Through resolution 3/2011 the Governing Body emphasized the need to raise the profile the Benefit-sharing Fund of the Treaty and invited Contracting Parties and other relevant stakeholder to explore innovative benefit-sharing measures within the benefit-sharing mechanisms of information exchange, technology...
Letter re-inviting Contracting Parties and relevant organizations to submit views, experiences and best practices on the implementation of Article 9 - Farmers’ Rights
Extended deadline: 8 October 2012
06 August 2012
Extended deadline: 8 October 2012
06 August 2012
The Treaty Secretariat posted a notification on the website of the Treaty on 21 September 2011 inviting Contracting, international relevant organizations and National Focal Points to submit views, experiences and best practices on the implementation of Farmers’ Rights. By...
Launch of Easy-SMTA
16 May 2012
16 May 2012
The Secretariat of the International Treaty is pleased to announced that a new version of the Information Technology Tool in support of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing of the Treaty is online under the name of EASY-SMTA.
The Secretary of the International Treaty has the honour to inform Contracting Parties of the launching by Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Syngenta) of a new e-licensing platform that generates contributions to the Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Treaty.
Attachment: Letter E-Licensing.pdf
Third Joint Capacity Building Workshop on Access and Benefit-Sharing
08 February 2012
08 February 2012
I am pleased to inform you that a capacity building workshop on access and benefit-sharing will be held on 30 June – 1 July 2012, at the Vigyan Bhawan Convention Center in New Delhi, India. The workshop will precede the...