محور المعرفة عن الرعاة


Belgium and FAO join efforts to safeguard the livelihoods of crisis-hit agricultural communities in Cameroon and Chad
19 October 2017, Dakar – In the Lake Chad Basin, the security crisis exacerbates the challenges faced by vulnerable farmers and herders, already affected by climate hazards over the past decade...
Highlights from an all-women panel discussion at CSF44
Women play a crucial role within pastoralist societies not just as livestock producers, income generators, and caregivers but also as key organizers and keepers of local knowledge. They are integral to maintaining pastoralist community life and identity. Yet, they remain...

Rangeland restoration and sustainable pastoralism go hand in hand. This was the main conclusion of a session titled: “Guardians of Rangelands: combatting desertification in the rangeland through sustainable pastoralism,” jointly organized by FAO’s Pastoralist Knowledge Hub and the International Union...

The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub is happy to announce the release of a new Database of Organizations, which contains profiles of organizations working with pastoralists. The database can be accessed here. Compiled with the help of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International, the...
يختتم قادة الفاو والصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية وبرنامج الأغذية العالمي زيارة استغرقت أربعة أيام لرؤية الاستجابة للجفاف
أديس أبابا، 5 أيلول/سبتمبر 2017 - في ختام زيارة الى أثيوبيا استمرت أربعة أيام اشتملت على جولة في المنطقة الصومالية الواقعة جنوب شرق أثيوبيا، أطلق رؤساء وكالات الأغذية الدولية دعوة مشتركة لزيادة الاستثمارات في النشاطات الطويلة المدى التي تعزز صمود السكان...