Turkana Environmental Resources Association
East and South Africa
PO Box 1 Kakuma/104, Lodwar
Phone number:
+254 710245998
Email address:
Philip_ekolong@ yahoo.com
Organization profile
Type of Organization:
National/local civil society organization
Year of establish:
To advocate for the conservation/reservation and useful utilization of environmental natural resources, and promote and facilitate inter and intra community cooperation and collaboration amongst the co-existing diversified communities, promote self-reliance through establishment of enhanced income generating activities, establish and enhance community capacity building through business skills training and participation in decision – making forums, improve the environmental conditions through enhanced tree planting and construction of water catchment in rural areas, establish education program on environment for enhanced community environmental awareness and participation, enhance community’s own crisis and resources management through establishment of a central (policy of community own control) of harvesting, pricing and transportation of the local resources, provision of civic education to the community members, enhancement of good governance and advocacy
Areas of work
Natural resource management
Diversification of income
Organizational development
Secondary informations
Second contact person
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