International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

List of Contracting Parties

The grouping of Contracting Parties follows the list of the “FAO Member Nations by region for Council election”. The economic classification is elaborated with data from the World Bank. 

Data source: FAO Legal Office

As of 1 January 2025, the International Treaty has 153 Contracting Parties including one member organization. Read more information about the membership and how to join the International Treaty.

You can filter the table below by membership status, Contracting Party and region. Click on the name of the Contracting Party to see the detailed profile page.

Country Region Contracting Party
141 Republic of Korea Asia Yes
142 Republic of Moldova Europe Yes
143 Romania Europe Yes
144 Russian Federation Europe No
145 Rwanda Africa Yes
146 Saint Kitts and Nevis Latin America and the Caribbean No
147 Saint Lucia Latin America and the Caribbean Yes
148 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Latin America and the Caribbean No
149 Samoa South West Pacific Yes
150 San Marino Europe No
151 Sao Tome and Principe Africa Yes
152 Saudi Arabia Near East Yes
153 Senegal Africa Yes
154 Serbia Europe Yes
155 Seychelles Africa Yes
156 Sierra Leone Africa Yes
157 Singapore Asia No
158 Slovakia Europe Yes
159 Slovenia Europe Yes
160 Solomon Islands South West Pacific No
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