Centro de conocimiento pastoril


Nationwide floods have levelled another blow to the recovery process for drought-affected pastoralists inEthiopia. Well over 55 000 hectares of land – much of it pasture– has been flooded since late April. So far, thousands of livestock have been lost to the...

With funding from the European Union (EU), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is piloting an alternative model for pastoralist livelihood and education in South Sudan’s Lakes State. Under the “Zonal Effort for Agricultural Transformation – Bahr el-Ghazal...

Actions to eliminate peste des petits ruminants (PPR) have been rolled out in the major regions 20 June 2016, Ethiopia - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is implementing a progressive control program against Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in...
Las iniciativas de la FAO para reducir la cabaña ganadera mejoran la estabilidad financiera y los medios de vida de las comunidades pastoriles.
En la Región de Somali, en el sureste de Etiopía, la sequía en curso -la más grave en medio siglo debido a los efectos de El Niño- ha provocado una grave escasez de agua y alimentos, lo que ha resultado...
Pastoralists are stewards of the rangelands that cover a third of the planet’s land surface, providing food and protecting key ecosystem services
Pastoralism can be environment-friendly and can also be a source of sustainable production.  An animated debate by key-players in the livestock sector demonstrated pastoralism’s ability to promote healthy ecosystems in the face of climate change and diminishing pastoral lands, showing...