Panel of Experts for the Fifth Call for proposals
The Fifth Call for Proposals of the Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF-5) was launched in May 2022. BSF-5 will support the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic diversity in order to improve the livelihoods for small-scale farmers in developing countries and promote food security and sustainable agriculture. This fifth project cycle will contribute to the realization of the new programmatic approach for the BSF, as outlined in the Operations Manual for the Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF Manual) of the Funding Strategy of the International Treaty.
According to the Operational Procedures for the use of resources under the Benefit-sharing Fund , an independent Panel of Experts will conduct the screening of pre-proposals and final review of project proposals. The Panel of Experts is designated, from a Roster, by the Bureau in consultation with their Regions.
The Bureau of the Ninth Session of the Governing Body called for nominations of two experts from each FAO Region to form the Panel of Experts for BSF-5. The Panel comprises experts in conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, climate change, food security, poverty alleviation, international policy and development programmes on agro-biodiversity, and on the International Treaty.
The Panel of Experts will screen the eligible proposals and compile a list of high-quality proposals with their rankings for consideration of the Standing Committee on the Funding Strategy and Resource Mobilization (the Funding Committee). After reviewing the Panel’s recommendations, the Funding Committee will make a final decision on the projects to be funded in BSF-5.
Members of the Panel of Experts of the Fifth Call for Proposals
Members of the Panel of Experts of the Fifth Call for Proposals
Mr Patrick Kasasa is a representative of the Africa Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. He also served on the BSF Expert Panel for the Fourth Call for Proposals. |
Mr Mahamadou Sawadogo is a representative of the Africa Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. He also served on the BSF Expert Panel for the Third Call for Proposals. |
Mr Kodeboyina Sivannarayana Varaprasad is a representative of the Asia region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. |
Ms Elin Cecilie Ranum is a representative of the Europe Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. She also served on the BSF Expert Panel for the Fourth Call for Proposals. |
Mr Alejandro Puglisi is a representative of the Latin America and Caribbean region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. He also served on the BSF Expert Panel for the Fourth Call for Proposals. |
Ms Mercedes Rivas is a representative of the Latin America and Caribbean Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. She also served on the BSF Expert Panel for the Third and Fourth Call for Proposals. |
Mr Juan Carlos Rosas Sotomayor is a representative of the Latin America and Caribbean region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. |
Mr Fábio De Oliveira Freitas is a representative of the Latin America and Caribbean region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. |
Ms Hanaiya Abbas El-Itriby is a representative of the Near East Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. |
Ms Lamis Chalak is a representative of the Near East Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. She has also served on all previous BSF Expert Panels. |
Mr Campbell G. Davidson is one of the representatives of the North America Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. He has also served on all previous BSF Expert Panels. |
Mr Sam Johnston is a representative of the South West Pacific Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. He has also served on all previous BSF Expert Panels. |
Ms Tracy Powell is a representative of the North America Region on the BSF-5 Panel of Experts. She also served on the BSF Expert Panel for the Fourth Call for Proposals. |
Terms of Reference of the Independent Panel of Experts
Terms of Reference of the Independent Panel of Experts
Members of the Panel of Experts of the Fourth Call for Proposals
Members of the Panel of Experts of the Fourth Call for Proposals
Mr Patrick Kasasa |
Mr Sugiono Moeljopawiro |
Ms Elin Cecilie Ranum |
Mr Alejandro Puglis |
Ms Lamis Chalak |
Mr Campbell G. Davidson |
Mr Grahame Jackson |
Members of the Panel of Experts of the Third Call for Proposals
Members of the Panel of Experts of the Third Call for Proposals
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Additional Experts:
-Mr Peter BRETTING, Senior National Program Leader in Plant Germplasm and Genomes, U.S. Department of Agriculture, ARS.
-Mr Mahamadou SAWADOGO, University lecturer at the University of Ouagadougou and Head for the promotion of research and scientific cooperation under the Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research in Burkina Faso.
-Mr Peter TRUTMANN, President of Global Mountain Action (Switzerland, Peru and Ethiopia).
Members of the Panel of Experts of the Second Call for Proposals
Members of the Panel of Experts of the Second Call for Proposals
At its Second Session, the Governing Body adopted the Operational Procedures for the Use of Resources under the Direct Control of the Governing Body. One of the main steps in the project cycle of the Benefit-sharing Fund is the appraisal of project proposals. The appraisal is done on the basis of recommendations by a panel of experts designated by the Bureau in consultation with their Regions.
The Bureau of the Third Session of the Governing Body opened the Call for Proposals 2010 and designated the Panel of Experts from a roster of experts to support the appraisal of project proposals submitted within the Call. The Bureau designated fourteen main experts who were designated on their personal capacity. The experts worked without remuneration.
The appraisal of project proposals was made through a clear, transparent and simple procedure and with the highest quality standards to meet the high expectations on the Benefit-sharing Fund, from applicants, Contracting Parties, donors and possible partner organizations of the Fund. The recommendations made by the Panel to the Bureau helped to ensure that quality and technical merit guided the appraisal and the approval of projects.
The Panel of Experts started its work in early February 2011 and finalized the appraisal of project proposals in July 2011. Individual work was undertaken by the experts, who also met twice in Rome (23-25 February 2011 and 25-27 July 2011) for collective discussions and finalization of the appraisal. Three additional experts who were also designated by the Bureau, assisted to appraise all the proposals.
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