Publications - In December 2017, the 3rd Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly by Resolution 3/4 requested “the Executive Director to present a report on the environmental and health impacts of pesticides and fertilizers and ways of minimizing them, given the lack of data in that regard, in collaboration...
Technical guidelines - This present, revised, version of the Guidelines on Good Labelling Practice for Pesticides targets pesticide regulatory authorities, primarily in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, which have to define or revise national pesticide labelling requirements
Publications - Gestion des pesticides dans l’agriculture et la santé publique - Recueil des directives de la FAO et de l’OMS...
Technical guidelines - Managing pesticides in agriculture and public health - A compendium of FAO and WHO guidelines and other resources - Second edition
Technical guidelines - This new guidance will complement the technical guidance documents already developed to implement the FAO/WHO International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management. It is developed jointly with WHO. This document is intended to guide pesticide regulators, especially in low- and middle-income countries, for designing and...