European pastoralists' organizations sign declaration urging governments to recognize the special nature of pastoralism
More than 50 pastoralists from 17 European countries met in Koblenz, Germany, to promote the recognition of pastoralism in Europe. The assembly was jointly organized by the European Shepherds Network and the German shepherds’ association, Bundesverband Berufsschäfer e.V. The assembly was...
More than 50 pastoralists from 17 European countries met in Koblenz, Germany, to promote the recognition of pastoralism in Europe. The assembly was jointly organized by the European Shepherds Network and the German shepherds’ association, Bundesverband Berufsschäfer e.V. The assembly was...
Une nouvelle initiative inscrit les problèmes des éleveurs dans le dialogue mondial
Des millions d'éleveurs pastoraux pourront compter sur un nouveau pôle de connaissances en ligne qui leur permettra de faire entendre leur voix dans les débats internationaux de politique et à partager de précieuses informations visant à améliorer leurs moyens de...
Des millions d'éleveurs pastoraux pourront compter sur un nouveau pôle de connaissances en ligne qui leur permettra de faire entendre leur voix dans les débats internationaux de politique et à partager de précieuses informations visant à améliorer leurs moyens de...
Nineteen organisations team up to advocate pastoralism
Thirty-five pastoralists representing 19 organizations from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka founded the South Asia Pastoralist Alliance to engage with governments and advocate pastoralism. The meeting from 9-11 March 2015 in Gopnaad, Gujarat in India was organized by the...
Thirty-five pastoralists representing 19 organizations from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka founded the South Asia Pastoralist Alliance to engage with governments and advocate pastoralism. The meeting from 9-11 March 2015 in Gopnaad, Gujarat in India was organized by the...