National toolkit workshop for pesticide registrars and stakeholders in Rwanda
A National workshop on the application of the FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit was held in Kigali, Rwanda, October 29 - November 2, 2018.
The objective of the training workshop was to familiarize participants with the structure and contents of the Toolkit and discuss how it can be used in the day-to-day work of pesticide registration staff.
A total of 16 participants successfully completed the training. The trainees comprised staff members from the Rwanda Agriculture, Livestock Inspection and Certification Services (RALIS), Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB), Rwanda Standards Board (RSB), Rwanda Agriculture Inputs Dealers Association (RAIDA), HortInvest and Agribusiness Focussed Partnership Organization (AGRIFOP). The workshop was organized by FAO and was organized with the participation of Wageningen University.