2011)

Matimela Regulations (Cap. 36:06).

The owner of an animal placed in a matimela kraal may claim such animal on the production of his or her identity card and brand certificate or upon presentation of other proof. If upon proof of ownership of a matimela by the person who claims to...
1969 (2013)

Dahir nº 1-69-171 relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale.

Ce dahir prévoit la délimitation de zones spéciales d'action rurale dites "périmètres d'amélioration pastorale" en vue d'assurer la régénération et l'enrichissement des pâturages au moyen de travaux de conservation et d'aménagement. Sont interdites les associations en vue de l'élevage de bétail dans les périmètres d'amélioration pastorale....

Décret nº 2-69-312 portant application du dahir nº 1-69-171 relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale.

Ce décret porte application du dahir relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale. Il porte, notamment, dispositions relatives à la structure et à l'organisation de la commission locale d'amélioration pastorale, au registre des droits de parcours et à la carte de parcours, détenue par les...

Law on animal disease (Animal Disease Law).

The purpose of the present Law is to safeguard the health and well-being of cattle. The Office of the Cantonal Veterinary is in charge of all matters related to animal health in the Canton. He may ask for the collaboration of local authorities, meat and cattle...
Switzerland (Ticino)
1969 (2010)

Land Husbandry Act, 1969 (No. 22 of 1969).

The Act applies to agricultural land, i.e. land utilised for the purpose of the growing of crops or the grazing of livestock. The Minister, in respect of agricultural land, may by Notice in the Gazette make Regulations to ensure that land is employed in the most...

Fences Act 1968.

This Act provides for the construction and maintenance of dividing fences and of vermin-proof fences in the territory of Victoria. ...
Australia (Victoria)
1968 (2020)

Movement of Farm Animals Rules.

These Rules place restrictions on the movement of farm animals, i.e. cattle, sheep, goats, poultry and swine. Movement of an animal from one district to another without a permit of a veterinary inspector or other authorized persons is prohibited. Movement of diseased animals requires a permit...
1968 (1980)

Décret n° 67-143/PRN/MER du 25 Septembre 1967 portant sur la réglementation d’ouverture et de fermeture des stations de pompage situées en zone pastorale.

Le présent décret fixe les conditions et modalités des dates d’ouverture et de fermeture des stations de pompage situées en zone pastorale. ...

Law on Exploitation and Protection of Forestry and Range Lands.

Chapter one of this Law contains definitions of terms therein employed, such as: forest, forest bushes, desert shrubs, forest cover and regions, range, planted rangeland, logs and saplings. Chapter two sets out rules for exploitation and protection of the above mentioned areas. Forestry Organization, established within...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Order No. 20.329 establishing a reserved area for the Institution of Agricultural Research in the sylvo-pastoralism sector.

This Order establishes a reserved area used by the Institution of Agricultural Research in sylvo-pastoralism sector. It has a delimitation of 1.472 hectares and is located within the District of Lourenço Marques in the Province of Maputo. ...

Pasturage (Government Lands) Regulations (Cap. 95).

These Regulations reserved lands as a lay or common for the pasturage of animals. The number and kind of animals that may be pastured at any time on any of the lands by any individual owner shall be determined by the Council Committee. The Chief Agricultural...
Ascension, Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha
1966 (2011)

Ley forestal, de suelos y de aguas.

Las disposiciones de esta Ley se aplican a: 1) los bosques y sus productos; 2) las aguas públicas o privadas; 3) los suelos; 4) las actividades relacionadas con tales recursos (art. 4º). La presente Ley regirá la conservación, fomento y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales que...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Loi nº 65-61 portant réglementation de l'élevage en République centrafricaine.

Au plan institutionnel, la Direction de l'Elevage et des Industries animales est chargée notamment de : l'amélioration zootechnique et le développement de l’élevage; l'alimentation animale; la surveillance et le maintien de la santé animale; le contrôle sanitaire et de qualité des produits d'origine animale, tant à...
Central African Republic

Pounds (Variation of Fees for Certain Townships) Order.

The Order fixes the tariff of fees and rates for use of pounds by livestock depending on the location and on the animal. ...

Animal Diseases Act (Cap. 364).

Holders of animals that have a disease that shall be notified under this Act (“notifiable disease”) shall keep the animals affected separated and notify the administrative officer or inspector. The Director of Veterinary Services may declare areas to be affected by a notifiable disease and the...
1965 (2012)

Trespass Act (Cap. 294).

This Act prohibits the trespassing and some related activities, without reasonable excuse, on private land or any land in possession of a person other than the one trespassing. It shall be an offence to enter private land without reasonable excuse or consent of the occupier...
1963 (1964)

Trust Land (Kwale) (Grazing) Rules (L.N. 625 of 1963).

These Rules regulate the keeping or grazing of donkeys, cattle, sheep and goats in those parts of Trust land in the Kwale area. Only persons normally residing in the area shall keep or depasture any livestock upon land in the area. Other persons shall obtain a...

Loi nº 62-333 du 7 décembre 1962 contre le braconnage dans les parcs nationaux et réserves de faunes.

Cette loi porte, en fait, l'interdiction de la pénétration et du pacage de bétail dans les parcs nationaux et les réserves de faune. Elle prévoit les sanctions en cas d'infraction, parmi lesquelles la saisie des animaux introduits frauduleusement, et en cas de refus de conduire le...
Central African Republic

Décret nº 62-239 contre le braconage en période de transhumance.

Le présent décret porte dispositions contre le braconage des transhumants. Sont interdits à tous propriétaires, éleveurs, conducteurs, convoyeur de troupeaux: l'introduction, le port, l'utilisation de lances de chasse; l'utilisation des chevaux, à l'exeption d'un cheval de prestige par troupeau, mais pour lequel une autorsation est requise....
Central African Republic

Decreto Nº 1.551/62 - Ley de Transformación Agraria.

Así mismo, el capítulo XXIII define el régimen de aguas y regadíos estableciendo requisitos para la afectación de aguas y enunciando las aguas afectables e inafectables, siendo estas últimas aquellas destinadas a obras de regadío o represas públicas, aguas destinadas a actividades industriales, aguas que alimenten...

Kerala Cattle Trespass Rules, 1962.

The Rules further provide for: fines and charges to be paid by cattle owners for the feeding and watering of impounded cattle; inspection of pounds; etc. ...
India (Kerala)

Decreto Nº 485/1962 - Reglamento de la Ley de Montes.

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley de Montes, que entiende por monte o terreno forestal la tierra en que vegetan especies arbóreas, arbustivas de matorral o herbáceas, sea espontáneamente o procedan de siembra o plantación, siempre que no sean características del cultivo agrícola...
1962 (2010)

Kerala Forest Act, 1961 (No. 4 of 1962).

The Act further provides for: the collection of drift and stranded timber; the preservation of wild elephants; offences, penalties and procedures; fines for cattle trespassing in reserved forests; powers of forest officers; forest development taxes; the establishment of the Kerala Forest Development Fund; etc. ...
India (Kerala)
1962 (1992)

Trust Land (Irrigation Areas) Rules.

These Rules regulate activities in areas of Trust land declared to be irrigation areas by the Minister by Notice in the Official Gazette. The Minister may appoint irrigation committees for any irrigation area. Carrying on of any business, residence, grazing of stock in or occupation of...
1962 (1963)

Trust Land (North Yatta, Yatta Plateau and Ithanga) Rules.

These Rules, made under section 64 of the Government Lands Act and deemed to have been made under section 65 of the Trust Lands Act, regulate the possession, herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 4 to the Government Lands Act. The...
1962 (1963)

Décret n° 61-254/MER-MAS du 2 décembre 1961 fixant les règles d’utilisation des stations de pompages et des zones de parcours en dépendant, par les collectivités ou individus en bénéficiant.

Le présent décret détermine les périodes d’utilisation des pompages et des zones de parcours; les pâturages; les mesures de lutte contre les feux de brousse; les mesures sanitaires vétérinaires ; les cultures ; et les sanctions. ...

Décret 61.150/MER du 25 juillet 1961

Le présent décret fixe les règles d'utilisation des stations de pompage des ressources hydriques et des zones de pâturages. Ce texte prévoit de garantir les droits coutumiers reconnus aux collectivités dans les différentes zones exploitées. ...

Kerala Cattle Trespass Act, 1961 (Act No. 26 of 1961).

The Act further provides for the following: duties of pound keepers; procedures when owners claim the cattle and pay the fines and charges; procedures for cattle which is not claimed; disposal of fines; complaints of illegal seizures or detention; penalties; suits for compensation; etc. ...
India (Kerala)
1961 (2000)

Act No. 12 on various grazing issues [the grazing act].

This Act regulates the keeping of livestock and grazing. It contains the following Chapters: 1. (Repealed); 2. Responsibility for livestock; 3. Grazing regulations; 4. Various provisions. The Act states that owners and keepers of livestock shall be responsible for damages caused by animal trespassing. Further, municipalities...
1961 (2021)

Loi n° 61-06 du 27 mai 1961 érigeant en zone de modernisation pastorale la zone Sahélienne d'Elevage située au Nord de la limite légale des cultures.

La présente loi érige en zone de modernisation pastorale la zone Sahélienne d'Elevage située au Nord de la limite fixée à l'extension des cultures telle définie par la Loi n° 61-5 du 26 mai 1961 est déclarée zone de modernisation pastorale. A l'intérieur de celle-ci, des...

Loi n° 61-5 du 26 mai 1961 fixant une limite Nord des cultures.

La présente loi fixe les limites nord des cultures dans les circonscriptions suivantes: Subdivision de Tanout, Subdivision de Dakoro, Cercle de Filingué, Cercle de Tahoua, Cercle de Gouré, Cercle de N'Guigmi. ...

Loi n°31-61 organisant des secteurs à vocation pastorale autour de chacun des forages du Chari-Baguirni.

La présente loi porte organisation des secteurs à vocation pastorale autour de chacun des forages du Chari-Baguirni. ...

Arrêté nº 058 portant autorisation des feux de pâturage.

Cet arrété indique les périodes pendant lesquelles sont autorisés les feux de pâturages dans les différentes provinces, en application des dispositions de l'article 9 de l'ordonnance nº 60-127 du 3 octobre 1960. ...

Trust Land (Meru Concessional Area) Rules (L.N. 625/1963).

These Rules provide for the licensing of the possession, herding and grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf, ox, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, swine or camel in the Meru Concessional Area as defined in the Schedule to these Rules. Every licence shall be in the...
1961 (1963)

West Pakistan Goats Restrictions Rules 1961.

The Rules lay down conditions and procedures for obtaining permission to keep goats in a local area and regulate the leading, driving, conducting or conveying of goats in or through a local area. Furthermore, they regulate the proportion of goats and sheep slaughtered in a slaughter...

Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Keeping of Cattle, Sheep and Goats) Regulations (Chapter 139C).

The Regulations further provide for: licence fees; registration of buildings in which cattle, etc. are kept; ways in which cattle, etc. have to be kept; disposal of urine and noxious liquids; rules on the grazing of cattle or goats; offences and penalties; etc. ...
China, Hong Kong SAR
1960 (2000)

Animals Ordinance 1960.

As for the protection of game, the Act grants powers to the Head of State to provide rules relative to the protection of animals and the hunting and killing of animals. The Act places restrictions on the taking of wild animals and the exportation of...
1960 (2007)

Loi nº 60-126 contre le braconage des transhumants.

Cette loi porte dispositions contre le braconage des transhumants. Sont interdits à tous propiétaires, éleveurs, conducteurs, convoyeur de troupeaux: l'introduction, le port, l'utilisation de plus d'une lance par transhumant; l'introduction, le port, l'utilisation de tous filets de chasse, d'arcs et de flèches; l'utilisation des chevaux. ...
Central African Republic

Trust Land (Shimba Hills) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land and the possession, herding or grazing in an area defined in Schedule 7 to the Government Lands Act. A person shall only occupy land on the basis of a valid licence to be issued by the Settlement Officer of...
1960 (1963)

Loi n° 4 du 31 Octobre 1959 portant réglementation du nomadisme sur la territoire de la République du Tchad.

La présente loi détermine les règles et conditions d’exercice du nomadisme. Elle prévoit, entre autres, un recensement obligatoire pour les nomades et des sanctions. ...

Scientific and Industrial Research Act

This Act empowers the President to establish scientific and industrial research institutes, with the approval of the National Assembly. The Act also provides for the incorporation of a board to control these institutes, and amongst other things, prepare the programme of research for which that institute...

Punjab Goats (Restriction) Ordinance, 1959 (Ordinance No. XLII of 1959).

The Act further provides for rule making powers of the Government, and for offences penalties. ...
Pakistan (Punjab)
1959 (1974)

West Pakistan Goats (Restriction) Ordinance 1959.

This Ordinance restricts the grazing of goats and regulates their movement in any area specified by the Government, and also regulates the slaughter of goats. The Ordinance also contains penal provisions. ...

Trust Land (Olenguruone) Rules.

These Rules regulate the possession, herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 7 to the Government Lands Act. The Settlement Officer shall decide on the granting of licences for the possession, herding and grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf,...
1959 (1963)

Law No. 128 of 1958 on the protection of trees and plants from damages caused by goats.

This Law is composed of 10 articles. Grazing goats in areas covered with trees which reach 50 percent of the common lands shall be forbidden (art. 1). Farmers and agriculturists exploiting lands other than those referred to in Article 1, are allowed to own goats in...
Syrian Arab Republic

Diseases of Animals (Stock Route) Rules.

These Rules stipulate that no movement of cattle may take place on the stock route approved by the Chief Veterinary Officer unless the fee payable under these Rules has been paid and that all cattle using the stock route shall be branded or otherwise marked in...
1958 (1980)

Trust Land (Kaimosi) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land, the possession livestock and the grazing of livestock in the Kaimosi Settlement Area. They prohibit the occupation of land or the possession, herding or grazing of any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, camel or swine...
1958 (1963)

Village Regulations.

These Regulations contain rules relative to the keeping of pigs to which the Regulations apply and to the compulsory planting of specified crops. The Regulations also allow the owner or occupier of any cultivated land or of any enclosed land to shoot or kill any pig...
1957 (1998)

Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Regulations.

These Regulations implement the Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act by providing specifications on the register of stock routes (sects. 4-5), the use of stock reserves (sect. 6), way bills (sects. 7-12), licences for public watering places, inspections and disposal of straying stock (sect. 33). ...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1956 (1997)

Impounding Act, 1955 (Act No. 108 of 1955).

The Act further provide for: procedures for impounding stock in a pound; procedures for disposing of unclaimed, suffering or worthless impounded stock; offences and penalties; regulation making powers of the Governor-General; etc. ...
New Zealand
1955 (2002)

Trust Land (Makueni Area) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land and the possession, herding or grazing in an area defined in the Schedule to these Rules. A person shall only occupy land or possess, herd or depasture any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey or swine...
1955 (1963)

Trust Land (Sarora) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation or possession of land or livestock and the grazing of livestock in the Sarora settlement area. It provides for registration of occupation of land and sets out the conditions for occupation. The Settlement Officer shall set up an advisory committee for...
1955 (1963)

Special Purposes Lease Act 1953.

Furthermore the Act establishes that the land comprised in a lease granted under this Act shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose, or a purpose ancillary to the purpose, for...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1954 (2021)

Trust Land (Lambwe Valley) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land, the cultivation of land and the herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 4 to these Rules. The Settlement Officer shall decide on the granting of licensing for the occupation and cultivation of land and...
1954 (1963)

Convention between Italy and Switzerland concerning frontier traffic and grazing.

The Contracting Parties have concluded the present Convention with a view to improving the regulation of frontier traffic and grazing between the two countries. Annex I sets forth the list of the Communes which shall be considered as "frontier zones" and to which the provisions hereby...

Forest and Pasture Servitude Law.

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of use relating to forests and pastures. The text consists of 57 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions on forest and pasture rights of use (I); New regulations and regulations relating to rights...
Austria (Tirol)
1952 (2013)

Animals Act 1952.

Part I lists definitions for purposes of this Act. Part II provides for the control of trespass and straying of any cattle, horses or sheep (“stock”), goat or swine. It requires holders of animals to properly confine them provides for confinement orders. Part III concerns the...
Papua New Guinea
1952 (2006)

Declaration by the Minister on Local Forest No. P20 Malanda (Cap. 199).

This Government Notice defines areas as a Local Forest and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; squatting or building of livestock enclosures; the firing of grass...
1952 (2006)

Declaration by the Minister on Local Forest Nos. P10 and P13 (Cap. 199).

This Government Notice defines areas as Local Forests and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; squatting or building of livestock enclosures; the grazing of livestock or...
1952 (2006)

Declaration by the Minister on National and Local Forest (Cap. 199).

This Government Notice describes in its Schedule various areas declared to be National and Local Forests and prohibits specified acts within the said areas except under licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; squatting or building of livestock enclosures; the...
1952 (2006)

Trust Land (Athi-Tiva) (Land Utilization) Rules.

These Rules prohibit the possession, herding or grazing of any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey or swine in the Athi-Tiva Land Utilization Area without a permission from the licensing officer. The licensing officer shall place a limit on the number of authorized...
1952 (1963)

Declaration by the Minister on Local Forest No. P9 Mukalizi (Cap. 199).

This Government Notice defines areas as a Local Forest and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; squatting or building of livestock enclosures; the firing of grass...
1951 (2006)

Plant Protection (Damage by Goats) Law, 1950.

This Law limits the number of goats allowed to graze in a unit area to one goat per 40 dunams in unirrigated land, and one goat per 10 dunams of irrigated land. This limit does not apply in the yard attached to one's home where any...

Pasturage and Enclosure Regulations.

These Regulations, for purposes of the Pasturage and Enclosure Act 1949: charges for rights of pasturage; attachment of identifying numbers; and inspection of stock by an Inspector appointed under the Brands and Marks Act 1949. ...
Norfolk Island
1949 (2002)

Pasturage and Enclosure Act 1949.

This Act makes provision for the application for and granting of a right of pasturage, i.e. a right to depasture and water horses or cattle on any land which is not enclosed by a cattle proof fence. The executive member may grant to any person...
Norfolk Island
1949 (2011)

Declaration by the Minister on National Forest No. P3 Hippo Pool (Cap. 199).

This Declaration of the Minister defines the Hippo Pool National Forest and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; the making of livestock enclosures; the grazing of...
1947 (2006)

Pasture’s Regulations (License Issuing), 1947.

This Regulation, composed of eight sections and two Annexes, gives definitions and makes provisions for the issuing of pasturing licenses. Section 1 gives name to this Order. Section 2 gives definitions. Section 3 makes provisions for the issuing of a Pasturing License and/or a Pasturing Plate...

Hill Farming Act 1946 (1946 Chapter 73 9 and 10 Geo 6).

Furthermore the Act contains provisions concerning control of Rams (England and Wales) and penalties for offences; burning of Heather and Grass (for England and Wales) giving to the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries the power to regulate heather and grass burning in England and Wales; and...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1946 (2020)

Crown Lands (Commonage) Regulations.

These Regulations implement the Crown Lands Act by providing specifications on the management of commonage areas. The Regulations include provisions on animals permitted the use of commonage (sect. 5), the application for the use of commonage (sect. 6), limitation on the use (sect. 7) and related...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1946 (1978)

Arrêté du 15 avril 1946 relatif à l'aménagement sylvo-pastoral des massifs forestiers.

Cet arrêté prévoit un plan d'aménagement sylvo-pastoral des massifs forestiers comportant: la détermination des zones ouvertes au pâturage, des zones de mise en défens, un règlement d'exploitation, des mesures culturales pour la restauration ou l'amélioration des pâturages. ...

Pasture’s Order (License Issuing), 1946.

This Order, composed of 10 sections, gives definitions and makes provisions for the issuing of pasturing licenses. Section 1 gives name to this Order. Section 2 gives definitions. Section 3 provides the Minister of Agriculture with powers to set ordinances regarding the announcement of any area...
1946 (1950)

Local Government Act (Cap. 28:02).

Every village shall have a village council and every country district shall have a country authority. Both shall be constituted as a body corporate. This Act vests movable and immovable property in local authorities including non-granted State land and all undivided land, pastures, dams watercourses, etc....
1945 (1996)

Cattle Grazing Act 1945 (Cap. 42).

This Act prohibits the grazing of cattle on land in respect of which there is in force an Order made by a veterinary officer or Order or Rule made by a district administration prohibiting grazing. A veterinary officer may, with respect to land within the area...
1945 (2000)

Declaration by the Minister on National Forest No. P4 Monkey Fountain and Quarry Hill (Cap. 199).

This Declaration of the Minister defines areas as a National Forest and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; the firing of grass or undergrowth; the grazing...
1944 (2006)

Cattle Traders Act (Cap. 43).

This Act makes provision for the licensing of cattle traders, i.e. any person engaged in the business of purchasing cattle for the purposes of resale or slaughter. An application for a cattle trader’s licence shall be made in the prescribed form to a veterinary officer in...
1943 (2000)

Declaration by the Minister on National and Local Forests Nos. 1 and 6 (Cap. 199).

This Declaration of the Minister describes in the Schedule areas declared to be National and Local Forests and prohibits specified acts within the said areas except under licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; the grazing of livestock; and the...
1943 (2006)

Cattle Trespass Act (Cap. 15).

This Act aims at preventing the straying of cattle on public land or private grounds other than those of the owner of the cattle. Any person who is the owner or who is in charge of any cattle shall cause or permit any such cattle to...
1941 (2006)

Legal Fences and Livestock at Large (Florida Statutes: Title XXXV Agriculture, Horticulture, and Animal Industry; Chapter 588; ss. 588.01-588.25)

This Chapter of the Florida Statutes concerns legal fences and livestock at large. It provides for the requirements of general fence and legal fence; requirements for legally enclosed land, fenced and posted; the requirements for posted notices; requirement; the duty of the owner to maintain fences...
United States of America (Florida)
1941 (2018)

Pound (Places for Reception of Animals) Order (G.N. No. 29 of 1939).

Powers to seize and impound straying animals by the Police are defined in section 4 of the Pound Decree. The Minister may appoint places where animals shall be collected. Animals seized under sections 4 and 5 of the Decree may be conveyed in the places listed...

Pasturage (Government Lands) Ordinance (Cap. 95).

This Ordinance empowers the Governor in Council to regulate various aspects of pasturage including reservation of land owned or leased by Government for the pasturage of animals subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be prescribed. The Council Committee shall be responsible for the carrying...
Ascension, Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha
1938 (1967)

Pounds Regulations.

These Regulations, for purposes of the Pounds Act 1934, require any person impounding any stock in a pound shall give notice to the poundkeeper thereof in accordance with Form 1 in the Schedule. The Regulations also prescribe the manner of publication of the notice. ...
Norfolk Island
1935 (1986)

Pounds Act 1934.

This Act makes provision for the impounding of straying livestock and related matters. The executive member may establish pounds and appoint poundmasters. Stock found (grazing) on enclosed land may be impounded and owners of straying stock may be sued for damage done. Any person impounding any...
Norfolk Island
1934 (2011)

Ley Nº 1.248/31 - Código Rural.

La presente Ley contiene el Código Rural, el cual comprende el conjunto de disposiciones que reglamentan, limitan y aclaran los principios a aplicar en el ámbito de los intereses rurales. El Libro Primero (arts. 1º-100) introduce normas sobre las personas y cosas rurales, incluyendo reglas en...
1931 (1954)

Land Ordinance (Cap. 68).

Further provisions concern the regulation of native lands, the registration of land, the collection of land revenue system and offences and penalties. ...
Malaysia (Sabah)
1930 (2018)

Cattle Trail Regulations.

The regulations contain provisions on the use of the "main trail" and the ferry crossing at Kurupukari. ...
1929 (1938)

Land Resettlement and Registration Act (LRRA) of 1925.

The head of the judiciary may decide the minimum limits for the registration of individually recorded pieces and the quotas allocated to the pieces (art.31). ...

Pound Decree (cap. 126).

No animal (not defined) shall be allowed to stray on public or private premises without being authorised to do so (sect. 2). Section 3 prescribes a penalty for unallowed straying. Powers to seize and impound straying animals by the Police are defined in section 4. Also...
1924 (1937)

Royal Decree Law No. 3267 re-arranging and reforming the legislation in matter of forests and mountain territories.

This Decree Law represents the basic legal framework in matter of forestry. Since it was enacted in 1923, it must be coordinated with the Constitution, which entrusts particular legislative and administrative competences to the Regions in matter of forestry as well (art. 117). The Decree consists...

Animals (Straying) Act (Cap. 40).

This Act makes provision for the seizure and detainment in a pond of stray animals by an administrative, veterinary or police officer or inspecting officer and disposal or release of stray animals on order of a magistrate. Any seizure and detention made under this section shall...
1922 (2000)

Public Pounds and Trespass Act (Cap. 253).

The Minister may, by statutory notice, establish a pound at any place within a declared area and may similarly abolish any pound so established. (sect. 3). The management and control of every pound shall be vested in the District Secretary of the District in which such...
1920 (2006)

State Lands Regulations.

The Regulations provide in detail for Grants, licences and permissions (application, renewal, transfer, reversion) (Part I), Surveys (II), Sale of preferential claims in case of plurality of applications (III), Grants to small cultivators (IV), Leases (for agricultural and grazing purposes) (V), Permissions for grazing areas on...
1919 (1973)

Pounds and Animals Act.

The Minister of Police may authorize the erection or use of public pounds and shall be responsible for management and supervision of such pounds. Owners or occupiers of cultivated or pasture land may seize trespassing cattle and shall bring seized cattle to the nearest pound within...
1918 (1988)

Noxious Weeds Act 1916.

This Act defines plants as noxious weeds and lists them in the Schedule. The executive member may add plant species to this list. The executive member may require an owner of land to eradicate noxious weeds on his or her lands. The land may after a...
Norfolk Island
1916 (2011)

Fencing Act 1913.

This Act provides for the registration of fences and provides with respect to trespass on land of cattle and other animals. Fences, whether artificial or natural, may be registered with the Registrar of Lands. Where the Registrar is satisfied that the fence would no longer effectively...
Norfolk Island
1913 (2011)

Railway (Compensation for Livestock) Act (Chapter 70:03).

This Act makes provisions for the compensation for damage caused to livestock by trains. Claims for compensation for stock under the provisions of this Act shall be cognizable in any competent court of Botswana within the jurisdiction of which court such stock has been killed or...
1904 (2008)

State Lands Act 1903 (Cap. 62:01).

The Act provides for the proper regulation of State lands, rivers and state creeks (preamble). The 45 sections are arranged as follows: Grants, leases and licences; Conditions and limitations; Forfeiture and determination of grant, licence or permission; General regulations; Regulations as to Rupununi cattle trail; Offences;...
1903 (1989)

Ley Nº 2.684 – Exoneración de contribución directa a los terrenos para descanso de hacienda.

En virtud de esta Ley se autoriza al Poder Ejecutivo a declarar exentos del pago de contribución directa a los propietarios que destinen la totalidad o una parte de sus terrenos al descanso y pastoreo o forrajes de los arreos de ganado que transiten por los...
Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Small Trespass Act (Cap. 7:05).

This Act defines jurisdiction of magistrates in cases of small trespass, i.e. trespass by men or livestock. It also establishes maximum fines for offences of trespass. A magistrate may also try and determine civil claims relating to trespass in case of damage not exceeding a specified...
1892 (1991)

Easements Act, 1882 (Act No. V of 1882).

This Act provides rules relative to a right which the owner or occupier of certain land possesses, as such, for the beneficial enjoyment of that land, to do and continue to do something, or to prevent and continue to prevent something being done, in or upon,...
1882 (1981)

Indian Easements Act, 1882.

This Act provides rules relative to a right which the owner or occupier of certain land possesses, as such, for the beneficial enjoyment of that land, to do and continue to do something, or to prevent and continue to prevent something being done, in or upon,...
1882 (2019)

Pounds Act (Cap. 67:03).

This Act provides for the establishment and management of pounds, and the impounding, tagging or disposal of straying animals. The Act empowers the Magistrate of any district to authorize the establishment of public pounds. The senior officer of police in every police district shall act as...
Trinidad and Tobago
1875 (2011)

Cattle Trespass Act, 1871 (Act No. 1 of 1871).

The Act further provides for the following: procedures when owners claim the cattle and pay the fines and charges; procedures for cattle which is not claimed; disposal of fines; complaints of illegal seizures or detention; penalties; etc. ...
1871 (1938)

Cattle-Trespass Act, 1871 (Act No. I of 1871).

The Act ratifies provisions in case of cattle trespass. Landowners may seize any cattle trespassing and damaging the crops or any other products on their land, and also any individual in charge of public roads, plantations, canals as per section 11 and send them to the...
1871 (1973)

Cattle-Trespass Act, 1871.

Pounds shall be established and controlled by the Magistrate of the District subject to the control of the Provincial Government, who shall appoint a pound keeper (Chapter II). It shall be lawful for the proprietor or person in charge of an estate to capture trespassing cattle...
1871 (1938)

Código Civil de la República de El Salvador.

BOSQUES Y CULTIVOS. Véase el artículo 908 en materia de posesión: el poseedor de mala fe es responsable de los deterioros que por su hecho o culpa ha sufrido la cosa. El poseedor de buena fe, mientras permanece en ella, no es responsable de estos deterioros,...
El Salvador
1860 (2022)

Cattle Grazing (Application of Act) Instrument (S.I. 42—1).

This Statutory Instrument, made under section 7 of the Cattle Grazing Act, specifies the parts (districts) of Uganda to which the Act applies. ...

Chapter 5 of Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code - Homestead.

This Chapter concerns the designation by the Governor of Kosrae of homestead areas and the establishment of such areas and specifies requisites for eligibility and conditions for the entry upon and occupancy of public land in homesteading areas. Lands suitable agricultural or grazing purposes or for...
Micronesia (Federated States of) (Kosrae)
0000 (2001)

Chapter 5 of Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code - Offences Against the Public Welfare and Tradition.

This Chapter defines offences against “the public welfare and tradition” including: littering; obstruction of passage through public lands; returning to land from which one was removed; trespassing by pigs; fouling of public rivers and public water systems; unauthorized entering or remaining in state fishery waters; unauthorized...
Micronesia (Federated States of) (Kosrae)
0000 (2001)

Chapter 5 of Title 67 of the Trust Territory Code - Homesteads.

This Chapter concerns the designation of homestead areas and the establishment of such areas and specifies requisites for eligibility and conditions for the entry upon and occupancy of public land in homesteading areas. Lands suitable for agricultural or grazing purposes or for the establishment of community...
Micronesia (Federated States of) (Chuuk)
???? (2001)

Crop Production and Livestock (Cattle) Rules.

These Rules regulate the grazing of bulls, cows, oxen, heifers and calves over one year old in controlled areas, i.e. the areas set out in the first column of the First Schedule to these Rules. Only cattle that have been branded in accordance with these Rules...

Executive Regulation for the Environmental Law for Vegetation Cover Development and Combating Desertification.

The Executive Regulation further makes provisions for: surveying, inventorying and classifying vegetation cover lands, controls pertaining to rangelands, controls pertaining to national, wild, and geological parks, investing in vegetation cover development activities, offences ad penalties, etc. ...
Saudi Arabia

Grazing Lands (43 USC Ch. 8A)

This chapter concerns grazing lands in general and in Alaska. Specifically, it provides for grazing districts, their establishment, restrictions, prior rights, rights-of-way; hearing and notice, hunting or fishing rights; protection, administration, regulation, and improvement of districts, rules and regulations; study of erosion and flood control; grazing...
United States of America
0000 (2020)

Public Rangelands Improvement (43 USC Ch. 37)

This chapter provides for public rangelands improvement. It states that the Congress finds and declares that (1) vast segments of the public rangelands are producing less than their potential for livestock, wildlife habitat, recreation, forage, and water and soil conservation benefits, and for that reason are...
United States of America
0000 (2020)

Rules and Regulations for Lease of Government Reserved Forest Land & Government Land.

Section 1-14 provide for the general requirements on lease of GRF land. GRF land may be leased for sustainable use and management to a juristic person specified in section 11(a) of the Rules and Regulations. Applicant for lease of GRF land in general shall adhere...
0000 (2009)

Trust Land (Isiolo) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land, the possession of livestock and the grazing of livestock in the Isiolo Special Leasehold Area. They prohibit the occupation of land or the possession, herding or grazing of any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey,...
مجموع النتائج :985