Международный договор о генетических ресурсах растений для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства

Compliance – Update of the Online Reporting System and invitation to submit national reports and inputs


I have the honour to draw your attention to Resolution 7/2019, Compliance, by which the Governing Body approved the revised Standard Reporting Format and requested the Secretary to update the Online Reporting System accordingly, and to continue assisting Contracting Parties during the second reporting cycle.

To prepare its report to the Ninth Session of the Governing Body, the Compliance Committee decided at its fourth meeting to take into account all national reports submitted by Contracting Parties up to 30 April 2021. National focal points can visit the page How to report to send the first report or update the one submitted during the first reporting period.

Code: NCP GB9-013 – Compliance

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