Second Meeting Ad Hoc Technical Committee on Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
02/03/2015 to 03/03/2015
The Committee was reconvened by Resolution 7/2013, Implementation of Article 6, Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources, which contains the terms of reference in Annex 2. The committee provided advice to the Secretary on the coordination of the Programme of Work on Sustainable Use of PGRFA and Supporting Initiatives, on the cooperation with the CBD and other international processes and institutions in the field of sustainable use of PGRFA; and on the development of the toolbox on sustainable use of PGRFA in order to assist Contracting Parties in the implementation of Article 6 of the Treaty. The meeting took place in Rome on 2 and 3 March 2015.
- Documentos de trabajo
- Documentos informativos
- Otros
- Informes
- Resoluciones
- Invitaciones y Notificaciones
Documentos de trabajo
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Documentos informativos
No se hallaron datos.
No se hallaron datos.
No se hallaron datos.
No se hallaron datos.
Invitaciones y Notificaciones
No se hallaron datos.