Country | Region | Contracting Party | |
141 | Republic of Korea | Asia | Yes |
142 | Republic of Moldova | Europe | Yes |
143 | Romania | Europe | Yes |
144 | Russian Federation | Europe | No |
145 | Rwanda | Africa | Yes |
146 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Latin America and the Caribbean | No |
147 | Saint Lucia | Latin America and the Caribbean | Yes |
148 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Latin America and the Caribbean | No |
149 | Samoa | South West Pacific | Yes |
150 | San Marino | Europe | No |
151 | Sao Tome and Principe | Africa | Yes |
152 | Saudi Arabia | Near East | Yes |
153 | Senegal | Africa | Yes |
154 | Serbia | Europe | Yes |
155 | Seychelles | Africa | Yes |
156 | Sierra Leone | Africa | Yes |
157 | Singapore | Asia | No |
158 | Slovakia | Europe | Yes |
159 | Slovenia | Europe | Yes |
160 | Solomon Islands | South West Pacific | No |