
Al Massar Charity Organization for Nomads Development and Environment Conservation

Region: North Africa and West Asia
Country: Sudan
Address: Elnuzha, Building Number 626, Khartoum
Phone number: +249 120796149, +249 120796141
Email address: [email protected]

Organization profile

Type of Organization: National/local civil society organization
Year of establish: 2001
Objective: Al Massar is committed to realize its goals, including the following interventions: peace - reduction of resource based conflict (farmers’ vs. nomads), education - increased enrolment & retention of nomadic children in basic education, health - increased access for nomadic pastoralists to primary health care, gender - female emancipation through awareness raising and income generation activities, environment - range rehabilitation and management, water - improved supply & management of resources, livestock - improved animal health and animal production.

Areas of work

Animal health
Animal production
Conflict management
Women empowerment
Natural resource management

Secondary informations

Number of pastoralists covered: 100000
Communities covered: Kordufan, Gadarif, Butana
Networks / partners: Pastoralist Development Forum (PDF)

First contact person

First name: Osman
Family name: Hussein Abu Baker
Position: General Director

Second contact person

First name: Babeker
Family name: Shaza Elmahi Bilal Abdelsalam
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