Борьба с вредителями и обращение с пестицидами

The 17th FAO/WHO Joint Meeting addressed global issues and triggered the reviewing of the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management


From 08 to 11 October 2024, 23 experts gathered at FAO Headquarters, for the 17th annual FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management (JMPM). The meeting focused on finalising this year’s intersessional work and establishing a roadmap for future approaches to pesticide management. 

Over the four-day meeting, many documents were completed, including two new guidance notes on the online sale and illegal trade of pesticides. These two guidance notes would provide regulatory and technical guidance to Member States and stakeholders on dealing with the illegal trade of pesticides and the sound management of online sale of pesticides, respectively. 

Illegal trade of pesticides is a global concern and a long-lasting challenge in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Online sale of pesticides is a new emergency issue, and most countries have not proper regulations to reduce the associated risks. Additionally, the JMPM recommended expediting other guidance documents such as on risk communication, management of empty pesticide containers, and the use of pesticides for minor crops.

During the JMPM sessions, the experts debated critical global issues and international agreements related to pesticide management like minor use, pesticide resistance, biostimulants, the target on Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) set by the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management and the target on reducing pesticide risks by 2030 under the Global Biodiversity Framework. These discussions provided valuable recommendations to support FAO and WHO in addressing the global pesticide management challenges.

Most importantly, following the discussion held just a week before the meeting, during the 29th Session of the FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG), a JMPM Working Group was established to conduct a review of the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Managemen (CoC). The CoC is a voluntary international instrument that provides standards of conduct for all public and private entities in or associated with the management of pesticides. The Working Group aims to identify potential gaps in the CoC in response to a call by the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII). 

Indigenous Peoples are highly vulnerable to toxic chemicals and often suffer from impacts on their health and environment. Pesticides, including HHPs, are being applied close or over their territories without their free, prior, and informed consent. The UNPFII and the UN Special Rapporteurs reports called, in 2022, upon FAO/WHO to amend the CoC and consider risks and consequences of pesticide uses over Indigenous Peoples territories. The goal is to have a better CoC that respect and safeguard their individual and collective rights.  

 Thanks to the combined efforts of all JMPM experts and the instrumental support from the organisers, the 17th JMPM was recognised as a successful and efficient meeting. It marks a strong starting point for an ambitious new year of work targeted at improving pesticide management on a global scale.