The Governing Body of the Treaty invites applications from entities and institutions based in the countries which are Contracting Parties to the Treaty, for grants within the framework of the priorities detailed in Appendix D.1, taking into account the eligibility...
Letter K/X/AGPD-806
Circular State Letter to Contracting Parties on actions following the Second Session of the Governing Body
02 August 2011
Circular State Letter to Contracting Parties on actions following the Second Session of the Governing Body
02 August 2011
The Governing Body took a number of decisions that require action by Contracting Parties. The purpose of this communication is to bring to the attention of Contracting Parties those decisions that are addressed to them, or that have direct implications...
Notification: NCP GB3 Bureau
Designation of Mr Modesto Fernández as the new Chair of the Bureau
02 August 2011
Designation of Mr Modesto Fernández as the new Chair of the Bureau
02 August 2011
By letter dated 11 July 2008, Mr Mwila communicated to the members of the Bureau his unavailability to continue with the duties as Chairman of the Governing Body and his decision, after consultation with all the members of the Bureau,...
Notification: NCP GB3 AH-TPB 1
Procedures to be followed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, acting as the Third Party Beneficiary under the Direction of the Governing Body of the Treaty
02 August 2011
Procedures to be followed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, acting as the Third Party Beneficiary under the Direction of the Governing Body of the Treaty
02 August 2011
In accordance with the request of the Governing Body, the draft Procedures for the Third Party Beneficiary prepared by the Secretariat are herewith attached.
Notification: NCP GB3 Capacity Building
Announcement of a capacity building project for developing countries on implementation of the Treaty and its Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing
02 August 2011
Announcement of a capacity building project for developing countries on implementation of the Treaty and its Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing
02 August 2011
The Secretary of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is pleased to inform Contracting Parties of the launching of a project entitled, "Legal and Technical Assistance to Developing Countries on Implementing...