Plateforme des Connaissances Pastorales


Pastoralism, raising animals through some form of mobile and open-space grazing, is practiced by millions of people globally. It has roots in every part of the world and goes back thousands of years to the beginning of agriculture. While pastoral societies...
FAO targets local resilience-building solutions for climate-driven challenges
A well-targeted, efficiently-crafted, and locally-driven climate change adaptation and mitigation measures can improve social and economic conditions, and protect the livelihood of communities of the fragile ecosystems of the Sahel. This was the message conveyed by experts from the Food and...
La FAO appuie la laiterie Artine en matériels de froid et moyens roulants
La FAO a fait un don de matériels composés des motos tricycles, de congélateurs et des mazzicans afin de renforcer les capacités de la laiterie Artine situé à klessoum, environ 20km de la ville de N’Djaména. Une donation qui a...

Los avances tecnológicos alcanzan hasta las tradiciones más ancestrales del ser humano, como la trashumancia. En la seca región del Sahel, los pastores han abandonado su antiguo método de pagar a un explorador para buscar el agua de su ganado...

Two Maasai pastoralists have been instrumental in boosting small-scale subsistence agriculture and improving the nutrition and health of their families and communities in Kajiado County