International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


The purpose of this notification is to bring to your attention decisions that are addressed to Contracting Parties in relation to the compilation of a list of experts in accordance with the Third Party Beneficiary Procedures. In the context of...
The text of the Call for Proposals 2010 has been revised on 6 August 2010. The text previously published did not contain all the modifications made by the Bureau of the Governing Body to the text of the Call. The...
The purpose of this notification is to inform of the capacity building workshop on the International Treaty and the Nagoya Protocol being jointly organized by the Secretariats of the CBD and the Treaty, in the framework of the Memorandum of...
I have the honour to inform Contracting Parties of the launching of the referenced capacity building project by Bioversity International. The project will support research and capacity strengthening activities in countries concerning the implementation of the International Treaty, with a...
The purpose of this notification is to bring to your attention decisions that are addressed to Contracting Parties in relation to Contributions to the Special Funds of the International Treaty.
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